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Monthly Archives: December 2011

Have you seen this?

It’s believed to be a new portrait of Jane Austen. You can read all about it here. Interesting story though it doesn’t sound like it’s been fully authenticated.

Two out of three experts believe it’s Jane! 

Drawn about 1815.

She’s slouching, but probably thinking really deep and wonderful thoughts.

Which brings me to a request.

What do you think Jane is thinking?

Opine in the comments. I will send a random commenter a copy of Jane Austen’s Guide to Good Manners: Compliments, Charades ‘N Horrible Blunders
You may elect to receive paper or the Kindle version. The rules are below:

The Rules

Void where prohibited. Must be 18 or older to win. Winner chosen from among the commenters at random. Leave a comment by Midnight Pacific on Friday December 16. If the book is not available by the time the prize is awarded, Risky Carolyn will provide an Amazon card equal to the value of the paperback book. Go.

My book, Not Proper Enough, is due Jan 1, 2012. I am, therefore, not fit company for much of anyone. Two and a half hours of sleep one night (night before last for those of you panicking that I drove to work in such a sleep deprived condition) actually makes you mostly brain-dead the next day.

I will see you in 2012 with a list of my New Year’s Resolutions which will be something like this:




Actually, could you-all fill in the blanks for me?

Thank you.


The Winner of Jane Austen’s Guide to Good Manners: Compliments, Charades ‘N Horrible Blunders is:


Bettielee: email me at carolyn AT and let you know you’re the Riskies winner! If you’d prefer paper, make sure you include your complete mailing address. If you’re good with an eBook, I’ll need the email address to use! Thanks for stopping by! Carolyn

Posted in Former Riskies | Tagged | 1 Reply

To all our wonderful Risky Readers out there, Happy Holidays from Risky Carolyn!

Half Dome, Apple Orchard, Yosemite, California, April 1933

Half Dome, Apple Orchard, Yosemite, California, April 1933 

I wish all of you a wonderful holiday season. However, I caution you to stay Risky. Life is better that way.

What are your plans for the holidays? Me? I have a book due. I will be writing.

About the Picture

Original Caption: Trees with snow on branches, “Half Dome, Apple Orchard, Yosemite,” California. April 1933.
U.S. National Archives’ Local Identifier: NWDNS-79-AA-U01
From: Series: Ansel Adams Photographs of National Parks and Monuments, compiled 1941 – 1942, documenting the period ca. 1933 – 1942 (Record Group 79)
Created by: Department of the Interior. National Park Service. Branch of Still and Motion Pictures.
Production Date: 1933

Photographer: Adams, Ansel, 1902-1984

Since I’ve been working hard on finishing my balloonist story and can’t read romance while trying to write it, I’ve been catching up on books in other genres, especially those recommended by friends. Of these, my favorites were The Red Tent by Anita Diamant and Year of Wonders: A Novel of the Plague by Geraldine Brooks. To me, there’s something moving and deeply satisfying about each of these.

I’ve also read some outstanding YA novels with my daughter. These had me totally engrossed: the first two books in Mary Jo Putney’s Dark Mirror series and Jane George’s The Mumbo Jumbo Circus. Although settings and styles of these books are very different, both weave in great writing, intriguing characters and magic.

Although it’s not a book or movie, another exciting discovery was hearing up-and-coming pianist Shai Wosner play Beethoven’s 4th piano concerto with the Binghamton Philharmonic. Although he has immense technical talent, he plays with loving attention to every note and phrase, allowing the music to speak, never just showing off. I’ve added a clip of him playing Schumann’s “Carnaval”.

Continuing in the spirit of trying new things, my family and I will once again cook together on New Year’s Eve, trying recipes we’ve never made before. One year we tried making individual Baked Alaskas—a science experiment that sort of blew up but the debris was rather tasty! This year should be easier. The menu is herb stuffed mushrooms to start, bacon wrapped scallops as the main course and for dessert, lemon poppy-seed cake with glaze.

What were your discoveries of 2011? Are you planning anything special for New Year’s Eve? Whatever it is, I hope you have fun and that 2012 brings you much joy!
