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Monthly Archives: August 2008

Here are our Birthday Week Winners!

All Winners please email us your contact information at

Diane’s Winner……Santa!

Santa wins the special Mills & Boon Centenary edition of The Vanishing Viscountess, the one that includes the bonus story of The Mysterious Miss M AND a Risky Regency button.

Cara’s Winner……Maya Rodale!

Maya wins ONE of the following three prizes:
(1) three Signet Regencies: THE ABDUCTED BRIDE by Dorothy Mack; TWIN PERIL by Susannah Carleton; and MY LADY GAMESTER (signed, natch) by Cara King.
(2) a Region One (i.e. US & Canada) DVD of the 1985 miniseries of PRIDE AND PREJUDICE starring Elizabeth Garvie and David Rintoul.
(3) Guidebook to the Museum of Costume & Assembly Rooms in Bath (with lots of full color pictures.)

Elena’s Winner……Caffey!

Caffey wins – a copy of LADY DEARING’S MASQUERADE; – plus her choice of one of Elena’s earliest releases, either LORD LANGDON’S KISS or HIS BLUSHING BRIDE (an anthology with Regina Scott and Alice Holden).

Janet’s Winner…….Susan Wilbanks!

Susan wins a signed copy of each of Janet’s books, Dedication, The Rules of Gentility, and Forbidden Shores (the last written as Jane Lockwood) or a critique.

Megan’s Winner……Lois!
Lois wins a copy of Megan’s book, A Singular Lady, as well as a copy of the 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue.

Amanda’s Winner……Kammie!

Kammie wins copies of both Amanda’s Renaissance books, A Notorious Woman and A Sinful Alliance (or, if you have already won these, a copy of one of Amanda’s out-of-print Signet Regencies!), plus a silver Brighton bookmark!

Ladies, email us at with your addresses and, if you need to make a choice, what choice you’ve made.

And thank you all for being a part of Risky Regencies!

Yay for us Riskies!

It’s been so much fun being here, it’s great to come geek out about the Regency, clothes, characters, books, books and writing.

But what I like most, most, most about our place is the diversity of opinions and visitors. Where else could you get Cara‘s Pope-ian twinings of Trek and Austen marching alongside Elena and Diane‘s fact-filled research posts as Amanda‘s equally fact-filled posts duke it out with her fashion obsessions, Janet poking massive fun at us all in her occasional skewers?

And that’s not even to mention the visitors here, all of whom have become personalities in their own right.

I don’t have that many favorite of my own posts–mostly, I’m horrified at how little I have to say, generally–but I did like the Dress For Success one, Accessible Beauty, Heroes, Death-Wish and my annoy-Janet tweak, Obligatory Hot Guy Post.

Comment on these, or anything you want, to be entered in to win a copy of my book, A Singular Lady, as well as a copy of the 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue.

And thanks for sharing in our celebration!


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Hello! I’m back from a wonderful, wonderful vacation (more on that later) and now bravely facing the overgrown lawn and garden, hundreds of emails and mountains of laundry–along with celebrating the 3rd anniversary of the Riskies and our amazing makeover. 🙂

Being near the end of the week, I’m at risk of echoing what other Riskies have already said, but I can only say that the most delightful thing about this blog and our lovely community is the shared passions for history, the Regency, romance and the writing journey itself.

Looking back at this year, I’ve enjoyed writing all sorts of posts. Here are some of my favorites.

In Heroines and Heroes, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly, I blogged about the actors I use for inspiration for my characters and how they did or didn’t translate to cover art. I hope you all found the insight into that process entertaining!

I always love to share research tidbits, especially in matters military, such as in Roughing It. This is the perfect place for it…where else can one debate the potential hotness of the Duke of Wellington without being thought a complete lunatic? (Of course since visiting Monticello I’m considering the potential hotness of Thomas Jefferson, but that’s another post.)

Sometimes I like talking about topics related to romance, such as How much should we care? (about romance being dissed in the media) or Tortured or trite? (on romance conflicts that involve PTSD, addition and other serious trauma). I always love to hear all your viewpoints, even if (perhaps especially if) they don’t match my own. I like having my world expanded and you all have helped to do that one way or another. Thank you!

Many of you have already told us which sorts of posts you enjoy and what you’d like to see more of, but do please feel free to add more! And let me know which sorts of posts of mine you enjoy most.

