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Monthly Archives: December 2008

The Riskies are very happy to welcome Linda Fildew, Senior Editor at Harlequin Historicals! We invited her here to dish about what they’re looking for in new manuscripts, plus some great upcoming titles to watch for in the bookstores. Linda will also be popping in to answer your questions! One commenter will win signed copies of books from Diane and Amanda (Diane will give one book of the winner’s choice from her backlist, seen on her website; Amanda will give one hot-off-the-press copy of her January ’09 book High Seas Stowaway!)

Riskies: Welcome to Risky Regencies! Tell us about the Harlequin Historical program. How many books do you publish each month? What time periods does the line encompass?

Linda Fildew: Thank you for inviting me and the Historical Team onto your blog site! We’re looking forward to answering as many questions as we can.

I am the Senior Editor for Harlequin’s Historical Romance line with responsibilities for acquiring and scheduling the books which appear in both North America’s Harlequin Historical and UK’s Mills and Boon Historical lines. Harlequin is a global company, so keeping in mind what has worldwide appeal is an important part of the acquisition process.

We publish 72 original historical books a year and encourage time periods from Ancient Civilizations–such as Greece, Rome, and Egypt–up to and including the Second World War. We like to offer readers variety in settings, although the Regency period is a key seller and remains ever-popular. Westerns, of course, are particularly popular with North American readers.

We have a 6-book program in both NA and UK–4 at retail and 2 at Reader Service (Direct to Consumer) in North America, 5 at retail and 1 at Reader Service in the UK. All books are available on or Every current title is also available as an ebook download and we are continually adding to our ebook backlist.

RR: What are some upcoming books we should look for?

LF: We have some wonderful books I’d suggest you look for this month! To get you in the Christmas mood, we have a real cracker from Christine Merrill–The Mistletoe Wager. This Regency is packed full of warm wit and sensuality as an estranged couple get snowed in at a festive house party.

Cheryl St. John is guaranteed to stir hearts with her rugged Western hero in Her Montana Man. Protecting people runs through Jonas Black’s blood, and Eliza Jane Sutherland is one woman who needs his strong arms around her.

Another sexy hero can be found in Deb Marlowe’s Regency An Improper Aristocrat. The scandalous son of a disgraced mother, can the Earl of Treyford learn to be the true gentleman that Miss Latimer deserves?

And something a bit different is Michelle Style’s Viking Warrior, Unwilling Wife. We do find that readers love these strong alpha male heroes–honorable and true, he is attractive because you know he will do everything in his power to protect and care for the heroine. It wasn’t the threat of conquest that shook Sela to the core. It was the way her heart responded to the proud face and chiseled body of Vikar Hrutson, jaarl, leader of the invading force–and Sela’s ex-husband! A month full of variety, I hope you agree, packed with that all-vital emotional intensity.

And looking ahead we have more splendid books coming in 2009! Here’s a taster of just a few:

Bronwyn Scott’s The Viscount Claims His Bride is in January. This is linked to her Undone ebook (more on this exciting new program later) where Viscount St. Just has returned home from war and needs now to woo back the woman he left behind.

Outlaws, even innocent ones, just can’t risk doctor’s visits. But Quinn Rowlan desperately needs a nurse for his injured brother. Kidnapping is the only answer. Except Quinn snatches the wrong woman! Kate Bridges’s Wanted in Alaska will steal your heart this February.

In March, we’ve something a little different for Harlequin Historical, with Nicola Cornick’s Kidnapped: His Innocent Mistress which is written in the first person. The emotion is heightened in this sensual tale where the heroine finds herself embarking on an adventure, and is ruined by the wicked Mr. Sinclair!

In April, we are proud to launch debut author Ann Lethbridge with her sensual Regency The Rake’s Inherited Courtesan. We are always looking to take on new talented authors (6 so far in 2008) and do encourage submissions (more on this later!)

Coming in May is a special treat. Three Regency authors who are good friends–well known to the Risky Regencies!–have combined in a wonderful project. The Diamonds of Welbourne Manor is an anthology of three linked short stories featuring three scandalous sisters. Set in a sumptuous villa on the Thames, the family house parties are notorious. Love and mayhem are the order of the day! Sit back and enjoy. The Diamonds of Welbourne Manor is part of Harlequin’s year-long 2009 celebration for its 60th anniversary. (Riskies note: this is the anthology of Diane, Amanda, and Deb Marlowe!!)

There are many more treats in store, so do, please, keep updated on the books we are publishing in Harlequin Historical.

RR: That all sounds wonderful! And you have a new program, too. Tell us more about the “Undone” stories.

