Sally’s going Naked again. No….not that kind of naked. Sally MacKenzie is back again with her latest Naked book–The Naked Viscount. Sally will be giving away a signed copy of The Naked Viscount to one lucky commenter.
I’ve been with Sally at various conferences and events and one thing is always true. Readers greet Sally with a smile. I’m delighted that readers will soon (June 1, for certain) find Sally’s The Naked Viscount on the bookstore shelves.
“Ah, another naughty, naked hero to brighten MacKenzie’s irresistible romance.
There’s plenty of sizzle, delicious repartee (filled with double entendres),
excitement and mystery to satisfy anyone who needs a bit of love and laughter to
brighten their day.”–Kathe Robin, RT Book Reviews
So let’s give a big Risky Regencies welcome to my pal, Sally MacKenzie!
Welcome, Sally. Tell us about your latest Naked book, The Naked Viscount.
Here’s the story from the Viscount’s back cover copy: After eight London Seasons, Jane Parker-Roth is ready to quit the dull search for a husband in favor of more exciting pursuits. So when she encounters an intruder alone in her host’s townhouse, she’s not about to let the scoundrel escape–especially when she discovers she’s wrestling Viscount Motton, the one noble she wouldn’t mind meeting in the dark. And when their struggle shatters a randy statue of the god Pan, even more mischief ensues. The viscount is indeed searching for evidence of a scandal, but the shocking clues inside the nude statue are far from what he expected. The same can be said of Jane, who shows a talent for interfering in his affairs. And as his quest becomes more than a little bit improper, he finds the impetuous lady has a talent for impropriety as well.
Did you come across any interesting research writing The Naked Viscount?
Hmm. I’d have to say the most interesting thing was the drawing that became the inspiration for the sketch Jane and Motton are looking for in The Naked Viscount. I was leafing through Vic Gatrell’s City of Laughter; Sex and Satire in Eighteenth-Century London when there on p. 404 I saw Thomas Rowlandson’s pornographic print, Lord Barr…re’s Great Bottle Club. Very eye-opening, indeed. I knew Rowlandson drew pornography, so that part wasn’t a surprise. But this particular print…there’s a lot going on there. Perhaps it’s just me, but I tend to picture our forebears as stiff and formal like the portraits I’ve seen in art galleries and school history books. This sketch is more “peers gone wild. “
We’re all about being risky. What is risky about The Naked Viscount?
You Riskies were in the back of my mind as I was writing this book–it has “risky” written all over it. Did I mention the pornographic inspiration? And then there are the Pan statues with the prodigious penises in which the clues are hidden. And all the visual jokes as our lovely heroine goes about finding the clues–while our manly hero gnashes his teeth. And then there’s the aphrodisiac… I suspect there is really no such thing as a true aphrodisiac, but by then my characters were on a roll.
You recently attended the RT Book Reviews Convention. Can you tell us about it? What was the most outrageous part of the Convention? Can you share any photos?Well, I had a novella, “The Naked Prince,” due May 1, so I spent more time than usual in my hotel room. Wednesday I was part of a group that hosted the Midnight Mad Hatters Historical tea, which was great fun except for the midnight part. Here’s a picture of me with my friend (and one of the other hosts), Kristina Cook/Kristi Astor.
And here’s another picture of me at the event–my borrowed hat appears to be trying to escape. I had a lot of laughs during the historical panel I was on–“Bringing Historical Characters to Life.” The panel was moderated by Kristi, and my fellow panelists were Courtney Milan, Victoria Dahl, Sylvia Day, and Victoria Alexander.
Perhaps the craziest thing happened before the Faery Ball. I write for Kensington Zebra, and “they” (I think the idea came from one particular editor) thought it would be fun if some of the Zebra authors made a grand entrance at the ball as a herd of zebras. Here we are–I’m the one with the tan “hooves” on the far right. Two of the zebras are editors, but I won’t say which two!
What is next for you?
I’ve got two more Naked stories coming. My novella The Naked Prince will be out in February 2011 in the anthology An Invitation to Sin. Jo Beverley is the lead author; Vanessa Kelly and Kaitlin O’Riley join me rounding out the list. Then The Naked King is scheduled for June 2011.
And now for some questions: 1. Do you think of historical figures as very proper folks, always polite, never speaking in contractions? Or are they just like us, only wearing less comfortable clothes? 2. I know I can never write with a completely historical perspective–heck, I’m an American writing about English nobility for goodness sake. Where do you think the line is between strict historical accuracy–dirty hair, bad teeth, and all–and romance?
Great questions, Sally. Go at ’em, Risky Readers, and remember that one lucky commenter will be chosen at random to win a signed copy of The Naked Viscount.
Mahalo, Diane, for inviting Naked Sally to Risky Regencies. They go together like PB&J.
Aloha, Sally! Perhaps you could consider the “Naked Hula Dancer” after you finish the Naked King!
