Conferences are twice as hard. There are day outfits and evening outfits, each requiring shoes and bags and jewelry. My Regency-style gown for the Beau Monde Soiree (plus gloves, reticule, fan!). Shawls, because the air conditioning always seems set on ‘glacial’ at the hotel. Promo stuff, like books and cover flats (maybe I need a big sign saying Buy My New Book, Out in August! Please, I Beg You! Too over the top?). Makeup (my everyday makeup consists of a little concealer, lipgloss, and mascara, but conferences require enough products to see a diva through La Traviata, it seems). Zit cream–Very Important. Who wants to meet their editor with a huge pimple on their nose? A little notebook to jot down interesting gossip, er, very useful tips for Improving My Craft. And–I know I’m forgetting something.
Since I work in an academic library, I get to see wide variety of magazines and newspapers as they go on the shelf, including lots of publications from Europe. One of my favorites is the very posh-looking Country Life, which has articles about things like carriage-driving, the latest in wellies, gardening, and “Around the Salerooms,” where you can see what’s coming up at Christie’s and Cheffins (this month–the remains of Marie Antoinette’s marble bathtub for 3, 529 pounds, and “The Grosevenor Gold Cup, won in 1774 by Mr. Norcop’s brown colt Intrepid” for 117, 250 pounds. Makes those bits of bathtub look positively cheap. And there’s also a snuffbox from the coronation of George IV, a bargain at 329).
They also have real estate listings, and I spend a long time poring over this feature every month.
Speaking of what to wear (and also of Adrian Grenier, who played Anne Hatheway’s boyfriend in Devil Wears Prada, and AH plays Jane Austen), I got the Jane Austen Centre Newsletter a few days ago. There’s an article about a costume from the Keira Knightley Pride and Prejudice up for sale here. It might be kind of fun to own a film costume, but: A) it costs more than $6000, money that could go far in my ‘research travel fund’, B) it’s really quite ugly, C) who could wear it besides Size Double Zero Keira? If I was going to spend thousands on a movie costume, I can think of a few I would much rather have. There are at least 3 from Marie Antoinette, the lacy green dress Gwyneth Paltrow wears to Box Hill in Emma, and the purple striped travel suit and big hat from Titanic (I still lust for that hat).
I also learned from the JAC newsletter quiz that the Austen character I most resemble is–Marianne Dashwood! I took a similar quiz a few months ago with the same result. I was kind of hoping I’d become more Lizzy Bennet-ish in the meantime, but oh well. I will just go write a dramatic poem about it!
Now, I’d better go and practice my eyeliner-applying skills for the Big Date (just bought a supposedly “user-friendly” eyeliner from Clinique, plus a gorgeous new Chanel nail poilsh called “Heatwave”–a sort of mix of pink, coral, and red, with a shimmer). Is there a particular movie costume you’d like to own? And which Austen character are you?