LF: Undone is an exciting new venture for Harlequin Historical! Launched November 1, 2008, these short, sexy, scandalous stories appear in ebook format. Available from eharlequin and other ebook distributors. The length is between 10 and 15,000 words, and we encourage submissions for any time period. We’ve widened our horizons and are also encouraging paranormal and time travel stories. We are looking for a high level of sensuality that flows naturally out of the plotline. There should be a strong emotional basis to the heightened attraction–it’s vital the reader can believe in the intense emotion driving the characters as their relationship develops. These stories should be hot, sexy, and subtly explicit without the lovemaking being vulgar or gratuitous. Full guidelines are on eHarlequin’s website. We launched with 4 Undones and will continue with 1 a month. For any aspiring writers who have been daunted by the idea of writing an historical of over 70,000 words, the shorter Undones might now give you the opportunity you’ve been looking for.

Building on the increasing popularity of sensual books in the marketplace, we are also introducing Undone into full-length Harlequin Historical at Retail–one book a quarter–where we are highlighting particularly sensual, provocative storylines. Our first one is Amanda McCabe’s High Seas Stowaway in January ’09, which neatly follows on from her ebook Undone (Shipwrecked and Seduced) in November.

RR: What are some stories you would love to see that haven’t come your way yet? What do you love to see in stories?

LF: I’ll answer this back to front, if I may! What I love to see is a storyline where you can tell the author is in love with her characters. There’s a depth to their personalities which shows that the writer has got to know them intimately and understands what motivates and drives them. It’s how the hero and heroine interact that is key to a good historical romance. The authentic background is important, but it’s the developing relationship between your main protagonists that is key. Take the reader into their world and hold them there with good pacing, natural dialogue, intense emotion, and a strong storyline.

Stories I would love to see? Well, we are encouraging some time travel and paranormal in our Undone ebook stories. If these work well then we could look to bring these different elements into Harlequin Historical itself. We’ve published some Gothic Regencies and a Halloween anthology so we are venturing forth in this area. I’ve yet to see ancient Greek or Egyptian settings. The story would have to be very strong for us to consider it, but we are always open to submissions.

RR: What are the biggest mistakes you see aspiring authors make? What about your own authors?

LF: The biggest mistake–both unpublished and published authors can fall into this trap–is to get carried away by the historical events so that the romance gets moved to the sidelines. I completely understand it must be tempting to use all that research detail, and it is essential research is done to make the book as authentic as possible, but the trick comes in knowing what to put in the story and what to leave out! The main focus of the story should be the relationship.

RR: What brought you to work at Harlequin? What is a typical day at the office like?

LF: I came to publishing because of a love of books, and I’ve been at Harlequin Mills and Boon all my working life. Quite amazing, I know! I joined just before Mills and Boon launched its historical program, then called Masquerade, and was part of the team which got this off the ground. I still have a photo of myself dressed in Regency costume at the launch party! I’ve worked in a number of editorial acquisition roles on the contemporary side of the business, and am most happy to be back now with my first love, Historicals.

There is no “typical” day at the office, which is good because each day presents its own delights and challenges. Most days emails are checked first thing to see what manuscripts have been submitted and what author, overseas, marketing queries have been raised. We have weekly historical team meetings to discuss work in progress and weekly general editorial meetings where we consider the books being put forth for acquisition. There are UK and NA art meetings to look at packaging in both markets, and much careful consideration does go in the whole package from the cover art to title to blurb copy–all must work together to create a buy-me book. For me, the most pleasure I get from the job comes from the author relationships I’ve developed over the years. I’m fortunate in having a truly delightful group of authors with whom to work–assessing the first draft, discussing the revisions, developing winning cover copy and ultimately seeing the books on the shelves. I greatly respect each and every author’s creative ability and take pleasure from the fact that the editor/author collaborative effort produces a book that will be read and enjoyed around the world.

RR: What are your submission procedures?

LF: For full-length manuscripts, we’d ask to see the first three chapters and a 1-2 page synopsis of your complete story. These should come to our UK address which is on our website. We now also accept queries or submissions by email and these should be sent, as a Word document attachment, to

Submissions for ebook Undone should be complete manuscripts only and should be submitted electronically–no partials or queries, please. Submissions should be sent as Word-compatible attachment. Submissions should also follow standard formatting guidelines and should be double-spaced and typed in a clear, legible font on numbered pages. Author name and title should appear as a header or footer on each page. The Historical Undone email address is

Thank you so much, Linda, for taking time out of your (very busy) day to visit us here!

