I’m taking it easy today, fighting a stupid virus, drinking lots of tea (the hot kind, of course), trying not to feel too jealous of everyone who’s already seen the new P&P movie, and generally trying to think happy thoughts.

Which include Christmas. Now as far as I can tell, Regency folk did not hang stockings up for Father Christmas to fill. I think that tradition became more popular in England during the reign of Queen Victoria, though I’d be happy to be corrected by anyone more versed in the history of Christmas!

What I’m thinking about today is what I want in my own stocking. My husband and I always exchange wish lists, from which we choose a few items (thus keeping a tiny element of surprise). My tastes are fairly simple: books and chocolate, maybe the occasional music CD or video and/or artsy costume jewelry (I always lose the real stuff).

The Jane Austen action figurine from The Writer’s Store is tempting—maybe she would inspire me during dry spells in my own writing?

More videos would be great. I still don’t have a copy of the Firth/Ehle P&P, which I’d love to own, though a three-volume set could be pricey.

Mostly, however, I want books!

I love writing references, so I’m definitely asking for some of those. I borrowed THE WRITER’S JOURNEY, by Christopher Vogler, from a friend and like it so much I want my own copy, for instance.

I still haven’t read all of Laura Kinsale’s books, so some of her backlist titles are on my list. Ditto for Judith Ivory.

I’ve also met several authors at conferences and decided they were such cool people that I must read some of their books. I’m a bit embarrassed to confess this, but I haven’t ready anything by either Anne Stuart or Susan Wiggs. Does anyone have favorites to suggest by either of those authors? Any other new authors to recommend?

So what does everyone else have on their wish lists?

Wishing everyone health and happiness and everything they deserve. (We’ve all been good, right?)

Elena 🙂
LADY DEARING’S MASQUERADE, a Romantic Times Top Pick!