ElenaGreene_FlyWithARogue_800pxMy apologies for not being around much this week. I’ve been fighting another sinus infection while madly trying to finish the latest version of the balloonist story and get it out to my critique partners.

The good news is I finally settled on a title and I have a cover!  Please forgive the historically inaccurate shirtlessness–I decided it was more important to convey the level of sensuality and make sure people didn’t mistake this for a sweet traditional Regency.

I’m hoping to get the critique-ready ms out by tomorrow, before taking my oldest to a 3 week summer youth program (first time she’s away that long), so I don’t have much time to chat. But here’s the short blurb I came up with for the story.

A village schoolmistress’s life takes a turn when a Waterloo veteran turned aeronaut crashes near her cottage. Passion sweeps them along, taking them on a scandalous flight across the English countryside. They must marry, but can they make a life together?

Now I’m off to re-edit the Dreaded Chapter 27 (which required an untold number of Hershey’s nuggets to write in the first place). Please wish me luck!
