One more snow picture….That’s me, age 2, sitting on a mound of snow in Buffalo, NY.
I’m pleased to report that the Washington, DC, area easily beat out Buffalo for the most snow this winter. I watched carefully as we inched up to the Syracuse totals…and passed them!!! Yay! We won the city with the most snow for the winter of 2009-2010.
And we totally toasted the 1898-1899 all time record. We’re NUMBER ONE!!!
Being snowed in for a week is a discombobulating experience (Can you tell?). You’d think that I could get lots of writing done, but, then, the neighbors are shoveling and peer pressure demands I get my shovel out. Then there is exhaustion….Lots of looking outside, commenting on how high the snow has gotten, whether the Federal Government (and everything else) would be open or closed…lots of gazing at the Weather Channel.
In between writing, shoveling, checking email, eating, and various other things, I also discovered some interesting discussions about the romance genre, articles that made my brain work AND supported my beliefs (what could be better?).
The is by Jessica Tripler, a romance reader and philosophy professor, whose blog is called Racy Romance Reviews:
Feminist Critique of Romance: Ur Doing It Wrong
Jessica responds to an article in an academic journal. From the article’s abstract:
This article ultimately endeavours to demonstrate that, textually, even the most recent incarnations of the Harlequin Mills & Boon brand fail to withstand feminist scrutiny. … Something of an antidote to the Harlequin Mills & Boon romance, Bridget Jones’s Diary explicitly answers and counters many of the low-brow romance’s perceived ideological failings–from THE BARRISTER’S BEDMATE: Harlequin Mills & Boon and the Bridget Jones Debate” by Rochelle Hurst, Australian Feminist Studies, Vol. 24, No. 62, December 2009
The books Hurst decided to contrast with Bridget Jones’s Diary were the Harlequin Mills and Boon books of Emma Darcy. It may be just me, but I think it’s a bit snarky to put down a fellow Aussie who has been such a phenomenal success. Or perhaps to an Australian who doesn’t read romance, Emma Darcy is the only Australian Romance author, sorta like Nora Roberts…
Anyway, Tripler, with the help of Laura Vivanco of the Teach Me Tonight blog (more about her later) discuss several of Hurst’s misquotes and misteps in her research. Fascinating stuff, even though we hear the same old stereotypes of romance debunked again.
Next, we’re back to Yale. Andrea DaRif (Cara Elliott) and Lauren Willig are still calling attention to the romance genre with their very-first-ever Yale course on Regency Romance. This time The Yale Herald Online has an article by Katherine Orazem called In Defense of Romance: Proving the Stereotypes Wrong . Of course, the article is illustrated with a stereotypic parody of a Romance cover and this teaser: “Katherine Orazem investigates why romance novels do not get the respect (and love) they deserve.” I mean, why stick the “(and love)” in there? Makes no sense when romance outsells all other mass market books.
Orazem’s discussion is interesting and fun and the quotes by Andrea and Lauren and Susan Elizabeth Phillips are terrific. My favorite quote is from Harlequin Historical author, Louise Allen, in response to the feminism vs. romance novel issue: “Among the freedoms I insist upon as a woman is the right to my own fantasies.” Right on, Louise!
By the way, in my previous blog on the Andrea and Lauren’s Yale course, Andrea said she would post the syllabus and reading list when she could. It is now on her website. You’ll notice Amanda’s and Janet’s names on the reading list! I’m just saying….
Laura Vivanco was also quoted in Orazem’s article and has written some of her thoughts about it on the Teach Me Tonight Blog: musings on romance fiction from an academic perspective. Vivanco addresses Romance Novels: Literary Texts or Formulaic Stories? tackling the question of what makes a work literary or what makes it junk.
In her discussion, she quotes from Noël Carroll (“The Paradox of Junk Fiction. Philosophy and Literature 18.2 (1994): 225-241) who says “all cultural products contain a mixture of two kinds of elements: conventions and inventions.” Conventions and inventions! I like that!
Vivanco further mentions another blog discussing Carroll’s article about Junk Fiction–by Jessica Tripler on Racy Romance Reviews. Which brings me full circle. Another stimulating discussion…
What do you think? Do you like academic discussions about romance? Do you have pet peeves about romance stereotypes? Like always discussing present day romance as if they are exactly the same as the “bodice rippers” of the 1970s. Or that all romances are the same. Or that romance is about a woman subjugating herself to a man. What do you think?
Our Risky Regencies guest today is my friend, Lavinia Kent, whose second Regency Historical, Bound By Temptation, is out this month from Avon.
Kent hits the mark with a pure romance, allowing nothing to take away from the heated sensuality between the hero and heroine. Even the search for a missing sister doesn’t detract from the sizzling conflict. Readers will applaud her mature characters, whose adult love story is simultaneously delightful and sexy–Kathe Robin, RT Book Reviews
Lavinia’s impressive debut, A Talent For Sin is nominated for Best First Historical by RT Book Reviews. It looks like Bound By Temptation will be every bit as good.
