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Monthly Archives: December 2009

(Don’t forget! Today is the second to last day to enter to win an ARC of my first Laurel McKee book, Countess of Scandal! Visit my website to find out how. It makes a great holiday gift for–you!)

Okay, so now it is December 15! Close to zero hour for holiday gifts. Maybe you have a Janeite on your list you need a last-minute gift for? (Or even a non-Janeite who needs to be converted!). Never fear–there’s a plethora of choice out there for everybody. There’s always classics, like a beautiful copy of a favorite book or a DVD of a favorite movie (or a Jane Austen action figure! Mine is very useful–she sits on my desk and lectures me about getting to writing work when I’m wasting too much time, er, blogging). But there are some more unusual choices, as well:

A Pride and Prejudice board game! (Who gets to Pemberly first??)

A Jane doll from the fabulous Unemployed Philosophers Guild

This charm from the Jane Austen Centre in Bath! (I have a silver bracelet with charms from my travels–I would love to add this one)

A bracelet from the BBC website

If you have an infant and want to indoctrinate them into Janeite-ism early…

T-shirts! (Many to choose from–I just ordered one that says I am a “Headstrong, Obstinate Girl”)

Mugs (again, many to choose from! This one asks What Would Jane Do?)

A beautiful pendant from Tartx (I own a few of her pieces of jewelry and they are beautiful)

Happy birthday, Jane! (And happy birthday to my mom, too, who had the good luck to be born on the same day! Maybe I need to get her a Jane item for her present). What Jane present would you choose?

The novel flourished as a form of entertainment during the Regency era. Pick up any copy of the Times during the period and you’ll see columns and columns of advertisements for books of all kinds. Fiction figures prominently in those announcements.

Publishing is, in many ways, not all that different in what’s left of 2009 from how publishing worked in 1809. There was, at least sometimes, a separation of publishing and printing. A publisher might not have his own printing operation. He might have to outsource (as it were) the printing. The infamous Minerva Press liked to point out that it did have its own printing operation on the premises of 22 Leadenhall Street. Today, that’s not much different. Many books are printed in China. My understanding is that the cost of shipping those books from China to the US has affected this outsourcing.

In 1809, a book, however, might well have portions printed by more than one printer. I’ve seen this personally in a book I own, an 1834 copy of G.W.M. Reynold’s very popular Mysteries of London. This book was originally issued as penny dreadfuls. Since the binding of my copy is coming apart, it’s possible to see the names of the different printers used.

The publishing business then was a lot like it is today. Writers sold their books to publishers and voila! their books were, eventually, published and sold to the public. And she was now a rich and famous author. Right? Uh, not so fast.

There was stigma attached to women who wrote novels. It wasn’t entirely proper. Many a book was published anonymously or under a pseudonym. There were men who felt critics were kinder to women authors and so published under a woman’s name. Thought it’s slightly out of our period, it’s now well known that the Bronte sisters originally published their novels under men’s names.
From the writer’s point of voice, there are some fairly crucial differences in the business now. During the Regency, an author, such as myself, did not licence her rights. Typically, she sold the copyright outright. For a writer of “Horrid Novels” such as those so lovingly published by The Minerva Press, she might sell a book for 5 pounds (in the neighborhood of $500 in today’s money). Not the way to fame and fortune, unless you could sell more than one book per year… If you were really popular (Pointing in the direction of Mrs. Radcliffe and Nora Roberts) you could, presumably, command more than the debut or midlist author rate and make quite a nice living.

The publisher had no obligation to actually print the book. Jane Austen, as we so famously know, was frustrated by just this situation. She had to buy back her book in order to get her story into print.

Piracy was common. In every direction. British publishers were notorious for translating German novels and publishing them in England with no remuneration to the original author. Novels originally publishes in England were published in Ireland, American, Scotland and the like, without any arrangement with the original publisher or the author (who, of course, no longer owned the copyright anyway, so SOL there). As early as the 1680’s Parliament was hearing complaints from publishers about the piracy of literature.

On the other hand, The Minerva Press advertised its books in the Scottish papers — Newman and Lane, the original partners of The Minerva Press, got around.

Today, the landscape is actually quite similar. Authors still, by and large, seek to sell their books to publishers. For authors, however, there are some pretty important changes, most of which are to our benefit. We don’t sell the copyright, we license the rights. If a book we sell is popular, we stand to profit from that popularity. Foreign rights are another right to sell and may or may not be retained by the author. Publishing contracts now usually contain a clause about the time a publisher has to actually put the book into print. Today, if a book goes out of print, an author can get her rights back and seek a new publisher.

It’s still tremendously hard to make a living as a writer. There are two very different sets of skill required; the first is the desire, talent and perseverance required for any creative endeavor. The second is the business acumen required. A great writer is not necessarily also possessed of the business skills. Today, writers have agents to help them through the business aspects. Thank goodness!
So. After all that, if you were to write a Horrid Novel, what would it be about? If you’d rather read in 1809, would you be looking for that next Minerva Press book?


