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Monthly Archives: July 2010

I’m still out of town, but will be back next week with photos and a recap of RomCon and looking ahead to RWA! In the meantime, I’m up in the mountains of New Mexico where Internet is iffy, so I’m leaving some of my favorite fashion history links, which I used in the workshop last weekend. Enjoy–and let us know some of your own favorite sites!

18th Century Blog
Costumers Guide to Movie Costumes (not history exactly, but tons of fun!)
FIDM Museum
Metropolitan Museum of Art (the Costume Institute has a wonderful searchable database)
Worn Through
The Costumer’s Manifesto
Jessamyn’s Regency Costume Companion
Elizabethan Costuming Page
Sense & Sensibility Patterns (great links)
Cathy Decker’s Regency Fashion Page
Demode Couture
The Costume Gallery
The Costume Site (tons of great links!)
Tudor Links

And of course these are just the tip of the fashion iceberg…

My fellow Risky Amanda and I have a lot in common. To help you out with telling the difference, I’ve made this handy chart.

Trait A C
Both Riskies Y Y
Write Historical Romance Y Y
Is Under 5 Feet 6 inches Y Y
Unpacked from RomCon Y Y
Packed for RWA a freaking week in advance Y N
Owns lots of cute clothes Y N
Member of Cucumber Club Y Y
Loves Alexander Skarsgard Y Y
Bringing a box of protein bars to RWA in order to save on meals N Y
Wears cute shoes Y N
Spiffy platinum hair N Y
Lives in a villa in Tuscany N N
Has proof of second third career as a Romance Cover model N Y

Hopefully if you see us at RWA, you’ll be able to tell us apart. But if you can’t, squint at our badges or just say hi.

Seems like I’m behind in everything these days.  Le Sigh.


This month, I am a traveling girl. Indeed, this very weekend I will be in Denver Colorado attending the RomCon conference. I do believe there are other Risky girls attending the conference. Amanda, for example. (Anyone else?)

I will have limited copies of my books available at the signing so if you’re going to be there, come by and say hello so I don’t feel like a doofus. I’ll be at the Anti-Heroes panel on Friday afternoon since I am the moderator (proudly adjusts shirt). Other than that, I do believe I will be trolling the halls looking for my favorite authors. Any reader who wants to say hi, totally should.

If you’re wondering if I’m prepared for travel, the answer would be no. I have my airfare all squared away, I’m not THAT bad, but other than that, I leave Thursday evening and will probably pack Thursday afternoon. Here’s hoping I have appropriate clothes!

Later on this July, of course, there’s the RWA National conference, but more about that as the date draws nearer.

Book News

I have a story in the Mammoth Book of Regency Romance, which is out later this month and will be available from places like Amazon etc. There are loads of great authors in the book, so if you’re a fan of the Regency, this might be a tome to check out. Sometime in August, my story will be available for download with some fairly awesome artwork, so you will just have to check back for further details.

Carolyn Does Literary Sleight of Hand

Watch me take this cover (below) and relate it to the Regency. Ready?

How, you must be asking yourself, is the cover of my January 2011 paranormal My Immortal Assassin, in anyway related to the Regency? Is it a time travel?  (No.)  Are there flashbacks? (No.) Does anyone wear an an Empire gown or an immaculate cravat?  (No and no.) Then what!?

As I wrote this story, the constant idea in the back of my head was that my hero, the assassin of the title, was, at heart, a Regency Rake. He’s a totally modern demon sort of fellow, but he’s has these old fashioned tics that come out sometimes in the way he speaks and the way in which he is, every now and then, completely flummoxed by the modern American woman.

Meanwhile back at the Ranch

I have a book due August 15. ACK!!!!!

I am blogging to you from Orlando Florida where all the Riskies are attending the RWA National Conference. I have already declared that IT’S TOO HOT OUTSIDE and am determined to stay inside.

Also, I am going to reimagine my journey from Oakland California to the Dolphin Resort Hotel and it will be up to you to pick out the lies from the truths, if any there are of either sort.

I ran into a charming friend from the Beau Monde at the airport and thus I was accompanied in the flying post-chaise that was to bear me to my destination. I was worried about the unseemliness of traveling alone since my maid took desperately ill the night before and passed over, leaving me quite on my own. My companion was delightful and relieved the tedium of the long journey through the skies. I had, naturally, my own correspondence to work on, I owe a lengthy missive to an associate in New York and took this opportunity to add to my opus.

We arrived in Orlando Florida only a few minutes late whereupon my companion and I discovered there were several other persons whose destination matched ours. We engaged to travel from the flying carriage hostel to the inn where we were all to stay. But can you imagine? There was no carriage or horse to be had, despite our paying for it, for nearly two hours! Tempers flared and I do confess one of our party (not I) was ready to do bodily harm. She was restrained, but barely.

Oh the tedium of waiting whilst the conveyancers dealt with the masses of people who had reserved their trip to our hotel in advance. It seems it did not occur to anyone in their employ to count the number of reservations and compare that to the number of available conveyances… I can speak of this no more as I can feel the tears of frustration arise even now. Hire a private carriage if you can.