I wasn’t sure what to blog about today. I’m still in a post-Christmas stupor of wine, candy, piles of new books (yay!), whipping the WIP into shape to be sent in, playing with the dogs with their new toys, etc. I’ve also been wasting lots of time reading other blogs–beauty product blogs, opera blogs, movie blogs, whatever looks interesting. On some of my favorite movie blogs, they have had a meme going around listing 20 favorite actresses, which I have really enjoyed following. On these blogs, “favorite” can mean anything–most beautiful, most interesting, actresses you will watch in any movie no matter how bad. So I decided to do something like that.

These are 20 favorites. 10 actresses and 10 actors, which I find to be especially useful when needing some inspiration for characters. They’re not necessarily the best actors (though some definitely are), but they are interesting in many ways. (And, btw, if you need a pick-me-up kind of movie this dismal time of year, run out and see Happy-Go-Lucky. It’s fabulous, definitely my favorite of the movies I’ve seen this year, and I hope to see Sally Hawkins in the Oscar line-up next month. I didn’t much like her as Anne Elliott, but she is perfect in this movie).

Ten Actresses:

Charlotte Gainsbourg

Audrey Tautou (I do like French movies…)

Penelope Cruz

Cate Blanchett

Keira Knightley

Emily Mortimer

Nicole Kidman

Natalie Portman

Rachel Weisz

Kate Winslet

And Ten Actors:

Orlando (of course!)

Matthew McFadyen

James McAvoy

James Franco (I love how he can be both intense and hilarious!)

Hugh Jackman

Rufus Sewell (btw, does anyone know what this movie is???)

David Tennant

Christian Bale

Gerard Butler (Happy Holidays, Diane!)

Clive Owen (And Happy Holidays to Megan, too!)

Who are some of your favorite “inspirations”? Seen any good movies this holiday season, or found any good bargains in the post-Christmas sales?

See you in 2009! (And be sure and join me next weekend as I “launch” my January book, High Seas Stowaway. There will be giveaways and fun pirate stuff, though sadly no warm sandy beaches…)

Victoria and Abigail McCabe wish Jane Austen Happy Birthday!

My first Austen was Emma! I read it when I was about 9 or 10, and like all my reads at that time was supplied by my grandmother. She went to lots of garage sales and thrift stores as well as regular bookstores, and lots of people gave her books, too. So there were always boxes of wondrous paperbacks stacked in her hall closet, oodles of Heyers, old Fawcett Regencies by authors like Joan Smith and Marian Chesney, Cartlands, and classics. When we visited her in the summer, I would hide in that closet to get away from my wild cousins and read, read, read!

An old copy of Emma was in one of those boxes, and as I was currently on a 19th century England obsession, I was delighted. I had just finished Jane Eyre and loved it. Emma was a very different book, with a very different heroine, but I loved it, too.

At the time, I knew little about Austen and her stories and didn’t realize that: 1) there was a ‘mystery’ in the story (I took it for granted all along that there was something going on between Jane Fairfax and Frank Churchill, and Emma was silly for not seeing it. On the other hand I was shocked–SHOCKED–by the appearance of Bertha-in-the-attic in Jane Eyre, so was not a very perceptive child), and 2) that I was not supposed to like Emma.

Austen herself wrote, “I am going to take a heroine whom no-one but myself will much like.” But how could I help but like her?? She was “handsome, clever and rich”; everyone in the story seemed to like her; and she seemed well-meaning and good-hearted, even if her schemes didn’t often work out very well. She had perhaps “a disposition to think too well of herself,” but at age 9 I liked her self-confidence, her popularity and sense of belonging, and the cozy little world of Highbury. I guess I still like those.

Later on, I was surprised to find that Emma was unique among the Austen heroines in that she had no financial concerns (unlike poor Jane Fairfax!). Her worries were more subtle. She was an intelligent woman who wanted to do good, even though she was not sure how to achieve that to the best ends. She had little to engage that intelligence, so perhaps it was mostly boredom (plus a lot of that self-confidence!) that led to her misguided machinations? She really had no power to change her location or routine, which, as a shy and dreamy 9-year-old who wanted to be Jane Eyre, I identified with strongly!

After Emma, I ran to the library and grabbed the other books, quickly consuming Pride and Prejudice (plus a video of the Rintoul/Garvie series), Sense and Sensibility (I liked the sisters in that one!), Northanger Abbey (Catherine was my favorite heroine at that age), Persuasion, and Mansfield Park. I didn’t much like Persuasion and MP then–I was just too young for them, I think, much like Wuthering Heights, Middlemarch, and Madame Bovary (no, my parents didn’t pay much attention to my reading habits!). Persuasion is now possibly my favorite book of all time, but I do have a soft spot for Emma. Thank you, Miss Woodhouse, for starting me on this journey!

