This must be our time for asking for help from our readers. Megan asked for help for finding examples of heroines for her HSCD (handsome, snarky, charming duke). Susanna asked for what risks readers thought Riskies should take. And I need your help coming up with a strapline.

1815 019 no 2 A strapline is a header that will run across the top of my author page at eHarlequin and

Examples of straplines were things like:
“Fun, fresh, and flirty romance!”
“Sizzling stories that will keep you turning the pages…”
“Romance author fuelled by coffee and craziness”
“Cowgirl chick and western romance writer”

I would want mine to include that I write Regency Historicals and I want it to reflect my particular spin on the Regency.

Here’s what I came up with so far:
“Mayfair, Almack’s, and the Regency Underworld! Award-winning Regency Romance”
“Mayfair, Almack’s and the Regency Underworld! Emotion packed Regency Romance”

What sort of strapline would attract you? Should I include the words “award-winning?”

The strapline cannot be more than 10 words.

So here’s the challenge. Help me come up with a strapline. Write me a new one or give your opinion of the two I came up with. Or give me guidelines to write a good one. Take a look at my website for ideas. There’s a $5.00 Amazon gift card for the winning strapline. Or, if I don’t pick the best one, I’ll choose one winner at random, winner to be announced next Monday.

And, in case winning a $5 gift card isn’t enough, enter our newsletter contest! Just sign up for our newsletter and you’ll be entered. For the prize we’ll pay off at least $40 of your Amazon Wish List! Janet will announce the winner on August 1.