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Monthly Archives: September 2012

Baltimore is a strange, quirky sort of city. It’s the birthplace of Betsy Bonaparte who married Napoleon’s brother Jerome. Napoleon was not amused. Poor Betsy never got a crack at being a European bigwig though her extremely French ooh la la fashion sense appalled the fashionable set of Washington. I blogged about it here.

Baltimore brought us the Star Spangled Banner (which I blogged about very recently), Edgar Allen Poe, John Waters, the endearment hon (pronounced in the very odd regional accent), The Wire, and many other strange and wonderful things. And every year it brings the Baltimore Book Festival and I’ll be talking and reading there tomorrow on the Maryland Romance Writers’ Stage. It’s a huge three-day event which takes place in the Mount Vernon district. Lots and lots of books, beer, writers, kids’ activities, readings, food, and many good things.

I’ll be on panels talking about vamps, erotic romance, and keeping the history in historical fiction. We have some terrific guests including local writers like Stephanie Draven, Laura Kaye, and Christie Kelley. My out of town friend Miranda Neville will be there with me tomorrow and my other buddy Pam Rosenthal will talk on Saturday evening. We’ll all read from our books which you’ll be able to buy on the spot courtesy of Ukazoo Books (Baltimore is also rich in indy book stores).

There will also be drawings and giveaways and a bunch of us who are talking about vampires on Friday are doing a gift basket that has various treasures packed into a True Blood lunch bag (I think it would put me off my lunch, but there you go)–books, chocolate, jewelry, and one of my Austen mugs. I hate being involved in chocolate-heavy events. I just know I’m going to absent mindedly eat it.

So if you’re in spitting distance of Charm City, please visit the Baltimore Book Festival. You’ll have a lot of fun.

If you had to plan a book festival, who would you invite?


Thanks to everyone who helped me think through the branding issue for my novella, Lady Em’s Indiscretion.

And here on the left is the new cover!  Much as I still love the old cover (right), I hope this will help readers see that this is different from my full-length titles. I hope this story will start reaching readers who appreciate it for what I intended it to be: a quick, sexy read. It’s more like a piece of chocolate rather than a full meal and not for readers who skip the sex scenes.

This week I also updated my author portrait.  Just for giggles, here are my author portraits, in order by age.

As you can see, blue has always been my favorite color. At least I have updated my hair from time to time. 🙂

Let me know what you think of my covers and/or my author headshots.

I will give away 5 copies of Lady Em’s Indiscretion on Kindle or Nook to commenters chosen at random.  Void where prohibited. You must be over 18. No purchase necessary. Post your comments by midnight EST on Thursday, Oct 4th.  Please include your email address and your preference for Nook or Kindle in your comment, or check back for the announcement post on Friday, Oct 5th.


Oh, my goodness, whoa!

Life was busy before, and now it is just insane! Yesterday I had an uncomfortable, boring dental procedure, which means I can only drink (not that kind of drink, either) for four days. Then mushy foods (bring on the cream of wheat!) and then less mushy foods, for a bit of excitement after about a week.

And on top of this is the writing, and the life, and all that stuff.

As always, though, reading is my respite–this morning I finished Lisa Kleypas’s The Devil in Winter, which I liked a lot. I can definitely relate to a shy wallflower! And then I began the second in a post-apocalyptic YA, the first book of which made me sob–SOB!–at the end. So that is good.

I am hoping to persuade my husband to watch Jane Eyre with me, the one with Toby Stephens and Ruth Wilson. Because of me being all convalescent and all. I don’t think there’s been a definitive Jane Eyre yet, but there have been good ones.

Wish me luck on converting him to the cult of personality that is Mr. Rochester.

Which is your favorite version?


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