We here at Risky Regencies want to wish Lord Byron a happy birthday! So we’re a bit late (the big day was on the 22nd)–considering that it was his 219th, I don’t think he’ll mind. In honor of the day, here is one of my favorite poems by Byron, and a few fun links.
Stanzas for Music
There be none of Beauty’s daughters
With a magic like thee;
And like music on the waters
Is thy sweet voice to me:
When, as if its sound were causing
The charmed ocean’s pausing,
The waves lie still and gleaming,
And the lulled winds seem dreamin.
And the midnight moon is weaving
Her bright chain o’er the deep;
Whose breast is gently heaving,
As an infant’s asleep.
So the spirit bows before thee,
To listen and adore thee;
With a full but soft emotion,
Like the swell of Summer’s ocean.
What’s your own favorite Byron poem? Or favorite “Byronic” hero from a romance novel (there are lots to choose from!)? And, on a totally unrelated note, who are you cheering for in the Oscars? I’ve only seen two of the Best Picture noms this year, but hope to make up the slack soon. And the Best Actress lineup looks especially strong this year–while Helen Mirren probably has it totally locked up, any of them would be a worthy winner! πŸ™‚
Happy Birthady, Byron! And Mozart, too, while we’re at it.