Thanks for sharing the RT photos – I am sorry that I missed it! Not sure what would have been the most exciting:
– Tea Party
– Historical Panel
– Zebra entrance
I smiled when I read Barbara Vey’s reference your very popular button, “I’m a Naked Reader” in her blog.
Diane and Sally – are you attending RWA in Orlando?
Where is RT next year?
Hi Sally,
What a fun interview! Still giggling about the Zebra entrance, among other things!
Here I thought research for a historical romance was dry and boring but your inspiration for this story just blew my theory right out of the water! Too bad the publishers don’t allow illustrations in the books. I think it would add so much to reader enjoyment of the story!
Congratulations on the release of TNV…can’t wait to add it to my library. Looking forward to the rest of the stories too.
Welcome, Sally!
Like Kim, I’m sorry I missed RT this year. Maybe next year.
Hi, everyone. I just got back from the Columbia Triathlon. Oldest son is in from Denver, CO, to compete. We got the call at 4:50 am–fortunately I was up checking the weather–he’d left his swim goggles at home. Ack! Up we go with goggles, leaving a bit earlier than we’d planned. Ran into a traffic jam, but were able to take evasive maneuvers, and got him the goggles in time. He’s a pro–i.e. he has his pro license–and the pros were the first wave. They took off swimming around 7 am. He came in 3rd! He was very happy and won some money as well. His wife took some pictures–after it stopped raining–so I may have some to post later today on my Facebook fan page.
Kim, I was SO bummed you weren’t at RT this year. I was expecting to see you, but Terry Bodwell told me you couldn’t get away. I will be at RWA in Orlando. I’m flying down on Monday so I can do some Disney with Terry on Tuesday. You’ll have to tell me what to do. I’m a Disney virgin. (Though I did go to Disneyland in CA, but I think that was back when I was in high school, so many, many moons ago.)
Jep, RT is in Los Angeles next year. I’m planning on going. It’s earlier, too, I think–like the beginning of April.
Hi, Karen H! I tell you, that sketch is really quite something. Sort of a jaw dropper. I’ve heard from a reader she saw TNV in a Books-a-million, so it may be in your local bookstore.
Diane, always a please to be with the Riskies. I hope you can make it to RT next year. I was on the fence, it being on the left coast and all, but somehow I got convinced. Maybe I was sleep deprived at the time.
Oh, and that should have been a “pleasure” not a “please,” Diane. I’m just getting my first full cup of coffee now. I had some in the car, but obviously not enough.
Hello, Sally! I have been a Naked fan since the first book came out. I wore my “I’m a Naked reader” button at Nationals in San Francisco and some poor clerk at the drugstore nearly got whiplash from the double take he did after he read it. I just smiled.
Frankly I’d rather not hear about the hairy legs, bad teeth and lack of bathing facilities in romance novels. Just spoils the mood!
However, I happen to like good historical research, especially when it reveals something I didn’t know before, something wild and fascinating about the Regency period. I think, for me, if the historical “fudging” of details doesn’t pull me out of the story it doesn’t bother me.
I think we would all be sincerely surprised at how wild and crazy our ancestors were. They were, after all, human. I think as in all time periods, the vast majority of people played by the rules. The ones who didn’t are the most fun to read about!
I love the premise for this story! The Naked Viscount sounds like more fun and nakedness and I am always up for that!
Hi Sally, your book sounds like a fun read! Jane’s life sure is getting more interesting now’s she’s practically given up on finding a husband. 8 season’s, she must have been just about ready to pull her hair out. Seems like love is finding her… Would love to read her story. Best, Kirsten
Hi Sally, your book The Naked Viscount sounds awesome! I am sorry to say I have not read your books before but I am going to have to check them out! I would love to go to the RT sometime, I think I would really get into it! Thanks for sharing your books with us today!
That’s a hoot about the clerk, Louisa. I always wonder if the stuff I do for promotion is worth it. I don’t know that the buttons prompt anyone to buy the Naked books, but they do seem to bring smiles to folks, so that in itself makes them worth it to me.
When I’m developing characters, or thinking of fun things for them to do, I do try to keep in mind that they are human, probably not at heart so very different from us–though they won’t be talking on their cell phones!
I try not to fudge the details, but sometimes I don’t think to check. When I was working on “The Naked Prince,” the novella out in February, I had the hero recognize the handwriting on an envelope–and then I remembered they didn’t have envelopes in the Regency.
I think Jane’s mother might be pulling her hair out more than Jane, Kirsten!
RT is quite the experience, Virginia. I was a little afraid of it at first, but I’ve found if I take it on my own terms, I like it a lot. I’m trying a new readers’ conference in July–RomCon. This is its first year, so I’m not sure what to expect. It’s in Denver, though, so I can visit my son and cousin and some friends.
I hope you’ll try the Naked stories. Fortunately they are all still available in print or e-format, but they don’t have to be read in any particular order. In fact, it turned out I didn’t write them in the order they “happened.”
Wonderful interview and love the premise for the book, all the best for its release!
I agree with Louisa, bad enough in real life having to deal with bad teeth, blemishes, excessive hair in unwanted places, I really don’t want to read about it in my ‘escape’ romances.
