Murder at Westminster Abbey-1So many lovely new Risky books lately!!!  I am headed to the hospital today for surgery (hopefully just one night there, then I will be home again), and I have my Kindle loaded with new books and my stuffed Hello Kitty in my bag to keep me company.  In the meantime, I think a giveaway would be a good thing…

The second in my Amanda Carmack “Kate Haywood Elizabethan Mysteries” is out in April!  Murder at Westminster Abbey is set around the festivities of Queen Elizabeth’s coronation (which was tremendous fun to research!).  I just got a boxful of ARCs last week, and will give away one of them to a commenter on today’s post!  Just let us know what you’re reading lately, some of your favorite get-well-quick tips, whose coronation you would have liked to attend, anything you like.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASee you all next week!