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Monthly Archives: October 2013

I think some of the most beautiful portraits of our period and a bit earlier are found in miniatures. One of the best miniaturists was Richard Cosway.

510px-Cosway,_Self-portraitCosway (1742-1821) was the son of a schoolmaster. At age 12, he went to London to study painting, winning prizes from the Society of Artists in 1754 and 1760. By the age of 20 he was in demand. In 1785 he was appointed Painter to the Prince of Wales and painted the Prince’s first wife Maria Fitzherbert.

In 1781, Cosway married Maria Hatfield, 20 years younger than he. Maria was a multitalented artist, composer, and educator, who had brief romance and life-long friendship with Thomas Jefferson. Cosway supported his wife’s artistic pursuits, but theirs was not a happy marriage.

Miniatures were keepsakes that could easily be kept in a pocket or reticule, much like we keep treasured photos in a wallet. This Cosway miniature of a lady shows how some were set.

Here are some other examples:









George IV








And this beautiful one of Mrs. Floyd








I’ve always wanted to own a Regency or Georgian era miniature. Do you own one? Do you have a favorite?

Posted in History, Regency | 8 Replies

I’m always impressed by the inventive Google doodles and I’m venturing into Elena territory today by talking about an event that took place in 1797 on October 22–the first descent by parachute by the daring Andre-Jacques Garnerin in Paris. This was how Google celebrated the event:

Google_Doodle_parachute_610x276220px-First_parachute2The parachute, more like an umbrella than a modern parachute,  was attached to a balloon that, once it had achieved sufficient altitude, M. Garnerin let rip and plummeted to earth from 3,200′. No graceful floating with this prototype parachute. Allegedly he threw up on the enthralled crowd below. Later he adapted his parachute with a vent to make a less exciting descent for both himself and onlookers. You can read a description of the Parc Monceau, the scene of this daring adventure, at Bonjour Paris.

220px-1798-balloon-henriBut it was in the following year that he achieved tremendous notoriety by taking a woman on a balloon ascent. Mon dieu! He had to appear before the Central Bureau of Police to assure them that Citoyenne Henri would suffer no ill effects to her delicate female constitution and that no hanky-panky would take place in the basket. It was eventually decided that a balloon ascent held the same moral danger as sharing a carriage, i.e., not much. Once again a crowd gathered in the Parc to see the first woman in a balloon–ever the showman, Garnerin had wisely chosen a young and pretty woman.

His wife Jeanne Genevieve was the first woman to make a parachute descent in 1799 from an altitude of 900 meters. In 1802, during the Peace of Amiens, he and Jeanne Genevieve visited England and made balloon ascents together, and M. Garnerin gave a parachute demonstration in a field near St. Pancras. On another balloon trip he carried a letter of introduction from the Prince Regent in case of a crash landing.

If you’ve ever been in a hot air balloon or parachuted, please tell us about it, and if you wish, report on the effect on your morals and delicate female constitution. And, this has nothing to do with it unless you consider NaNoWriMo the equivalent of diving into thin air: if you’re in or near Maryland, there’s still time to register for Saturday’s workshop Writing From the Ground Up.

Since Amanda is busy moving (hope it’s all going well, Amanda!) I promised to switch days with her. And promptly forgot, in the havoc of getting back from the New Jersey Romance Writers conference and trying to get the family and household back on track!

BroadwoodpianoAnyway, I’m here now. Back in the summer, I had the chance to visit the vast and wonderful Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. There were many highlights to the visit, but an unexpected one was their varied collection of musical instruments. I’ve been meaning to blog about it ever since, but it went onto the back burner as I was finishing Fly with a Rogue and taking my oldest on college visits.

One of the most striking pieces in the collection is this superb grand piano. It was made in 1796 by John Broadwood & Sons for Manual de Godoy, ambassador to King Carlos IV of Spain. The decoration was designed by Thomas Sheraton and the jasperware cameos are by Josiah Wedgewood. I took some pictures of the details. Apologies for the fuzziness, but you can get an idea anyway.














This is certainly the sort of instrument one could imagine in the house of one of our fictional dukes.

squarepianoAt the other end of the room, there was this square piano, made around 1770 in England by Johann Christoph Zume and Gabriel Buntebart. At about 5 octaves, this was the first type of piano to be commercially successful and became very popular. A vicar’s daughter type heroine could have afforded to play a piano like this one.

Here is Vladimir Pleshakov playing Bonifacio Asioli’s 1795 Sonata on a 1795 Broadwood grand. According to the comments, the pianoforte pictured is actually of a later date, unfortunately.

Next week I’ll post about some of the more esoteric instruments in the collection.

Can any of you picture yourselves playing these instruments? I can–in my Regency fantasies!


defaultthumbI had the great good fortune to spend the weekend in New Jersey (I’m not joking. I love New Jersey) at the New Jersey Romance Writers conference.

IMG_0176A Reputation for Notoriety was a Golden Leaf contest finalist for Best Historical, but, alas, my book did not win. The good news is that my friend Sally MacKenzie‘s Surprising Lord Jack won instead.

Fellow Riskies, Elena, Megan, Myretta, and Gail also attended the conference. I was able to spend a little time with each of them; a lot of time with Elena.

Regency and Scottish Historical author Cathy MaxwellRWA_speech was also at the conference and gave a very inspiring workshop on Empowering the Writer. Her message was, basically, be true to yourself, as a writer and a person. In a very moving story she made the point that Man is an unfinished product and that every morning we should wake up and decide how to complete ourselves that day. We can fill ourselves with confidence, creativity, good will, optimism, or we can fill ourselves with fear, pessimism, and ill will. It is our choice.

So, today, how will you try to complete yourself?

Congratulations to the following winners of the Lady Dearing’s Masquerade audiobook!

Robin Greene, Lesley A, bn100, Julie, Jane A, Sheila C, Melody May, Cassie P, Billie Jo M, and Stacy

I will email you your download codes this evening, when I get back from the New Jersey Romance Writers conference. If you don’t get an email by Monday, please contact me at elena @ (no spaces) and I’ll send it again.