Sorry I haven’t been around much the past week or so. My excuse is I’ve been busy with some exciting projects and I’ll do better now that I’m past the hump!

I finished formatting the e-book version of LADY DEARING’S MASQUERADE. It took longer than I expected, but now that I have a detailed cheat sheet it should be much easier for my other backlist books.

Anyway, LADY DEARING’S MASQUERADE is now available for Kindle, Nook and other e-readers at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords!

I also just did some major renovation on my author website at I’ve made it more elegant (IMHO) and I also cleaned up the HTML so it is no longer “deprecated.” If you do not know what it means for HTML to be deprecated, don’t worry. I barely know either!

I’ve also brought myself into the current century by getting myself a Facebook Page, which also was more complicated than I expected. Maybe I should’ve gotten a teenager to help me! If you get a chance, please stop by and visit.

Have you risen to any recent challenges, technical or otherwise?

And look to a contest next Saturday, once I figure out how to do that with e-books. Right now I need to go find some celebratory chocolate. 🙂
