I read this horoscope yesterday:
“Here’s a passage from Kurt Vonnegut’s novel Breakfast of Champions: ‘Kilgore Trout once wrote a short story which was a dialogue between two pieces of yeast. They were discussing the possible purposes of life as they ate sugar and suffocated in their own excrement. Because of their limited intelligence, they never came close to guessing that they were making champagne.’ This scenario has some resemblance to what you’re doing, Capricorn. Fortunately, you’re much smarter than two pieces of yeast, and so you will not do the equivalent of drowning in crap. But I bet you’ll create something comparable to champagne.”
This is very encouraging, considering I have hit the point which comes in every WIP where the story seems, well, crap. A terrible idea from top to bottom. I want the characters to fall off a cliff and leave me alone. Yes, I am on the downhill slide, about 30 pages left to go. Along with recovering from RWA, it’s a slog. But hopefully, all unknowing, it’s slowly changing into bubbly champagne. I do like champagne, and luckily there was plenty to be had in San Francisco!
With Diane and Michelle Willingham at the Harlequin party (I think this is before the infamous tree felling!)
Some mysterious dandy with Elena at the Beau Monde Soiree
It was wonderful to meet so many of you “in person” at RWA! I can’t wait for next year. In the meantime, what were some of you own highlights of conference? And wish me luck on finishing my yeast, er, champagne…
Very cool! π Just been loving all the pics and stories, and captions too! π
Good luck on the yeast, Amanda. I’ve done nothing this week. Must get to kneading my own loaf of bread.
I love all the pix. We look as happy as we all were.
The dandy was THE best dressed person out there.
I want to know what horoscope place you got that from!
“I want to know what horoscope place you got that from!”
It’s a column called “Free Will Astrology” that they run in a local paper here. They always have the best horoscopes! Lots of literary allusions and such. π
Keira, maybe the dandy will have to come out of hiding again next year…
(gasp) Is the dandy planning on wearing the same costume again?!?!
I’m in awe of your mother and her sewing talent.
Yes, that was an amazing costume, Amanda!
As for highlights of the conference…I really loved all the workshops at the Historical conference…and wished I could attend more than four!
I really enjoyed reading everyone’s posts on the RWA. Along with the photos and seeing those lovely costumes! Thanks for sharing on the event I didn’t get to attend. π
“Is the dandy planning on wearing the same costume again?!?!”
That depends on if the dandy can persuade his modiste to make a new creation next year or not. π
My one regret about conference is that I wasn’t able to attend every single workshop for the Historical conference! Every session had at least 3 I really wanted to hear. The weapons session was especially fun!
Hey, fellow Capricorn! I LOVE that horoscope and I can completely relate! Last night I FINALLY got all of my requests out from the conference. I feel quite a sense of accomplishment. Or I did until I realized now I have to work my tail off to finish that second book!!!!
My conference highlights included meeting all of you!!! Most especially O DIVINE ONE – Diane!! And the Soiree and Beau Monde workshops were fantastic. I wanted to attend all of them!! The Regency Kickshaws workshop was very tasty. Mary Blayney and I had our own little high tea sitting back there tasting and comparing notes (and some times odd expressions!) My whole conference was a highlight. It really was a fantastic week for me!!
That mysterious dandy was so charming–right up there with the suave Sir Reginald Scott!
Good luck with your champagne, Amanda. The progress of each of my books goes through a Black Moment of its own. So I have every sympathy but also every confidence that you will get through to the happy ending.
Wow, I just googled Free Will Astrology and this is my horoscope for this week. Very cool! Does this look like the same thing, Amanda?