Hey everyone!

Thanks to Myretta for always stepping in when I flake over here–which has been happening far too often (rhetorical question: Does life EVER slow down?).
I’d like to share the cover and the blurb for my novella, Baring It All, which comes out June 24th.

Final Baring It All

Megan Frampton turns up the heat on one bride-to-be and her oblivious bridegroom in this steamy and scandalous eBook original novella of Regency romance.

It is with great discretion that this columnist discusses the sensitive topic of undergarments. Some ladies, it seems, do not pay strict attention to what they wear under their gowns. A crucial error, my ladies.

Lady Violet knows Lord Christian Jepstow is interested in women. The problem is, he hasn’t seemed to realize that Violet is a living, breathing woman—a woman with needs. Which is a huge problem, considering the fact that Violet and Christian are betrothed. Violet has no intention of saying her vows without knowing if her husband has the capacity to love her properly, so she does what anyone would do in her situation—she steps into his study and offers to take off her clothes. What happens next could be an utter disaster . . . or it could be surprising, seductive, and sizzlingly sexy.

I’ve just gotten the edits back for my October full-length, What Not to Bare, and so will be immersed in that world for the next week or so (the edits are minimal, yay!).

And now back to writing, and battling ear infections (ugh!), and trying to convince a recalcitrant 13 year-old to brush his very long hair, and such.

Hope everyone is doing well!