Lavinia is giving away a signed copy of Bound By Temptation to one lucky commenter, chosen at random. So say hello again to Lavinia Kent!
Welcome, Lavinia. Tell us about Bound by Temptation.
Bound by Temptation is not the book I expected to write. I knew exactly what book was coming next – only then it didn’t. When I sat down to write, another story formed, the story of very strong, very seductive widow, Clara, Lady Westington, and Jonathan Masters, a man who should have been all wrong for her – only he wasn’t.
It’s the story of a couple who definitely don’t want to want each other. They both have very firm ideas about what they want in life. Clara, after several scandalous years, has decided to be a calm respectable widow. She definitely had no plans to marry again.
And Masters believes it’s finally time to seek a wife – a quiet young wife who will understand her place in his life.
The only problem is that they can’t keep their hands off each other, and when Clara decides to help Masters find a wife . . .
Bound by Temptation is your second book, and second books pose their own unique anxieties and challenges. Did you experience “Second Book Syndrome?” What were the unique challenges of writing a second book?
I certainly was more nervous writing Bound by Temptation than I was the first time around. It’s nerve-wracking when you reach the middle of the book, aren’t quite sure what should happen next, and know that there is a deadline looming.
That said, I also found it immensely satisfying because I hit a real “I am a writer” moment. I realized that I could think of a story and write on a schedule. I wasn’t sure that I could, until I actually did it. It was a great feeling.
In A Talent for Sin your love scenes go on for pages (not complaining…). Can we expect the same for Bound by Temptation? And, as a writer, how do you do that????
Definitely, there will be. I blame it on my characters. They seem to set the pace. I often plan a short love scene and then it just doesn’t end. I think it’s because I’m always trying to move the relationship along during a love scene so my characters talk and play around a lot – all sorts of play.
I try hard always to know what I want to show in a love scene. The only exception is occasionally the “reward” scene at the end of the book. In those I am just trying to show that my hero and heroine are going to keep having fun – that love is the beginning and not the end.
Sometimes, however, I’m not sure that I’m the one in control. I had one scene in Bound by Temptation that was incredibly erotic, but I just couldn’t get things to move along. My hero and heroine just wouldn’t take their clothes off. I finally realized that boots and dresses were staying on, and things moved along from there. Everybody ended up very happy.
Did you come across any interesting research while writing this book?
The most interesting research I’ve done is related to all my books. I’ve had a great puzzle of trying to figure out titles and relationships between my characters. In my first book I created a character, Lady Smythe-Burke, who is a real doyenne of society. I knew from the start that she was the maternal aunt of another character. That presented no problem. But, then, as I started my fourth book, I discovered that she was also the aunt of my new hero, the Duke of Strattington, and that his last name was simply Smythe. How to reconcile her title, his, and their surname?
I finally worked it out with honor titles, an extra earldom (we can all use an extra earldom), and a husband who died before inheriting the dukedom. I still not positive it all works, but it’s been a great puzzle to play with.
What is risky about Bound by Temptation?
The riskiest thing in Bound by Temptation is the hero, Masters. He was a villain in my previous book, A Talent for Sin. I’ve always loved villain-turned-hero stories, but I hadn’t originally planned for this to be one. It was great fun trying to understand Masters and trying to explain why he acted the way he did. It was even more fun creating the heroine who was strong enough to stand up to him and tantalizing enough for him to still love.
As a side note – I was very glad I was still in revisions with the previous book when I realized he was going to be a hero. It’s amazing how much more heroic he is at 6’2” than at 5’8”.
6. Since it is Valentine’s Day, what is the most romantic thing that ever happened to you?
I suppose I’d better choose something with my husband because he’s going to proofread this.
Seriously, I love the fact that he always gets me roses for Valentine’s Day. I always tell him not to. I explain with great care how silly it is because they cost so much more this one day of the year and the quality isn’t as good because there is such great demand for them. I always get him to agree not to – and then he does anyway. I love that sometimes the gesture is the most important thing. (And I love roses.)
What’s next for you?
I’m working on both my third and forth books at the moment. My third book, Taken by Desire, should come out next winter. I’m working on the revisions right now. It’s a story that runs parallel to events in Bound by Temptation, and I think will be a bit of a surprise.
My fourth book is still secret, but it will finally answer many of the questions left open in A Talent for Sin.
The one thing I can promise is strong heroines and lots of hot, sensuous moments.
Thank you so much for having me. It’s always so much fun!
We love having you, Lavinia!
Since it is Valentine’s Day and Lavinia is known for long love scenes, tell us what you need in a love scene to make it…um….satisfying. Or just ask Lavinia a question. If she isn’t too busy smelling the roses, that is!
Remember, you could win a signed copy of Bound by Temptation!
Janet and I (and Cara’s Todd, it turns out) have been caught in a near record-breaking Washington, DC, snowfall. I’m sure this is not a surprise; it’s made the news, but something this big cannot be ignored!
