I’ve just barely gotten the house back in order after the “toga party” last weekend and I’m also in the throes of planning a religious education committee retreat at my UU church for the week after I get back. (Yes, I’ve become a “church lady” but sans hair net, I promise!) This doesn’t count the usual craziness of keeping up with camps, music lessons and playdates.
So here’s my getting-ready-for-RWA status report.
I have: lost about 10 pounds (though I’d like it to be more); gone out and bought new makeup, tossing stuff I’ve been using for years (yes, I know Carmindy would shudder); figured out the all-important question of What to Wear every day of the conference and especially the awards night; straightened out a snafu with the scheduling of my children’s summer camp, thereby ensuring childcare for next week.
I have not yet: checked over my Regency gown to see if it fits and/or needs any repairs; made up new business cards; even looked at the workshop schedule.
But it will all get done. Some things I’m really looking forward to:
- the fantastic lineup of workshops, including tasting of period foods and presentations by reenactors at the First Annual Historical Romance Writers’ Conference, put on jointly by the Beau Monde and Hearts through History
- workshops during the main conference
- a possible excursion to the Lacis Museum of Lace and Textiles
- seeing friends again that I haven’t seen in years
- meeting new ones I’ve met on this blog.

Our next scheduled get together will be Friday morning at the continental breakfast (7:30-8:30). We would love to have as many of you as possible drop by to chat. We’ll mark the table with some sort of signage so you can find us. And we’ll have some fabulous Risky buttons to give out, too!
So anyway, here’s a timetable of Risky rendezvous at RWA:
Wednesday, July 30 (2:30-3:25)
“Keeping It Real: Making Your Historical Characters Come Alive” workshop by Megan Frampton, Amanda McCabe & Andrea Pickens
Evening soiree with dancemaster
Friday, Aug 1 (7:30-8:30AM)
Breakfast with the Riskies
Saturday, Aug 2 (8:30-9:30AM)
“Writing the Hot Historical” with Janet Mullany, Helen Breitweiser and Pam Rosenthal
Saturday, Aug 2 (12:45-1:45PM)
“Doddering Butlers, Pert Housemaids, and Faithful Retainers: Busting the Servant Myths” with Janet Mullany
If I missed any Risky events here, please let me know.
For those who are going to RWA, are you ready? What are you most looking forward to? For anyone who is not coming, you will be missed!
Although I’m not showing up as “doing” anything, I’ll be signing books at the booksigning, as will Janet and Amanda, and I’ll be at the Historical conference and the Soiree and the Risky Breakfast! And at the workshops featuring Riskies.
Please come say hi at the booksigning. Don’t feel obligated to buy a book. I’ll have my brand new bookmark, featuring Scandalizing the Ton!
And do come share breakfast with us on Friday.
For those of you who can’t come to the conference, we will do our best to keep you filled in on the events, at least that next week when we are back.
Thanks, Elena. I will see all the Riskies at the Beau Monde meals and soiree as well as Friday morning brekkie. And of course, the workshops.
I attended Janet’s servants workshop last year and it was excellent.
This is the pre-RWA point where I start running around screaming “Conference, conference, conference!” until I fall down. π I have clothes planned, meetings set, parents lined up to pet-sit, so I am good. I think.
I second what Diane says about the signing–please, please stop and say hi! I hate sitting all by myself! And join us at breakfast for a Riskies Live reunion.
Oh duh, how did I miss listing the booksigning! Brainfry (smacks forehead)
Please do keep us updated on conference goings-on!
No RWA for me this year–I’m going to the Willamette Writers Conference in Portland that weekend instead. But I really hate missing the Historical Romance conference and all the good workshops. In particular, I hope there are good notes from Janet’s servant workshop–it’s so easy to fall back on the stereotypes when you need a housekeeper, butler, etc. in a scene…
Help, I only have a few days left in which to become a tall thin blonde!
Susan, email me at jmullany @ comcast.net and I’ll send you the whole 12 page handout on servants, if you’d like it. RWA only gives you 6 pages to play with!
I’d like to be tall, thin, and blonde, too, but it ain’t happenin’. π
Have fun in San Francisco, Riskies. Hopefully I’ll get to meet you guys in person someday soon.
I’d settle for just thin. Or halfway sane. Either one!
I’m totally not ready. Why? Because I’m supposed to be doing a BIAW this week!!! Ack!!!
I have:
— bought my plane tickets
— made hotel arrangements
— reviewed card game rules
And that’s pretty much it…
Hope to see lots of folks during our Friday breakfast next week!!!
SO not ready! And I don’t even have to get on plane.
Thanks for posting the breakfast. If I can get up in time, I’ll be there.
I second the rave review for Janet’s workshop on servants. Twas faboo.
I am absolutely NOT READY!! I do have the plane tickets, the hotel and my travel plans nailed down. I have all possible combinations of clothes strewn around on the furniture in my writing studio where I will probably decide Monday night which ones to throw in the suitcase(s). I have a large selection of shoes lying about as well. Oh and I didn’t get the purple sequined shoes BUT, thanks to O Divine One’s advice I ordered the most gorgeous pair of silver pumps with 3 inch heels and lovely diamond (fake of course – I work at WAL-MART!)clips. They came in today and I LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM!! My Regency dress came in as well – hunter green velvet, fairly simple, but I do love it!
I am looking forward to the awards events of course, but I think what I am most looking forward to is all the Beau Monde workshops and meeting ALL OF YOU!! And thanks for posting the breakfast. I will be there.
Now if that battalion of butterflies doesn’t get on the plane with me and show up during my editor/agent appointments I will be fine!!
During the RWA National Conference I will remain here and try to keep the cats from disassembling the house while Cara is away. And finish all the stuff that I was supposed to get done over the summer.
On the plus side, it is unnecessary to plan what I will wear. π
If I could, I would crash since I only live an hour and a half away from San Francisco. I’m so close I could cry (same as when RWA was in Reno). Ah well, there’s always my hometown DC in 2009.
Alas, I’m nowhere near SF, so I’ll just say have loads of fun guys!! π
Can’t wait to see you all there!!! And I’m sooooo not ready. I’ll be running around like crazy all weekend (as well as Monday and Tues) trying to get all my ducks in a row.
I’m sorta relieved that I’m not the only one panicking!
I did try on my Regency gown again and I’m glad I did, because I found a small tear along the seam under the bodice which I think I can mend. Heaven forbid I show up to the soiree in a ripped bodice!!!