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Monthly Archives: July 2011

A part of me wishes I were still in NYC. I heard the Fourth of July fireworks there are going to be the best ever! But I was really tired after a week of RWA, where I had the very best time.

I hope you are all finding some fun place to celebrate our Nation’s birthday. It seems a little odd that I’m going to be spending my blog today talking about the Regency world instead of our founding fathers who declared Independence from the country in which all my books are set.
On Tuesday last week, I attended the Beau Monde Conference, a one-day event that took place before the actual Romance Writers conference. Mary Jo Putney opened the conference with a talk about her Regency writing career and her fondness for the time period.
Risky Janet gave a fascinating workshop on the Abolitionist movement in England.

And my friend Victoria Hinshaw discussed the Battle of Waterloo through the reenactment she attended last year on the battle’s anniversary.

I had to miss the afternoon sessions, but I didn’t miss the Soiree

The Mills and Boon editors, Linda Fildew and Joanne Grant stopped in at the Soiree. From L to R, Julia Justiss, Linda Fildew, me, Joanne Grant.

There were so many wonderful Regency costumes. I told everyone that I was dressed “Regencyesque.” My dress was long, but not exactly Regency.

I ran into Janet here and there during the conference, and I saw Megan enough to say hi to, but I only glimpsed Carolyn. She did look lovely presenting a RITA, though. I missed Amanda and thought of her often. We sent a photo of me and Andrea/Cara Elliot, I think. Things about the conference are already trying to blur.

Thursday at Diane’s Blog I‘ll talk about the rest of the conference and show some more photos. I have a new excerpt of Valiant Soldier, Beautiful Enemy at my website and some exciting new news and a new contest.

Tell us what you are doing this Fourth of July!!!
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yfrog Photo : Shared by RomanceNovelTV

All this week, I’ve been attending the Romance Writers of America’s National Conference. Fun! Guessing you might have to click through on this picture, but it’s me, my friend (and boss) Liz Maverick, not to mention–ahem!–Lisa Kleypas and Jayne Ann Krentz, aka Amanda Quick.

It’s been a whirlwind, and many fun things have happened. Carolyn Jewel and I had our annual doughnut party, and we scarfed a bunch of AMAZING doughnuts from the Doughnut Plant here in NYC (lemme just say this: PB&J doughnut. Creme brulee doughnut. Lavender doughnut. Etc.)

Tomorrow, the Framptons head off on vacation, so I’m frantically packing as my conference winds up. Tonight I’ll be at the RITA Awards, cheering for Carolyn and Amanda, as well as frequent Risky visitor Cara Elliot.

So anyhoo, good things have happened, keep your fingers crossed more good stuff happens soon.

Hope everyone has a lovely long weekend.