I am in the middle of piles of boxes here, and trying to figure out how to get all my shoes packed–AND I have a WIP due at the end of next month!  So, since i am brain-frozen, and have lots of stuff I need to get rid of after the big clean-out, let’s have a giveaway.  Here’s what I have:

LoveLettersCoverLove Letters by Antonia Fraser (lots of lovely paintings, as well as beautiful excerpts from famous love letters)

The Secret Wife of King George IV by Diane Hager (a novel about Mrs. Fitzherbert)

The Art of Romance (a great book of vintage Harlequin covers)




LadyhighwaymanAnd last, but certainly not least, a DVD of The Lady and the Highwayman–Hugh Grant (in a mullet hairdo!) plays a Barbara Cartland hero.  Seriously, people, you must see this…

I’ll also throw in a copy of Running from Scandal, since I just got my author copies yesterda!

Just leave your name and email, plus which book you want, in the comments, and I will pick winners at random later this week!