I like both the ’96 film versions of Emma (Paltrow and Beckinsale) though they are very different from each other, and neither is quite the story in my head. I’m not sure such a thing is even possible! I’m just grateful for all the Austen books and films out there to fill my rainy days. They always brighten things up.

Happy Birthday, Jane! From all your fans here at Risky Regencies.

(And check out High Seas Stowaway on Eharlequin for special savings this week. What could be better in a cold December than warm, sandy beaches and hunky sea captains??)

Today Michelle Styles and Michelle Willingham will join us to continue the discussion on UH (Unusual Historicals)! Comment for a chance to win a signed copy of one of their books…

Viking Warrior, Unwilling Wife
With the war drums echoing in her ears and the sharp northern light glinting off the sharpened swords, Sela stood with trepidation on the shoreline. The dragon ships full of warriors had come, ready for battle and glory.

But it wasn’t the threat of conquest that shook Sela to the core. It was the way her heart responded to the proud face and chiseled body of Vikar Hrutson, jaarl, leader of the invading force–and Sela’s ex-husband!

“A perfect combination of highly-charged tension and tender intimate moments” –Medieval Book Reviews

Risky Regencies: Welcome to the blog, Michelle (S)! First of all, tell us what historical periods are the settings for your books? What are some other settings that interest you (either as a reader or writer)?

Michelle S: I have done a number of different settings for my books. Ancient Rome, the beginning of the Viking era (790s), the North East of England both in the early Victorian period and during the Regency have all formed the backdrop of my books. It gives me the opportunity to indulge in research.

Currently, because I just finished Lady Worsley’s Whim by Hallie Rubenhold which is a non-fiction book about a sex scandal that touched the ton in the 1780s, the late Georgian/early Regency periods hold a fascination. But I have promised my editor several early Victorians first!

As a reader, I simply love a good story. It is more if the blurb interests me or not, rather than reading for a specific time period. The great thing about reading in an Unusual Historical period is that I get to experience different themes and time periods.

RR: What draws you to Unusual Historicals? What are soem advantages and drawbacks?

MS: I love history, and the whole thought about how people lived and the social constraints they faced fascinates me.

The advantages to writing in unusual periods or settings is that the field is more open. You can find themes that maybe not everyone has already explored, and it gives me the opportunity to tell a number of different types of stories. For example, Viking warriors versus Regency rakes versus early Victorian railway men. The opportunities to research should not be underestimated! Also, it means I can allow my imagination to take flight.

The disadvantages are the vast majority of the historical romance public prefer their romance in Georgian/Regency/Victorian garb, so the market is smaller. This can be that people want a familiarity with their stories, or it could be that the period captures the imagination more than others. Also by switching time periods, I know that there are some readers who refuse to read certain periods. For example, some might prefer Rome and hate the Vikings. And there are some who will read the Unusual Historical but won’t touch a Regency or Victorian.

However, I really do think the freedom that writing in a wide range of periods brings far outweighs its disadvantages!

RR: Tell us about your research mehtods/favorite sources.

MS: I love doing research–both doing the physical research, which involves going to the places where my book is set or learning various different crafts and skills. In the name of research I have fallen off horses in Iceland, gone down sewers in Rome, and ridden replica trains in Northumberland.

I love finding new research books, as well. One of my great joys is belonging to the Literary and Philosophical Society in Newcastle, which was founded in 1795 and is one of the last remaining private libraries in Britain. Its reading room dates from 1825 and is largely unchanged. The Lit and Phil is where George Stephenson first demonstrated his safety lamp for miners and where Swan gave the first demonstration of the electric light bulb. They allow you to take out books as long as they are post 1850.

One of the advantages to writing Unusual Historicals is that my editor actively encourages a historical note at the back and I’m able to list my favorite sources. For my Viking novels, my favorite source is some of the Icelandic sagas which are basically the primary source for much of what we know of the Vikings. I have also found Women in the Viking Age by Judith Jesch to be really useful.

I have found the book review section of the Spectator to be really useful in highlighting books on social history. This was how I discovered Consuming Passions by Judith Flanders, which is all about the growth of consumer consumption, and now Lady Worsley’s Whim.

RR: What are some Unusual Historicals you would recommend to readers?