To a commenter chosen at random, I will send:
– plus your choice of one of my earliest releases, either LORD LANGDON’S KISS or HIS BLUSHING BRIDE (an anthology with Regina Scott and Alice Holden).

Remember, prizes will be awarded at the end of this week so feel free to visit earlier posts as well.

Thanks again for making this such a delightful community!


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Three years…a lifetime in the blogosphere, and thanks to you–our lurkers and readers and commenters–for your great comments and for dropping by so often. And extra special thanks to your employers for so generously lending us your time.

I’ve learned so much from everyone here–it’s been a real education. And I’ve been humbled and amazed, too, by the smart, knowledgeable, funny people who have joined the Riskies family.

With little originality, I’m going to remind you of my favorite posts over the last year.

In my tireless campaign against gratuitous mantitty, I counterattacked with a post about Hot Old Men like the lovely and talented Alan Rickman: Women swooned at his imcomprehensible upperclass mumble and the slow crawl of his jowls seeking freedom from his high collar. And I promise, I will post about Hot Old Women sometime, too.

I love our interviews too, and this year I was fortunate enough to get an exclusive with Cupid on Valentine’s Day. The Regency wasn’t bad, all things considered. Not too much whalebone, and no steel–that was tough, dealing with Victorian corsets. You wouldn’t believe the number of arrows I ruined. …

You might think blogging on holidays is easy, but how on earth do you relate an American holiday, such as Thanksgiving, to the Regency? Fortunately, Thanksgiving 2007 was also George Eliot’s birthday and I pondered on why one of my favorite, flawed novels, Daniel Deronda, is like a turkey dinner.

I also enjoyed our week celebrating the birthday of Jane Austen, and chose Mansfield Park–mainly because I suspected none of the other Riskies wanted it. I wasn’t even sure I wanted it myself. What a revelation, to read this sexy, difficult, daring book, and what a great discussion. Did anyone read it as a result? Tell us what you thought.

I find there are topics we return to again and again, because they’re fascinating and influential, and we discover new facts we have to share. I blogged about the great astronomer William Herschel on March 13, the anniversary of the day he discovered the planet Uranus. I’m sure one of us will mention him again soon. I revisited another favorite topic, servants, in response to an email from a blog visitor who highly recommended Mrs. Woolf and the Servants by Alison Blight, and wondered how Woolf’s attitude to her servants was like or unlike that of Regency-era masters.

Please tell us if there’s a topic you’d like to talk about–we love to hear from you! And if you’re a lurker, come by and make your first comment. Don’t be shy!

Prizes? Oh yes, prizes.

If you’re a writer, I’ll offer a critique of your first chapter and synopsis.

If you’re a reader, you can win a signed copy of each of my books, Dedication, The Rules of Gentility, and Forbidden Shores (the last written as Jane Lockwood).

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Welcome to Day Two of the Risky Regencies THIRD ANNIVERSARY celebration!

For our last anniversary, we talked about which posts of the previous year we were proudest of or had the most fun with…and I had such a good time that I’m going to do it again.

So to be eligible for my prize (which is detailed below), just tell me which of the following posts you like best (or least!)

Northanger Abbey

(Part of our “Jane Austen Week” discussion…)

Austen Trek: Borg and Prejudice

(Another installment in my “If Jane Austen Wrote Star Trek” series…)

Pace vs. Depth

(Cara wrestling with writing issues…)

Austen Idol

(“Austen Trek” goes off the deep end…and we see What If Jane Austen Wrote American Idol…)

How Captain Stanton Came to Be

(As part of our Waterloo Week, I analyze the decisions that went into my military hero…)

And if there’s something you want to see more of here (e.g. posts about Heyer or Austen or covers or craft or Gerard Butler), please share!

Ah, yes — the prize! I always like to give a choice, so the winner can choose ONE of the following three prizes:

(1) three Signet Regencies: THE ABDUCTED BRIDE by Dorothy Mack; TWIN PERIL by Susannah Carleton; and MY LADY GAMESTER (signed, natch) by Cara King.

(2) a Region One (i.e. US & Canada) DVD of the 1985 miniseries of PRIDE AND PREJUDICE starring Elizabeth Garvie and David Rintoul.

(3) Guidebook to the Museum of Costume & Assembly Rooms in Bath (with lots of full color pictures.)

All answers welcome!

Cara King, author of MY LADY GAMESTER and many silly posts