On Saturday, I’m off to England for a two-week vacation. Hurray! The itinerary isn’t quite set yet, but will definitely include London and Norwich. (I’ve have the privilege of living both places, and love to visit again.) I hope to eat at a pie and mash shop in London’s East End… Have tea somewhere nice (perhaps Fornum & Mason’s top floor?) I may do some research at the Guildhall… And I plan to see Titus Andronicus! (Which will bring me closer to my lifetime goal of seeing every one of Shakespeare’s plays.)

I may make it to Bath, a city a adore, but I’m not sure!!! After all, I’ll only be there for two weeks…and I’ve been to Bath many a time. But it is gorgeous…and if a certain publisher buys a certain book of mine, my next Regency will be set in Bath. So it’s for research purposes, of course! πŸ™‚

I have a tentative plan of spending a week traveling about East Anglia — perhaps seeing Bury St. Edmunds, Lavenham — maybe even Holkham Hall! (Regency home to Thomas Coke, Duke of Norfolk.) The book that’s on an editor’s desk right now is set in Norfolk, so refreshing my memory for revisions is good… Plus, East Anglia is a beautiful area, but less crowded with tourists (usually) than somewhere like York or Bath or the like.

So, aren’t these pictures lovely? Actually, I meant to upload pictures of London, Norwich, Bath, Bury St Edmunds, and Lavenham — but Blogger won’t cooperate today! So you get these pics instead. I’m not going to any of these places — but they are pretty, aren’t they? πŸ™‚

Cara King, www.caraking.com
MY LADY GAMESTER — out now from Signet Regency!!!