Those of you who live in places where snow is commonplace may not realize the significance of a 30 inch snowfall in Washington, DC (in my Virginia area we only managed 27 inches). We ususally get only one or two snowstorms a year and two or three inches of snow brings us to a crashing halt. Thirty inches in paralyzing.
Here’s the view from my bedroom window Saturday. We still had more snow to come.
And the same view Sunday afternoon after we were almost dug out. That’s my husband, who is 5’11” reaching up to clean the car.
Our front stoop and sidewalk are untouched.
We have not ventured out yet, but the roads remain so bad that the Federal Government is closed. (This is a very big deal here.) Amtrak between New York and DC is halted; planes aren’t flying; buses aren’t running. The only public transportation is the metro subway underground, not above.
We’re the lucky ones. We still have one gallon of milk left and plenty of toilet paper. Thousands are without heat, including some friends of ours who live near Mount Vernon.
Which brings me to the fact that this is not a record breaking snowfall. The unofficial record of 35 inches goes back to January 28, 1772, before official records were kept. How do we know that the snowfall that date was 35 inches? Both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson record it in their diaries.
It’s not all hardship, though. Thanks to Facebook, two thousand gathered in Dupont Circle in DC for a Community Snowball fight.
I went on a search for Regency era snow pictures (to make this relevant to Risky Regencies). I found two. This first one is the Liverpool Mail, dating a bit later in the 1830s.
The second is from 1804 (earlier) called: The Neglected Daughter: An Affecting Tale.
This shows what happens to daughters who stray (i.e. have babies out of wedlock)
Are you in the “snow” area? How much did you get? If you were me, would you wish you were stranded in Florida, like my friend, Darlene Gardner? Do you like or hate the snow?
Check my website for new announcements and on how to order Regency High Society Affairs, Vol 12, featuring my second book, The Wagering Widow.
Happy Shoveling!
I do not at all pretend to be scholarly and I am way too boring to be scandalous, but I’ll use these words to write about what has captured my interest these last couple of days.
First, take a look at this article in the New Haven Register, They’re Teaching a Romance Novel Course at Yale But It Is Not What You Think
The course is being taught by our Regency Pals and Yale alumni, Andrea DaRif (Andrea Pickens/Cara Elliott) and Lauren Willig.
Description of the course from the college syllabus: The Regency romance tradition from the works of Jane Austen to modern permutations of the genre. Discussion of novels in textual, historical, and sociological context through examination of changing tropes and themes.
The romance community has known about this course for some time (follow links in Andrea/Cara’s website), but it is fun to see it getting wider press. A Google search shows that lots of sites are picking up on the Register article.
Sarah at Smart Bitches mentions the course, as well as a documentary film in progress about the making of romance novels being made for PBS’s American Experience (Can’t wait to hear more about that one!).
One of the things I love about the Yale course is that it is focussing on REGENCY Romance, which I think is a first in the small but growing trend to include study of romance novels in Engligh programs. It is the first Ivy League school to have such a course. Apparently 80 people tried to sign up for the course, which only had 18 spaces.
I was an English major in college and I would have loved to take such a course. I always thought reading my way through my major was the cushiest way to earn a degree, but it would have been even better to read what I loved. Even more, it would have been a delight to discuss the books I love in a serious, scholarly way.
We’ll have to check in with Cara and Lauren at the end of the course to see how it went.
While we are on the subject of academia, I also learned about a blog by a George Mason University Jane Austen scholar about Grace Dalrymple Elliot, the subject of Jo Manning’s wonderful biography, My Lady Scandalous. Moody both lauds Jo’s achievement, yet is dismayed by the book’s title and presentation, which seems to me to be designed for popular consumption.
Moody particularly objects to the use of the word “scandalous” in the title, making the point that it depreciates Elliot as a strong woman of her time by defining her in terms of her sexual history rather than her own achievements. I’m sure I’m not representing her opinion accurately, but it was an interesting blog and and interesting debate with Jo Manning in the comments section.
I do think it a truth that women of the late 18th-early 19th century who wound up as courtesans were considered scandalous at the time. Freedoms we modern women take for granted – being able to leave destructive marriages, having the freedom to have a sexual life, the right to earn a living and keep custody of our children – were not available to women in Regency times. Yet strong women like Grace Elliot still existed and managed to live amazing lives.
If you were designing a course in Regency Romance what authors would you have the students read?
Do you have a pet peeve about how historical women are viewed by us today?
Visit Risky Regencies this Saturday, Feb 6, when our own Cara King returns to tell us about her Regency Ball!
Check my website for my latest news, like the fact that The Wagering Widow, re-released in a double book, Regency High-Society Affairs Vol. 12 (free shipping from Book Depository and a discount, too). Plenty of time to enter my contest for a chance to win two copies of The Marriage Bargain, my Diane Perkins book.