MS: Harlequin Historicals publishes a number of unusual historicals! I enjoy Michelle Willingham’s medieval Irish knights. Nicola Cornick has done an Edwardian, The Last Rake in London, as well as an English Civil War story, Lord Greville’s Captive. And I am looking forward to reading Amanda McCabe’s latest, as I do love a good pirate story! Kensington is beginning to offer more unusual historicals. I am looking forward to reading Carrie Lofty’s take on the Robin Hood legend, What the Scoundrel Wants.

The YA book Mara Daughter of the Nile by Eloise Jarvis McGraw started off my love of historical romance many years ago, and so I suppose you could say it gave me a taste for the unusual.

RR: What’s next for you?

MS: Next out in the UK in April ’09 is Impoverished Miss, Convenient Wife, which is the second part of my Regency duo. My latest Viking and my next Victorian are sitting on my editor’s desk. The Viking has been through 2 sets of revisions, so my fingers are crossed! And my editor has just agreed that I can write the son of the hero in IMCW, so this will be a fun challenge.

You can visit Michelle Styles’s website here, and go to eharlequin for more information on VWUW!

Her Warrior Slave
Kieran O Brannon is no ordinary slave–defiant, daring and dangerous, he is untamable! Iseult MacFergus is drawn to this powerful man with the strength of a warrior and the honor of a king. She trusts him to help her find her lost child…

Kieran sold himself into slavery to save his brother’s life, but Iseult, with the face of an angel, gives him hope that he can again be a free man. Determined to find her child, Kieran may finally have his freedom–although now his heart is tied to Iseult’s forever…

“…has so much emotion, danger and romance packed in its pages that it will be hard to put down” –CataRomance

Risky Regencies: Welcome, Michelle W.! It’s so great to have you back here at the blog. Tell us what historical periods are the settings for your books. What are some settings that interest you?

Michelle Willingham: I write primarily Irish medieval books, but I’ve also written a Viking short story for the new Harlequin Historical Undone line (The Viking’s Forbidden Love Slave). I love any setting with alpha heroes that make your toes curl!

Medieval Ireland wasn’t a setting I had seen very often, though I was always a big fan of Scottish medievals. When I began researching the period, I found many similarities between the cultures. The mystical Celtic past and the intensity of Ireland drew me in when I visited the country. After walking through some of the castles, I knew I had found the perfect place for a romance.

RR: What draws you to Unusual Historicals? What are some advantages and disadvantages that you see?

MW: I enjoy the variety of unusual historicals, especially when I’m not familiar with the customs or history of the setting. In my own writing, I enjoy introducing readers to some festivals such as Lughnasa or Bealtaine (Beltane). It’s fun to learn about them and see where the research takes me. Irish superstitions fascinate me. I think the only thing you have to watch out for is that the setting can never dominate the story–it always has to be about two people falling in love.

RR: Tell us about your research methods! What are some favorite sources?

MW: I love to consult the experts! When I was researching medieval woodworking, I posted my questions on a listserve of Irish archaeologists, and they put me in touch with a professor at the University College Dublin. Aidan O’Sullivan taught me some fascinating facts about woodworking when I was researching Her Warrior Slave; namely, that medieval woodcarvers had to work the wood while it was still “green” and unseasoned, since their tools weren’t sharp enough to carve the wood. Another archaeologist took me to a few ancient ringfort sites when I was researching Her Irish Warrior on a trip to Ireland. It was amazing, crawling through the brush to find thousand year old mounds. The photo shows you what I saw, though it’s a little hard to tell there’s a 12 foot deep ditch surrounding the ringfort, amid all the ivy and undergrowth.

RR: What are some unusual historicals you would recommend to readers?

MW: On the Night of the Seventh Moon by Victoria Holt was a favorite while growing up (set in the Black Forest and the Austro-Hungarian Empire). I also liked The Princess by Jude Deveraux, which is set in a fictional country during World War II. Helen Kirkman’s Anglo-Saxon settings are wonderful. If you haven’t read Amanda McCabe’s Shipwrecked and Seduced (another Undone short story), that Caribbean setting is really fun, too!

RR: And what’s next for you?

MW: I am currently finishing up Warrior’s Woman, Ewan MacEgan’s book in my MacEagen Brothers mini-series. If all goes to plan, that will be my next US release, while Wedded to the Enemy, a Victorian story, will be part of a duet in 2010. My hope is to wrap up all 5 of the Irish brothers and then explore some new sides to Victorian England!

You can read more of the MacEagen brothers at Michelle’s website!

And be sure and join us next week as we celebrate Jane Austen’s Birthday, with more fun and prizes!