To be honest, I didn’t know until last week the Riskies were going to be blogging about our 2009 reads. Back before I joined up with this illustrious group, I wasn’t even keeping track. Or after that either, actually. I haven’t got a neat and tidy list of great books I read. So all you get are some of the books I read in 2009 that I can remember right now.

That doesn’t mean published in 2009. Shrug. Sorry, but the instructions said READS of 2009.

Here’s my untidy list, in no particular order.

  • The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. Maybe it’s no accident that I listed this one first. For me, it was one of the standout reads for 2009. I grew up on High Fantasy, and Rothfuss’s rendition is brilliant and original. Breathtaking. If words matter to you, this is a book you should read.
  • The Way Of The Shadow by Brent Weeks. A trilogy. Again, fantasy. Very deftly done.
  • Beat The Reaper by Josh Bazell. My Review here. By all rights, I should have disliked this book and been unable to finish it, since portions are written in present tense which I LOATHE with a white hot passion. But Bazell put a character on the page who was just so fucking outrageous I couldn’t not read. I’m waiting for the movie.
  • The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson. Technically, I shouldn’t include this since I read it in late December 2008, but whatever. My Review here. I had major issues with this book. It is flawed, particularly in its depictions of the female lead, but Davidson is a tremendously talented writer and I will buy his next book.
  • Grimspace and Skin Tight by Ann Aguirre. What can I say? I’m an Aguirre fan girl now.
  • Sunshine, by Robin McKinley — technically, I’m not quite done but I don’t anticipate this book crashing and burning at this point. This is a vampire book in a wonderfully conceived world. I am staring at the cover right now, itching to get back to it.
  • Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris. I’m late to the party, I know. But I kept hearing the HBO TV series True Blood was really good, so when book one of the series was free on the Kindle App, I downloaded it. Got around to reading it. Bought the rest for Kindle AND in paper. Watched TV for about the first time in 20 years and met my One True Love, Alexander Skarsgard. That’s a lot to love about a series.
  • Soulless by Gail Carriger. This book was FUN to read. What a delightful heroine. Oh, how I loved her!
  • Acheron by Sherrilyn Kenyon

And right now, that’s all I can remember, even though I read a lot of books and there are more that I know I loved. But it’s late and I can’t remember right now. If you discuss your favs in the comments, I will perhaps remember and can chime in with more.

Books I’m looking forward to in 2010 include anything by these authors:

  • Ann Aguirre
  • Victoria Dahl
  • Barry Eisler
  • Lee Child
  • Patrick Rothfuss
  • Mary Balogh
  • JR Ward
  • Jo Bourne
  • Courtney Milan
  • Gail Carriger
  • Karen Rose
  • Eileen Dryer

Types of books I’m hoping to find in 2010 include:

  • A different kind of vampire book. Something that works the tropes a little harder
  • A REALLY great historical. For whatever reason, too many of the historicals I read this year severely disappointed. There were some great ones, though.
  • A bust your gut laughing contemporary.
  • Hot military dude doing super hot sekret training stuff. Love that.
  • A scary paranormal. Could combine with the first.

Things I’d like to see happen in 2010:

Sookie ends up with Eric
Stephanie Plum picks Ranger

How about you guys? What did I forget? What books did you love in 2009?

Oh dear. No no no! I cannot go for my morning walk in a gown from six seasons ago! Though that cloak is cunning, indeed. And I do so adore the ermine collar. So warm this time of year. I wonder if I will see that handsome gentleman, again?

Much better. This is elegant attire indeed. Yellow gloves: check. Hat to match my cloak: check. Contrasting pink reticule? check! Cool insouciance: check! Who can possibly resist me?

I did see him. He was so handsome! Such lovely brown eyes. But there was another woman on his arm. Papa and I have gone to the country where I hope to repair my broken heart. Green seems a pleasant color to wear as I stroll to the ruins. Lord Masterful is said to live there. Quite alone and prone to moods. But I never listen to gossip. The wind catches my paisley shawl. I hope it doesn’t ruin my coiffure.

He is here! He is a dear friend of Lord Masterful. My cloak EXACTLY matches his eyes. Is that not clever of me? Lord Masterful’s residence is impressive. I believe I detected the shadow of grief in his countenance when he showed us the portrait of the late Lady Masterful.

I’ve been to tea at his house and met his dear mama. Oh dear. And his cousin, Violet. She glared at my slippers and later he told me that she was offended by them. I felt terrible as you might well imagine. I shall write her a letter apologizing, of course. . . . But why? My slippers were exquisite. Do you know, I suspect she was jealous of my tiny feet. Hers are quite large I’m sure. He defended his cousin, which is admirable. And yet. Well. I’m sure I cannot go on.

