It’s a perpetual problem for me, and I suspect for most of us, staying motivated. Especially since I have no deadline except for a self-imposed one. Which is a roundabout way of saying I know I’ve blogged about this before, but it is something that surfaces often:

How can I maintain a writing schedule and discipline, especially when things–MI-5, the recession, my son’s homework, ironing the Dandy Spouse‘s shirts, going to the gym, etc.–all serve to distract me from writing?

Right now, I am sitting in my friend Liz Maverick‘s apartment, having made a Writing Date with her. That is one way for me to write, if I schedule it in; another way is to remind myself that while I am not published now, the only way for me to have that possibility is to generate new writing (my agent, btw, is still out with my Regency-set historical, but things are moving slowly, so it’s not completely a dead ms. Whew for me).

Another way to motivate myself is through rewards: If I write this chapter, I can justify spending money and time on novels. If I don’t keep writing, I’ll just be wasting my time and money on a passion I can ill afford.

Plus Spring always makes me cheery, and today is a particularly beautiful day in New York City.

So now? I am going back to writing. Let me know how you stay motivated for whatever you do.
