Hello! And . . .Welcome to the Risky Regencies Second Anniversary Celebration!

As usual (see below), I am pressed for time–laundry calls!–but I had too much fun wandering through the past two years’ archive. Boy, at the risk of sounding even more solipsistic (see below, part two), we are a fun group of gals. On to the details . . .

Leave a comment on this post anytime before the end of this week saying which of my [meandering, solipsistic, unhistorical] posts you like the best, and you’ll be entered to win today’s prize!

My prize is a copy of my book, A Singular Lady, and a DVD of The Lady And The Highwayman, a Barbara Cartland adaptation starring Hugh Grant, and one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I should include a shot or two to help get you through it; I’ll work on that part. There might be more prizes, depending on what I unearth (ooh! I thought of something else I can include!), but that’s the gist of it.

In reviewing the past two years of my posts, I have realized two things:
1) I talk about being tired and not having any idea what to post a lot. I mean a lot


2) My fellow Riskies are way more interesting and less self-absorbed than I.

So since all that is true, and I need more coffee, let’s get to it!

One of my most fun posts was actually last weeks, where I appended “…in the Regency!” to all sorts of pop culture. We dished about mantitty here, did Regency haikus over here, I wrote a heartfelt Mother’s Day card to my Dad right here (sniff!), and talked about romance conversion kits here.

I think the next two years I will strive not to talk about myself, sleep deprivation, coffee, scatteredbrainness, and slogging through writing as much. I will not promise not to write about Clive Owen, Sean Bean, plot inspiration, books I love, authors I love, music that resonates, and fairy tales nearly as often.

Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it.

And don’t forget to sign up for our Risky newsletter, if you haven’t done so yet–All subscribers at the end of this week will have a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift certificate! (To subscribe, send an e-mail to riskies@yahoo.com with NEWSLETTER in the subject line.)
