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Monthly Archives: November 2006

Okay, this is ridiculous. I came over here today and wondered if today’s post-er had put her post up. I always like reading what my fellow Riskies have to say, even if I forget to comment (note to self: Stop being so damn reticent).

And then I remembered TODAY’S POST-ER IS ME!


I’ve had some personal drama lately, having to do with a friend, thank goodness, not me, so I’ve forgotten what day it is. I am waiting for my agent to send me notes on my Regency-set historical, but I’ve also been dreading seeing the email in my inbox, because that’ll mean I have to knuckle down and do the revisions. Ack. We had Halloween, and my mother-in-law was in town, which means I have a cleaner house, but a more stressed brain, and it’s gotten colder, then warmer, then colder–honestly, I’m surprised I actually remembered Friday was my day.

So let’s turn the tables and have YOU guys supply the meat of the post, if you don’t mind:

What are you reading now?
What’s the last book you decided not to finish (if you don’t want to name names, that’s fine.)
What periods other than the Regency do you indulge in?
Which author have you glommed recently?
Have you started thinking about Christmas yet, or are you just surprised it’s November already?
Will you take your son to see Flushed Away just because Hugh Jackman does the voice?

Thanks, and meanwhile, I’ll WAIT here for your answers. Happy Friday!


No, not for Hallowe’en!

I spoke at a workshop a few weeks ago with some other historical writers, and when we asked for questions, a woman asked this:

If I’d lived two hundred years ago, what would I be?
Chances are, we told her, you wouldn’t be a member of the aristocracy, or own land or wealth. If you lived in America, more than likely you’d be someone’s property. Adam Hochschild, author of Bury The Chains: Prophets and Rebels in the Fight to Free an Empire’s Slaves calculates that at the beginning of the English abolitionist movement, approximately two-thirds of the world’s population was in some form of slavery or bondage.

So…you’re living in England during the Regency. You’re not Lady Something or the Hon. Miss Something-Else. You’re not even a gentleman’s daughter. You have to earn a living.
If you were born in the country, you might be able to stay there–always assuming you weren’t forced out by foreclosure–or you might seek a job in a mill or factory in one of the rapidly growing industrial cities.

Or, you might go into service. Here’s another amazing statistic: in the eighteenth century, one-third of all the population (with the exception of the aristocracy) was in service at some time in their lives—usually until their mid-twenties. About one-third of London’s population were servants. Some people, working in the houses of the rich, rose in the ranks to enter the servant elite as butler, housekeeper, or lady’s maid; even though this illustration is from the mid-eighteenth century, you can see how well-dressed this lady’s maid is. Servants earned room and board, plus “perks”—for a ladies maid or valet, cast-off clothing they could wear or sell—or “vails,” tips from visitors usually given to footmen. The maidservant illustration is from the mid-nineteenth century, but gives you an idea of what it was like being at the beck and call of a bell, and negotiating stairs in a long skirt, possibly carrying something worse than a tea service. Becoming a servant for a few years gave you upward mobility; hopefully you’d have saved enough to leave, marry, and own your own business—a shop, maybe—and have a servant or two of your own.

But life was uncertain and who knows where you might end up (another interesting statistic, although one I find difficult to believe: one third of the female population of London during the nineteenth century were prostitutes). You might find yourself reviewed in Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies, a sort of Michelin Guide to whores for the discerning gentleman.

Your best bet, really, as we told the woman smart enough to ask this interesting question, was to marry as well as you could.

So what what would you be?


Well, I finished the costumes and they were fantastic if I say so myself. (My kids had decided to “be” Felicity and Elizabeth, the Revolutionary War era American Girls, long gowns, lace, caps and all, of course with the historically accurate Velcro closures.) The cookies were baked, class parties held, pumpkins carved and chocolate shared.

Now that Halloween motherly duties are over, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be for the NaNoWriMo plunge. It’s the first day and I’m one of about 70,000 writers participating in the challenge to write at least 50,000 words of a novel by Dec 1.

Most of the WriMos are unpublished. Many are taking their very first shot at novel writing. I commend these newbies, because of all the people who say they’d like to write a novel someday, these brave souls have actually defined “someday” as TODAY.

I didn’t find it surprising to hear that the success rate in past challenges has been about 17%. My guess is that some participants get crushed by reality early on. I know there are other “failures” who fell short of the goal but still wrote considerable chunks. Even getting halfway is an achievement. 25,000 words equals about 100 pages of manuscript. Even if it needs major revisions, this isn’t bad for a month’s work!

I’m participating for a special reason of my own. After six books, I’ve found it increasingly difficult to tackle first drafts. I have put more pressure on myself to be brilliant, to be efficient, with the result that I self-censor too much. I’ve chosen not to follow up on intriguing ideas because I couldn’t understand the characters’ motivations, or they seemed historically implausible (not impossible), or because I was afraid readers wouldn’t like them, etc… The problem is, if you cut them off too many times, the girls in the basement (or the subconscious mind, or the muse, or whatever you call the dark, strange place where ideas come from) go on strike.

So for this month, I’m going to ignore all those worries and trust that strange dark place. I’m going to write what I feel like, for pleasure and for wordcount. I’m going to trust that if I write a scene I love, I’ll be able to figure out how to make it fit believably into a story. I’m going to relinquish control to the girls in the basement. Fly on the bat’s back and trust that I won’t fall.

Wish me luck!

LADY DEARING’S MASQUERADE, RT Reviewers’ Choice, Best Regency Romance of 2005

P.S. The picture here is “Ariel on a Bat’s Back” by Henry Singleton, first exhibited in 1819, from the Tate.

We’ve talked a lot about Jane Austen lately. But what about Georgette Heyer?

I suspect most Regency authors were first won over to Regency romance by Heyer — and the rest are usually devoted fans too.

How about you? Do you love Georgette Heyer? Or is she just not your cup of tea?

If you are a fan, which are your favorite Heyers?

Your least favorite?

Have your tastes changed over the years?

I recently made a list of my ten favorite Heyers, and my ten next favorite Heyers. In case you’re curious, here they are:

Black Sheep
The Unknown Ajax
Friday’s Child
These Old Shades
Faro’s Daughter
The Convenient Marriage
Death in the Stocks

The Masqueraders
The Nonesuch
The Foundling
The Grand Sophy
Devil’s Cub
False Colours
The Toll Gate
The Corinthian

My least favorite Heyers would include April Lady and A Civil Contract.

How about you?

Cara King —
My Lady Gamester — guaranteed to get your laundry cleaner than the leading Regency

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