Probably due to some snafu on my part, our guest blogger for today is Missing in Blogland.
So Sorry.To console you, I’ll announce that The Unlacing of Miss Leigh is available on eHarlequin and with other online vendors. I’m just saying……
I bought it! Unfortunately, I muffed up downloading it. Don’t ask me how; I truly don’t know. However, I have contacted eharlequin, and I’m sure they’ll straighten me out soon. 🙂 Looking forward to it!
Thanks, Judy. I know it is tricky to do this for the first time – I also bought a copy for my Kindle!
Judy, first time’s always a toughie. The system doesn’t have a good error reporting system, so if something goes wrong, it just fails silently. It took me 2+ months to download my first one.
Luckily, this time around, it was painless. I downloaded my copy this morning, Diane.
Funnily enough, I’ve download a half dozen books in the last couple of months with no problem, until today. I know it’s my computer’s fault, since they know when it MATTERS! LOL! Fortunately, I’ve found the customer service staff at Harlequin to be pleasant and helpful, so I’m sure it will all be straightened out in the next few days.
Well, mine loaded in my Kindle like a breeze…..