However, that said, a slight imperfection, like crooked teeth, can be endearing!
Ooo, interesting idea, Karyn–an endearing, slight imperfection. I’ll have to give that some thought.
The Naked Viscount sounds like a fabulous book and I’m looking forward to reading it.
1. I don’t think of historical figures as always proper, I think they were real people who had a lot of rules they were supposed to follow, but I’m sure they let their hair down at times.
2. I love the historical details in books, but when it comes to romance, I don’t mind if you leave the dirty hair, bad teeth, etc. out, I can live with that.
Rules are certainly an important part of a Regency, Barbara–at least I think so. Society (and its rules) is almost a separate character. I also like the idea that the Georgians–so the older folks in my stories–might have been wilder than the Regency heroes and heroines, since the Regency was starting to tend toward a more conservative time.
Here’s another way I admit I probably deviate from the truth–I’m quite cavalier about dispensing with valets and maids. I try to include them to a point, but I find they are often very much in the way in the bedroom, lol.
Having enjoyed your other books, I’ve been looking forward to this one. The excerpt I’ve seen only wetted the appetite. Love a good mystery and humor to go with romance. Congrats on the new release.
I’m reading historicals in part to escape reality 😉 so I don’t worry about things being to exactly accurate, just realistic. I suspect that some of those folks in history were very proper but most were like the rest of us—only proper when absolutely necessary 😉 Looking forward to “The Naked Viscount”; it sounds like a fun read.
I think that they were much like us in many ways but did have stricter rules and ethical codes.
If you take away all our conveniences that we have today we’d be the same in spirit, etc.
Good reviews on this book.
Hi Sally, great to see you here again and congrats on another Naked release!
I really enjoy your work. Am looking forward to reading the new “Naked” book.
Thanks dknybutinva, robynl, and Kat! Good to “see” you again, Janet.
I think that no matter the era people live in we are all human with very similar characteristics it is just the outside influences that change are reactions to things.
I was introduced to you when I received a packet of stuff from RomCon and got the Naked Reader pin & pen. Figured if I was going around advertising that “I’m a Naked Reader” I better pick up the books and be one. I only have one more to go and have loved every one, can’t wait for the new one to come out.
See you in July.
Hi Sally, I’ve enjoyed your “Naked” series so far; I’m sure the next book will prove an entertaining read as well. I especially appreciate the humor you inject into your books.
The more I read about the English aristocracy throughout history, the more convinced I become that they were a very randy lot. And I prefer authors to ignore historical details that have an “ick” factor to the them. I don’t need that much realism in a romance.
Hi, Melanie! I’m looking forward to seeing you in July. I’m blogging on the RomCon site tomorrow, so please stop by.
Hi, Mary! I’m so happy you’ve been enjoying the Naked nobles. Humor can be a tricky thing. I sometimes think tragedy is more universal that comedy.
I think I would adore the midnight mad hatter party. I love hats. When I lived in the UK I bought quite a few. I think I own 64 all together.
Looking forward to the naked viscount. I always like regencies with some art involved.
Sixty-four hats, Jane? I’m most impressed. I borrowed this one from a friend who borrowed it from a community theater’s collection. And I’m afraid, having had children, I often equate hats with lice, though it appears the lice in our area do not care for dirty boy hair–we never suffered an infestation, thank God.
If any of you want to see the triathlete–the reason I was late in getting here this morning–I’ve posted a few pictures on my Facebook “fan” page:!/pages/Sally-MacKenzie/144131384814?ref=ts
I’m beat–I think I’m calling it a day. I’ll check back in the morning to see if anyone left a comment after I headed off to slumber-land. Thanks for having me, Diane–and all the Riskies–and thanks to all the commenters. I had fun.
How funny. This is the third or fourth blog tonight where I have run into THE NAKED VISCOUNT. That is a good thing. Means your publicity is working. Nice to see him again.
Interesting post on the convention. A herd of zebras? For the Fairy Ball, just doesn’t fit, at least with the masks. Now black and whit striped fairy dresses with black or white (or black and white) wings would have been nice. Maybe next year.
Would love to make the RT, but LA is out of the question. Was going to attend the book sale part of RWA since Nashville is only 5 hours away. Now I have nonrefundable reservations for Nashville so I can’t go to Orlando. I leave next week for Orlando, 2 months too early.
LOL, librarypat! All my blogs seem to have hit together. I have one more Thursday at The Naked Hero blog–for obvious reasons–and then one I still have to write for my agent. I’m not really much of a blogger.
I’m not much of a costume person either, so I was happy to be given a t-shirt and a mask. I have a couple friends who came to the ball dressed in wonderful fairy costumes–one of them works as a costumer for a community theater, so this was right up her alley.
That’s terrible about the flight reservations. I hadn’t made my reservations, so I didn’t have any problems. Some of the airlines were being really good and not penalizing folks, but others weren’t. I’m sure everyone is making note of the unaccommodating airlines. I know I am.