Welcome to the September meeting of the JANE AUSTEN MOVIE CLUB!

You need to no Almack’s voucher to join the club. In fact, there’s no club to join! We’re very non-exclusive here. Welcoming. Common, even! (Well, some of us are. I am.)

And the first Tuesday of every month, anyone who cares to stop by Risky Regencies (“the friendliest Regency site in cyberspace, guaranteed, or your money back”) can say any clever or inane thing about the current month’s choice of Jane Austen adaptation.

We’ve had a lot of interesting discussion in our first two meetings (PERSUASION (1995) and EMMA (1996)) — and a lot of fun, too! (Or, at least, I had fun. Which is really all that matters, if you think about it.)

Now on to today’s adaptation: the 1995 feature film SENSE AND SENSIBILITY.

I have put cast info and other details below, in case they aid the discussion. Feel free, of course, to discuss any aspect of the film that you please!

Director: ANG LEE

Screenwriter: EMMA THOMPSON


Emma Thompson: Elinor Dashwood

Kate Winslet: Marianne Dashwood

Hugh Grant: Edward Ferrars

Alan Rickman: Colonel Brandon

Greg Wise: Willoughby

Gemma Jones: Mrs. Dashwood

Emilie François: Margaret Dashwood

James Fleet: John Dashwood

Tom Wilkinson: Mr. Dashwood

Harriet Walter: Fanny Dashwood

Elizabeth Spriggs: Mrs. Jennings

Robert Hardy: Sir John Middleton

Imelda Staunton: Charlotte Jennings Palmer

Hugh Laurie: Mr. Palmer

Imogen Stubbs: Lucy Steele

If you want ideas for discussion questions to get you started, here are a few:

Which character do you most resemble?

Do you think this was one of the better Austen adaptations you’ve seen? Why or why not?

What do you think of Emma Thompson’s screenplay?

Did you think the interpretations of Marianne, Edward, and Colonel Brandon were true to Austen’s book? If not, do you think this was a problem?

Do you think Willoughby was a complete villain from the start, or did Marianne have a chance of saving him from himself?

Or, of course, ask or answer any question of your choosing.

All comments are welcome. Let the discussion begin!

Cara King, author of My Lady Gamester and firm despiser of flannel waistcoats. Except when it’s cold.