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Monthly Archives: December 2013

The Governess, from Jane Austen’s World. This is a nice precis.

Here’s a BBC podcast on the subject in the form of a discussion of Ruth Brandon’s book “Other People’s Daughters: The Life and Times of the Governess.” I think the title says it all.

Over at Literary Detectives there’s a nice blog about Governesses in Jane Austen.

This Wikipedia article has a section on Notable governesses one of whom is Marie Curie. Governess and Nobel Prize winner.

About halfway down the page of this V&A article on some paintings is one on The Governess by Richard A Redgrave. The article is a bit High Schoolish in tone, but it’s quite interesting.

The London Life also has some discussion of Governesses.

And then, because this a just a nice resource, here’s a Pinterest board on Regency era gowns

Lastly, I leave you with this exchange which proves the importance of good website navigation because this site The Loiterer — does not have it. But some interesting stuff here!

I have another set of Jane Austen temporary tattoos…. In honor of Jane, you can win one plus three mystery books. Not Mystery books, but books as in you won’t know what you’ll get until you get them. That kind of mystery.

So, enter to win.

No purchase necessary. Must be 18 to enter. Void where prohibited. International OK. Winner chosen at random from among eligible entries. My relatives are not eligible. To enter, leave a comment by midnight Eastern (because that’s the time zone of this blog) Friday December 20th, 2013. In your comment, complete the following question:

Jane would ____________________ because _________________.

Or make up your own.


I totally forgot it was Monday!

It was a lovely Christmas! I hope yours was, as well.

Northanger_Abbey_CE_Brock_Vol_II_chap_IXI’m just back from Williamsburg, visiting the in-laws. We had a gathering of our whole family, including the cutest grandson EVER. He’s now 6 mos old and the current love of my life. So please excuse me for forgetting my blog day.

It has been a holiday season with almost no Regency tie-in. I have been re-reading Northanger Abbey in preparation for Kathy Gilles Seidel’s annual Austen workshop for Washington Romance Writers on January 11.

Tomorrow I’m anticipating two parties – lunch and an evening party. For the evening party, I’m supposed to bring something. Wouldn’t it be funny if I brought a Regency dish?

What should it be??

(Happy New Year, everyone!)