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Monthly Archives: December 2006

Today is my day to post. It’s always Friday, I know that, and yet–and yet, I HAVE NOTHING PLANNED.

Gah. It has turned ridiculously cold here in Brooklyn, NY, so all I want to do is curl up in bed with a big cup of tea and a book. What I will be doing is preparing for the arrival of the Christmas tree: clearing out the space, getting the stand down, moving the clutter from in front of the door where the tree will come in, getting enough cash to pay the exorbitant prices they charge for trees here (this is the first year we haven’t gotten a tree in South Jersey, where we go out in a field and pick which one to cut down. Cruel, but fresh and cheap).

Meanwhile, I am still revising my Regency-set historical, Lessons In Love, making it make more sense. I am itching to move on to something else because a) this one is driving me crazy, b) my agent gave me feedback on my mom-lit and I want to work on that now and c) I want to stop talking about the same darn book all the time.

Meanwhile, my seven year-old son yelled at me this morning because Christmas is 17 days away. As if it was my fault, and as if I could possibly do anything about it. I guess that speaks to how omnipotent he thinks I am? Just wait a few years, then he won’t think I can do anything at all, at least not anything right.

Okay. Your turn. What’s keeping you from your primary tasks, whether it’s enjoying the season, or focusing at your job, or making sure your kids aren’t eating hot dogs five nights straight in a row? And how do you refocus? What do you let go of? And what books do you turn to in times of holiday (and other) stress?

PS: And no, I don’t think I’m nearly as funny as Dorothy Parker, pictured above; I just like her general mien.

How do you celebrate a special achievement?

Do you treat yourself to flowers?

Or do you like to frolic online and shop, which is what I’ve been doing quite a lot of recently, with the excuse of buying Christmas presents.

My first stop was at Alibris where I spent a lot of time and more money than I should have, grabbing cheap second-hand copies of various books I’ve been meaning to read for some time.

I’ve also been at Ebay quite a lot, too, where you can look at all sorts of stuff you can’t possibly afford to buy–antiques and so on–but one of my major sources for presents. And I just, uh, happened to win the bid on these little darlings today. No, they’re not diamonds. They’re not old. But I think they’re cool.

And the reason for this hedonism? I finished my first book writing as Jane Lockwood, an erotic historical now called Forbidden Shores (NAL Heat, September 2007). When I say finished, I mean some victims are doing a cold read for me, I’ll make major, panicky changes, and get it to the editor in a couple of weeks, doubtless with major trauma via Fedex and holiday shipping schedules, and…

Well, you get the idea. So I’m splurging a bit, using the excuse that I save on shipping.

Now tell us what you do as a special treat when you have something to celebrate!

Visit my tarted-up website, www. and, when you have recovered your senses from the beauty of it all, sign up for my newsletter!

…or Confessions of a Writing Book Junkie

It seems that whenever I struggle with the writing…no, rewind and correct…when I struggle more than usual with the writing, one of my solutions is to buy and read another book for writers, whether it be something motivational or more craft-oriented. The funny thing is they do usually help. They either reassure me that my struggles are normal and I am not clueless and the best give me ideas of new things to try. Sometimes just the act of changing something helps to clear a logjam.

So now I’m going to tell you about some of my personal favorites.
Debra Dixon, GOAL, MOTIVATION, AND CONFLICT: The Building Blocks of Good Fiction, Gryphon Books for Writers, 1996, ISBN: 0965437108. I usually do GMC charts a la Debra Dixon for at least the hero and heroine when I’m starting a book, and revisit them when troubleshooting weak spots. Sometimes I find the GMC model a bit static–I like combining it with principles from THE WRITER’S JOURNEY.

Christopher Vogler, THE WRITER’S JOURNEY: Mythic Structure for Writers, Wiese, Michael Productions, 1998, ISBN: 0941188701. Vogler takes inspiration from THE HERO WITH A THOUSAND FACES, by Joseph Campbell (which I have not read but plan to) and shows how principles of the mythic hero’s journey can be applied to screenplays, novels, etc… When I read this, I had already completed 6 books and could see that I’d already included many of these elements in my writing. However, the questions posed in each chapter have been useful in helping to brainstorm my current work-in-progress. I think it would also help in pinpointing weaknesses in a draft. I like the way it parallels the writer’s journey with the story hero’s.

Donald Maass, WRITING THE BREAKOUT NOVEL Workbook, Writer’s Digest Books, 2004, ISBN: 158297263X. WRITING THE BREAKOUT NOVEL contains this top agent’s advice for writing the breakout novel, defined as one that brings its author a “dramatic leap in sales over her peers or even ahead of her own previous work.” While the book is useful, I find the accompanying workbook more so. There are exercises for character development, plotting and other aspects of storytelling that are geared to helping one think out of the box. One caveat: one does NOT have to slavishly include results from all the exercises in the final work. I have sometimes seen that result in characters who go beyond edgy to distorted and/or unsympathetic. Maass’s style is very authoritative, but as in all things, artistic judgment is crucial.

Julia Cameron, THE ARTIST’S WAY: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity, Penguin Group, 2002 (10th anniversary edition), ISBN: 1585421464. Cameron combines spirituality with creativity in a way that bothers some religious persons. Personally I find it odd that they doubt the connection. Anyway, it’s a 12 week program with chapters on various aspects of unblocking, each with exercises designed to identify blocks to creativity and encourage the participant to explore his/her creativity. There are also two aspects of the program which are ongoing and I find helpful.

