I’m working away at The Next Historical and I’m making progress. The story is starting to gel which, you know; :::Sigh of Relief::: This writing gig is hard work. Yesterday when I was reading through my current chapter one, I thought to myself, hey! This is pretty good! :::runs around cheering::::
I’ve hit the first third of the story when typically things are slightly less sucky and slightly more focused. It’s a good feeling.
I think I might have mentioned already that at first the book was set in London. I was reading a lot of my Epicure’s Almanack that the dog chewed on and I was all ready to start using some of that great research. But then I ended up moving the story to the country and so far no one is showing any sign of wanting—
omg, I just had a great idea! ROAD TRIP!!!!! They will travel somewhere…. and do something…. and exciting stuff will happen!!! And there will be hotel rooms and possibly shenanigans.
—to leave the country.
That does not mean my research was wasted because, as it turns out, this whole section I read on a totally wild, extravagant party that Ryder made up (it NEEDS to be TRUE!!!) has turned into this backstory-ish thing based on that and it’s working out well.
Next Week
Next week is RWA and some of the Riskies will be there, including yours truly. I will do my best to post.
What are your plans for next week?
Still remember when RWA was in DC and I got to buy lots of books and meet many of my favorite authors. Can’t attend this year’s as I will be heading to California on the 20th. Lots of family (my sister and her husband in Novato, my husband’s sister and her husband in SF proper, cousins in Oakland and Berkeley) and lots of friends in the region stretching from Sebastopol to San Jose. So I will sigh deeply at the thought of everyone at RWA having a Grand Old Time, I know that I will be doing the same the following week.
Wait, you’re going to be in my neck of the woods while I’m in Atlanta???? Or will your trip overlap my return?
Congrats on the writing progress!
I’ll be busy working on revision to Fly with a Rogue based on critique comments and picking a narrator for Lady Dearing’s Masquerade. Then heading out of town to pick up my oldest from her 3 week youth program–which must be going well, because she’s too busy to call home!
Busy!! In a good way.
Hope selecting the narrator goes well!