A Poem for Christmas Day. No matter what holiday you celebrate (or have celebrated) at this time of year, I hope it is/was a wonderful one. This poem by Tennyson, although a little later than “our” time, brings my wishes for all of us.
Christmas Poem by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,
The flying cloud, the frosty light;
The year is dying in the night;
Ring out, wild bells, and let him die.
Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.
Ring out the grief that saps the mind,
For those that here we see no more,
Ring out the feud of rich and poor,
Ring in redress to all mankind.
Ring out a slowly dying cause,
And ancient forms of party strife;
Ring in the nobler modes of life,
With sweeter manners, purer laws.
Ring out the want, the care the sin,
The faithless coldness of the times;
Ring out, ring out my mournful rhymes,
But ring the fuller minstrel in.
Ring out false pride in place and blood,
The civic slander and the spite;
Ring in the love of truth and right,
Ring in the common love of good.
Ring out old shapes of foul disease,
Ring out the narrowing lust of gold;
Ring out the thousand wars of old,
Ring in the thousand years of peace.
Ring in the valiant man and free,
The larger heart, the kindlier hand;
Ring out the darkness of the land,
Ring in the Christ that is to be.
Merry Christmas
Wow — I’ve never before read a Christmas poem that included the phrase “civic slander”! 🙂
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!
Thank you, Diane. I’ve sung the carol, but it does not include all the words. Wow. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you all! And a lovely poem. Though I didn’t quite get the part about all mankind wearing a red dress…
Ring in redress to all mankind.
Todd! You really must practice moderation! I had to read the poem four times before I found the “red dress.”
Judy, I had no idea it was a carol.
Cara, it seemed to say ALL I wanted to say!! Even about civic slander!
Thanks for the Christmas greetings, Theresa and Nicole.
Diane (back from the in-laws!)
Yes, indeed, it is. It’s sung in a minor key until the very end, when the minor chord dissolves into a major chord. It’s quite haunting.
Whoops, sorry about that. Don’t want to cause any more red dress ink to be spilled…
You always make me laugh! (and I mean that in the nicest possible way)