One is the Morning Pages. Basically, you fill 3 pages with free writing about whatever is on your mind. I find that venting emotions harmlessly onto the page helps me deal with life. I also discovered through this process that brainstorming on paper works better for me than just mulling things in my head. I’m a writer. Go figure. 🙂

The other concept is the Artist Date. Where the Morning Pages are intended to clear blockages, Artist Dates are for refilling the well. An Artist Date is an activity that pleases the muse: going to a movie or concert, baking, dancing, painting. Experiencing or practicing some form of art different from one’s current project or career. Last April I blogged about an artist date at the Corning Museum of Glass.

Steven Pressfield, THE WAR OF ART: Break through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles, Warner Books, 2003, ISBN: 0446691437.
Tough love for writers and a nice complement to THE ARTIST’S WAY. Where Cameron has you try to pinpoint and heal creative wounds, Pressfield reminds you that the work itself will heal you. Here’s a quote from the end: “Creative work is not a selfish act or a bid for attention on the part of the actor. It’s a gift to the world and every being in it. Don’t cheat us of your contribution. Give us what you’ve got.”

For those who are interested, I have some short descriptions of these and my other writing books on my website (click on Writing). As with everything else, your mileage may vary.

I’ll leave you with a question and a warning. What are your favorite writing and/or motivational books? And the warning: Reading books on writing can be a very clever way to avoid the real butt-in-chair work of writing. Don’t ask me how I know that. 🙂

LADY DEARING’S MASQUERADE, RT Reviewers’ Choice, Best Regency Romance of 2005

Greetings, O Riskers and Regents!

The estimable authoress Cara King has agreed to let me post in her place today; and she made the offer out of the generous goodness of her heart, and not because she is at the moment rather busy picking up the one-thousand and five hundred pieces of the jig saw puzzle which somehow all landed on the floor.

I, you see, have some more questions about life in this century:

1) Why do you call postage stamps “stamps” when no one ever stamps them?

2) If a CD contains secret music hidden in its depths, what does an AB hold? Or an EF?

3) Why do so many women nowadays admire Mr. Daniel Craig? The man is quite ugly. Indeed, he looks like a prize-fighter. Pray tell, gentle ladies — what is the attraction he holds for so many of you?

4) Why do people find penguins cute, but turkeys comical?

5) If restaurants really wish to impress their patrons, why do they not replace their “oven-baked chicken” with a “frying-pan baked chicken”? Now that would be a dish worth talking about.

6) Am I white and nerdy? (I saw Mr. Yankovic’s musical audio-video production yesterday, and I have been pondering this question ever since. What exactly does “nerdy” mean, anyway?)

If anyone can answer any of these questions, I would be ever so grateful.

As ever, I remain,

Bertram St. James, Exquisite….at your service

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I’m so lucky to live near Washington, DC. A couple of months ago I heard that The Smithsonian Institution was offering an all day lecture on The Regency World of Jane Austen by Bonita Billman, an Art Historican from Georgetown University. The lecture was scheduled for two days after my Mills & Boon book #5 was due, so the timing was perfect. I decided to indulge myself (the museums in DC are free, but the lecture was a little pricey) and sign up.

The lecture was held in the Ripley Center, the entrance of which is between the Freer Gallery and the Museum of African Art (We’re full of museums in DC). The Center is underground, and the lecture hall is a very comfortable room with theatre seats.

Ms. Billman showed the Regency World of Jane Austen through visual images, slides of the art of the time period, but also photography of the architecture, decorative arts, and fashions. She used the “social Regency” definition (1790-1830) rather than “political Regency” (1811-1821), when the Prince was Regent. I think she slipped a little into the Georgian period, but that was okay. The day was divided into four lectures: The Personalities in Jane Austen’s World; Regency Portraiture; Late Georgian Architecture; and Daily Life, Social Customs, Interior Design, and Fashion.

Billman showed the people of the Regency through their portraits, which was great fun. The Prince Regent, Mrs. Fitzpatrick, Beau Brummell, Jane (of course), Byron, Princess Caroline, and Princess Charlotte–and my hero, The Duke of Wellington.

Next Billman talked about the portrait artists of the time: Thomas Lawrence, Thomas Gainsborough, Joshua Reynolds, George Romney, and some lesser known ones: Hoppner, Beechey, Raeburn–even Stubbs, who is best known for his horses. My favorite was when she showed slide after slide of miniatures, small portraits to keep in one’s pocket.

Cosway was a name I had not known before the lecture. I love miniatures and hope some day to find one I can afford.

The next lecture was about the architecture. She basically just showed classical and gothic architecture–and, of course, the Pavilion.

She talked about William Gilpin, who toured the areas of natural beauty in the British Isles and whose home tour was satirized in Rowlandson’s Tours of Dr. Syntax.

Then last of all slide after slide of furniture, porcelain (not enough of that), interior design, and clothing.

I did not expect to learn new things, but I did. I did not know about Cosway, the miniaturist. I did not know about Gilpin or the Picturesque movement, but my interest was held throughout the whole day.

Another thing about it, I usually go places like this with a friend, but I wound up going alone and, actually, that was good for me. In a way it became more of a respite for me and I could more easily immerse myself in the time period and in the art. It was a day very well spent!
