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Monthly Archives: November 2006

No, not that sort of turkey.
Turkey in the Regency period and the late eighteenth-century was a place quite recently “discovered” by travelers and tourists. It came to represent all things exotic and naughty such as


Even Ingres got in on the act.

Mozart liked the idea so much he wrote The Abduction from the Seraglio and introduced Turkish characters in Cosi fan tutte. And he, Haydn, and Beethoven changed the sound of the orchestra by introducing such exotic imports as the kettledrum.

Click here and listen to the famous Ronda alla turca from Mozart’s piano sonata no. 11, K. 331.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!


Well, tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I don’t actually subscribe to the notion that one should think about the positive only once a year. Experts would probably recommend we do it more often than that, but as my Risky friends and our more frequent visitors know, I’m one to stress and obsess and worry about everything. So once year seems a lot!

However, I have a blog post to do, so I will force myself to think on the bright side. It is probably good for me. 🙂

Here they are, in no particular order, just 10 of the many things I have to be thankful for.

1. That I’m in a good marriage which has only gotten better over 18 years.

2. That I have healthy and happy children who actually enjoy scrambled egg dinners when I’m too busy writing to prepare anything fancier.

3. That there’s a DSW (Designer Shoe Warehouse) within two hours of where I live. (Sometime after I turned forty a latent shoe gene kicked in.)

4. That Jane Austen lived and wrote her stories. Ditto for Georgette Heyer and every modern romance writer whose stories I treasure.

5. That I have seen 6 of my own stories reach publication.

6. That I have already written over 30,000 words during this year’s National Novel Writing Month. See the nifty bar graph on the Nano website!

7. That the processes for creating wine and real ale were invented. (How could one celebrate or deal with relatives over the holidays without them?)

8. That I have a couple of critique partners whom I can trust to give me their honest, intelligent opinions of my stories and who believe in me even when I don’t.

9. That chocolate was invented. (This picture is of The Chocolate Girl, by Jean-Etienne Liotard, c.1743-45.)

10. That I have found such good and talented friends in this Risky Regency community of ours. (Sorry, can’t help getting just a little gushy here.)

So what are you thankful for?

LADY DEARING’S MASQUERADE, RT Reviewers’ Choice, Best Regency Romance of 2005

If Jane Austen wrote Star Trek, Part II:

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a Vulcan in possession of green blood must be in want of a medical check-up.

“My dear Mr. Spock,” said Leonard “Bones” McCoy one day, “didn’t you hear me tell you a hundred times that you are overdue for your physical?”

Mr. Spock replied that he had not — that the doctor had merely told him 27.3 times.

“Mr. Spock, how can take my words so literally? You take delight in vexing me. You have no compassion on my poor nerves.”

“You mistake me, Doctor McCoy. I have all the compassion your nerves merit. They are my old friends. I have heard you mention them with consideration throughout our five-year mission.”

“Oh! You have no idea how you drive me crazy.”

“But I hope you will get over it, and continue to administer your folk-wisdom to the flawed humans on this ship who, for some unaccountable reason, actually seem to enjoy it.”

“Come, Spock,” said McCoy, “I must have your physical. I hate to see you standing about on the bridge when you’re off-duty in this stupid manner. You had much better come to sick bay.”

“I certainly shall not. You know how I detest it, unless I am particularly acquainted with my nurse. On such a starship as this, it would be insupportable. Nurse Chapel is engaged, and there is not another nurse on the ship, whom it would not be a punishment to me to give blood to.”

“I would not be so fastidious as you are,” cried McCoy, “for all the gold-pressed latinum in the universe! Upon my honour, I never saw so many competent nurses in all my life, as I have in sick-bay; and there are several of them who are uncommonly capable.”

“Nurse Chapel is the only passable nurse on the ship,” said Mr. Spock.

“Oh! she is the most brilliant nurse I ever beheld! But I have another nurse sitting down in sick bay right now, doing nothing, who is very well-educated, and I dare say, very discreet. Do let me have her draw your blood.”

“Which do you mean?” and, arriving at sick bay, he looked for a moment at the nurse McCoy indicated, till catching her eye, he withdrew his own and coldly said, “She may be tolerable, but not experienced enough to tempt me; and I am in no humour at present to give consequence to nurses who are slighted by other patients. You had better let me return to the bridge, where I will enjoy staring into my viewfinder, for you are wasting your time with me.”

Cara King — award-winning author of
My Lady Gamester — these are the voyages of the card-player Atalanta

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In honor of Thanksgiving, I thought I’d let you all in on part of the reason I’m thankful for the job of writing Regency Romance. In my current Work In Progress, which you may recall is a road story, I have spent my days wandering around the north of England and the south of Scotland. Through the magic of the Internet I have visited many places and discovered wonderful things.

I can’t really share the visual images I’ve used to create my story, because most of the images are copyrighted, so I went into my own photographs from my 2005 trip to England and Scotland for some similar visual images.

My characters wound up in Liverpool which might have looked a little like this:

They rode over the countryside. Imagine these hills in the Autumn with all different colors:

They might have passed through villages like this one:

Or stayed in a castle ruin like this one:

My heroine may have gazed upon the home of her childhood:

And, finally, my hero and heroine may have shared a bed similar to this one:

Do I have the greatest job in the world or what?

For a wonderful virtual adventure, immerse yourself in this website!

Is part of what you like to read about the Regency imagining what it looked like?
How much setting do you like in our books?

Happy Thanksgiving, Everybody!


A Twelfth Night Tale in Mistletoe Kisses “…splendidly satisfying…” BOOKLIST

Congratulations to the winners of our Mistletoe Kisses Contest:
Susan Flanders
Keira Soleore

Email Diane ( your mailing address, and your autographed copy of Mistletoe Kisses will be on its way to you.

Thank you to everyone who participated in our early Holiday week and our little celebration of Diane, Pam, and Deborah’s Regency Christmas anthology, Mistletoe Kisses . We’ve had a wonderful time and have enjoyed this chance to get to know you all better.

We hope this past week has helped put you in a holiday mood, because–brace yourselves!–it is descending on us fast.

Happy Holidays to all,
The Riskies