I am vexed with him. I shan’t speak another word to him. I was out riding when he called to apologize and I am sure it is a case of too little too late. And do you know, I met with his good friend Lord Masterful who has only just come out of mourning for his wife. I quoted him a poem from Mr. Lamb, whom I quite adore, as does my lord, and I do think I cheered him. He said my habit flattered my complexion and do you know, when I came home and found a note from him I felt hardly a twinge of regret at having missed him.

We’ve returned to London, Papa and I, and who do you think I saw at the Opera? None other than him. He was with Lord Masterful to whom I spoke quite pleasantly. I do not think I imagined that his grief has eased. But you may be sure I kept my feet out of sight even though my slippers matched the trim on my gown. I’ve returned Lord Masterful’s handkerchief, which he lent me when Violet sneered at me.

He was at Lord Chamberpot’s tonight. Violet was not. We talked for hours! Oh, I do think I love him.

Today, I attended a party at Mrs. Wembley’s. I danced and danced! He was there. With Violet, alas, and do you know, she asked me if my slippers pinched and was that why I was so clumsy? And he did not defend me! I did not cry in their company. But now Lord Masterful thinks I am a watering pot for who should come upon me when my tears could no longer be held back? What a dear, sweet man he is. He did console me.

Yesterday afternoon I walked to Ackerman’s and looked at prints. My dearest, bosom friend Felicity is back from Turkey! Can you imagine? I did admire her Ottoman costume. And what else can you imagine? Yes. He was there. I introduced him to Felicity, of course. I do believe Lord Masterful, who accompanied him, was quite taken with Felicity. Dare I think they might make a match of it?

He called today. My heart nearly beat out of my chest. Whenever Violet was engaged in conversation elsewhere, he was so attentive. I did everything I could to encourage Felicity and Lord Masterful and I do think I’ve quite managed it! How odd though, that Lord Masterful was so entranced with my bosom. Perhaps my gown was too daring. I shan’t wear it again.

How strange. Today Lord Masterful called on us, but without him. I was hurt I confess to find myself so neglected. Masterful had pressing business with Papa. They spoke in private for quite some time. Something about cattle I’m sure. In the event, Masterful agreed to escort me to the Oldenberg ball, and thank goodness, for otherwise I should have been quite ignored. He was there but we hardly danced but once. Violet was on his arm. I cried myself to sleep tonight.

This morning I walked out with him today. He complemented my eyes and my gown, but not my slippers. And do you know, I found him tiresome?

This afternoon, Felicity, Lord Masterful and I, nous sommes faire une promenade. Felicity had the most charming parasol in the world and chattered away about her travels and her gloves. Now that I reflect upon it, I do suspect Lord Masterful prefers a quieter sort of woman.

My heavens. What have I done? Well may you ask. I’ve broken with him. Irreparably. And I sat at the Ediderdown Ball without feeling the least bit crushed. (well, maybe a little). And Lord Masterful came to fetch me and you cannot guess what happened. You can’t! He kissed me. And declared himself madly in love. With me! And I knew then that I loved him too!

The happiest day of my life. Papa said I was radiant as I walked into the church with this lovely gown. And Masterful. . . He was so very handsome. My slippers, if I do say so myself, were the very pinnacle.

I wore his lovely ensemble the week after our wedding. He pronounced my footwear beyond charmante.

Lady Masterful.

Happy Holidays from The Riskies!

By the Numbers

  • 477,595: Book results on Google
  • 6,640,000: Google Results
  • 124,850: Words in Pride And Prejudice
  • 2,370,000: Google images
  • 101,000: Jane Austen Fanfic results
  • 228,000: Google results for Jane Austen Love fest

Do you know your Jane? And Other Fun Links


  • The very first sentence of Jane Austen: Facts and Problems by key Austen editor RW Chapman is “Jane Austen never married…
  • It is important, she says, ‘because it illustrates the way in which the life of the legendary Jane Austen has been created’. She notes that the 1913 Life …
  • This modern adaptation of Jane Austen’s famous story of social snobbery and coming of age is described as ‘admirably lively and daring provocative … will give
  • The volume concludes with assessments of the history of Austen criticism and the development of Austen as a literary cult-figure; it provides a chronology, and . . .
  • Includes index.
  • Exploring the romantic impulse in Austenian biography, Jane Austen as a commodity, and offering a re-interpretation of Pride and Prejudice, this book approaches …
  • The honesty and directness of her personality (perfect heroines made her “sick and wicked”), her strength in giving up a chance at marriage to follow the path ..
  • The characters of these stories have a jaunty and never-failing devotion to themselves. They perpetually lie, cheat, steal – and occasionally commit murder.
  • La même orthodoxie de goût nous apparaît dès que nous cherchons à étudier les opinions de Jane Austen sur le style du roman. Il est aisé de retrouver sous …
  • Li xing yu gan xing‎ | Jane Austen, 楊淑智 – Love stories – 2007 – 407 pages

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P.S. Happy Birthday, Jane!