Welcome to the September meeting of the Risky Regencies Jane Austen Movie Club!

(And I apologize for our last-minute cancellation last month — I’ll blame it on my cat, as soon as I think how.)

Today, we’re discussing the feature film MASTER AND COMMANDER: THE FAR SIDE OF THE WORLD.

Have you seen it?

If so, what did you think?

For those of you who’ve read some or all of the O’Brian books, did the movie satisfy you? Annoy you? How?

For those who aren’t familiar with the Aubrey/Maturin books, how did the movie work for you? Did it make sense?

To aid the discussion, the major credits follow, with some “you may have seen this actor before in this” in italics…

DIRECTOR: Peter Weir

SCREENPLAY: Peter Weir and John Collee

Based on the novels of Patrick O’Brian


Russell Crowe: Capt. Jack Aubrey

Paul Bettany: Dr. Stephen Maturin, Surgeon

Bettany will play Lord Melbourne in the upcoming THE YOUNG VICTORIA. He was also Prince William of Orange in SHARPE’S WATERLOO.

James D’Arcy: 1st Lt. Tom Pullings

Does the handsome first lieutenant look familiar? James D’Arcy played Tom Bertram in the most recent MANSFIELD PARK adaptation, and Nicholas Nickleby for television in 2001.

Edward Woodall: 2nd Lt. William Mowett

Woodall played Robert Martin in the Gwyneth Paltrow EMMA.

Chris Larkin: Capt. Howard, Royal Marines

Max Pirkis: Blakeney, Midshipman

Jack Randall: Boyle, Midshipman

Max Benitz: Calamy, Midshipman

Lee Ingleby: Hollom, Midshipman

Richard Pates: Williamson, Midshipman

Robert Pugh: Mr. Allen, Master

Richard McCabe: Mr. Higgins, Surgeon’s Mate

McCabe also played a naval man in the Root/Hinds PERSUASION — he was Captain Benwick. He was also Mr. Brocklehurst in the 2006 JANE EYRE, and will appear as Sir James Hare in the upcoming THE DUCHESS.

Ian Mercer: Mr. Hollar, Boatswain

Tony Dolan: Mr. Lamb, Carpenter

David Threlfall: Preserved Killick, Captain’s Steward

Billy Boyd: Barrett Bonden, Coxswain

Boyd, of course, was Pippin in the LORD OF THE RINGS movies.

Bryan Dick: Joseph Nagle, Carpenter’s Mate

Joseph Morgan: William Warley, Cpt. of Mizzentop

Morgan was William Price in the recent MANSFIELD PARK.

George Innes: Joe Plaice, Able Seaman

William Mannering: Faster Doudle, Able Seaman

Patrick Gallagher: Awkward Davies, Able Seaman

Alex Palmer: Nehemiah Slade, Able Seaman

Mark Lewis Jones: Mr. Hogg, Whaler

John DeSantis: Padeen, Loblolly Boy

Ousmane Thiam: Black Bill, Killick’s Mate

Thierry Segall: French Captain

So . . . what did you think???

All answers welcome!

Cara King, who isn’t even master and commander of her cat