I sat next to a charming young lady (very young!) who had just flown in from London, but her baggage was damaged and the flying-carriage employees four times misdirected her as to where she might put in a claim. They were, alas, quite rude and uncouth and I confess I heard such tales from more than one person.  My charming new friend had been on this large post-chaise for an hour with no explanation for why they weren’t traveling anywhere but in circles around the hotel. She was tearfully considering returning home to London as she had by then been at the flying carriage hostel for four hours.  I gave her my cell phone number and my email and told her if she had any further problems or needed help at anytime during her stay to please get in touch, as she will be here for a year.

Three hours after alighting from our flying coach, we arrived at our inn. The poor staff appeared overwhelmed as there were fifty travelers awaiting assignment to a room and but two servants to make the arrangements.

We were, all of us, tired, hungry and, well, peeved, but being ladies nearly all of us, we maintained our cheer as best we could under such circumstances.

But now I am in my rooms with my delightful companion and fellow Risky, Mrs. Megan Frampton and I have showed her my new tattoo. She was in transports! It’s quite fetching. Tomorrow, of course, I will meet the duke of Orlando and we shall see if he suits me.

Yours ever so,


Lies? Truths? Opine in the comments.

Posted in Former Riskies | Tagged | 4 Replies

Darling Risky Readers!

I have returned from RomCon and can report back to you all– well nearly all –my adventures. I am very much looking forward to hearing all about Amanda’s experiences, though. I feel it’s safe, however, to announce that our very own Amanda McCabe became a member of the Cucumber Club while she was there. Yours truly was already a member on account of a certain scene in my paranormal My Forbidden Desire. I’ll let Amanda share the details of her initiation, though I will say she was present during a scene of Cucumber mayhem. Make sure you leave congrats in the comments!

My roommie and I flew in Thursday evening, and arrived rather late as our flight was delayed in Las Vegas due to the arrival of Air Force One and the subsequent shut down of all air traffic for half an hour. Thus, our conveyance did not timely arrive in San Francisco to whisk us away to lovely Denver. This is the problem with traveling Post. One is subject to the whims of the road. I mean air.

I was on the Catherine Morland austerity plan (Northanger Abby) so I had with me 12 energy bars so I wouldn’t have to pay for food. (Double Chocolate and Chocolate Peanut Butter, in case anyone is interested … they still taste suspiciously like sawdust but I guess that’s due to all the protein.) Friday morning, my roomie (@SonomaLass — if you happen to be on Twitter, give her a follow!) and I headed down to meet up with Jane from Dear Author.

Jane let me play with her iPad. OMG! We watched a bit of Batman on it and it was awesome. Writing on it would not be horrible at all, especially with the physical keyboard. The software keyboard is much better than I expected it would be. Aside from the cucumber menage, that might well have been the highlight of the con. Then a bunch of us went out to lunch, including Berkley Books executive editor Cindy Hwang, historical author Courtney Milan, Urban Fantasy, Steampunker Meljean Brook, SonomaLass, Jane, of course and several others, including writers, bloggers and readers. Cindy Hwang picked up the tab, which was exceedingly generous.

Then I moderated the Anti-Heroes you Love to Hate Panel. I think I should have had a special hat or maybe an orange vest and some traffic cones. There were 39 people in attendance to hear such authors as Nalini Singh, Jo Beverly, Cindy Gerard and others. No one told me Jo Beverly was going to be on the panel so I didn’t have an introduction for her and when I looked over and saw her among the authors, I had a total fan girl moment and could hardly breathe. If I’d had that orange vest, I could have completed the Carolyn is a Dork moment. I ended up dividing the authors among the tables and letting them have at conversation. Every five minutes the authors switched tables. This gave all the attendees a chance to hear everyone speak in a personal setting. Many prizes were given out.

I attended a couple of events that were on my schedule, most of which were a complete surprise to me. Oh, I’m doing that? Okay! and in between those things I sat around gabbing with folks; bloggers, readers, authors, agents and editors. And it was wonderful great fun! Many of the panels were games and though they might sound silly let me tell you, the games I participated in were a blast. Monster charades with author Carolyn Crane involved participants pulling a slip of paper that contained something to do with paranormal books (authors, titles, characters, creatures etc) for which the person, assisted by an author if needed, gave clues. Good golly, there were women there who know their paranormal romance!

I ran into Julia Quinn several times and I have to say she must be the most charming person in the world. She was very gracious about my gushing over her Ten Things I Love About You, a recent release of hers I read and absolutely loved.

In conclusion, I must say that I would go to RomCon again. It was fun and intimate and really different from most Cons that I’ve been to. I loved the opportunity to just sit and chat with all combinations of readers, bloggers, publishing folks and authors, formally and informally.

I’ve heard rumors the Con date will move to another date, but remain in Denver next year. Having the Con so close to RWA made it a bit tight for me in terms of time off from work and money. Alas, I was back at work Monday. I think having the Con in some month other than July would be a Good Thing. By the end, I was a little sick of energy bars, but they got me through the con without having to pay for any food, except for once when Amanda, Meljean and I decided to order room service Saturday night after the hotel shuttle door jammed, thus preventing us from going off site in search of dinner.

RomCon: Win. If you have the opportunity next year, this is a fun conference for readers, bloggers and authors

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