Welcome to the August meeting of the JANE AUSTEN MOVIE CLUB!
This is the place to discuss, debate, detail, decry, deride, deplore, defend, delight in, or decree to be divine a different Jane Austen film or television adaptation the first Tuesday of every month.
This month’s topic: the 1996 feature film of EMMA (a.k.a. “the one with Gwyneth Paltrow.”)
Whether you’ve seen this adaptation recently, or watched it once years ago, please join in!
I’ll throw out some ideas to help the discussion get started, but feel free to leave a comment on any aspect of the film you wish.
A few possible questions:
Did you think this version was funny? Romantic? Thought-provoking? Beautiful to look at?
What did you think of the casting? (Cast list below.)
In particular, what did you think of Paltrow? Or her accent?
How about Ewan McGregor? His hair? His lack of light saber?
How about Alan Cumming? Juliet Stevenson? Sophie Thompson? Toni Collette? Jeremy Northam?
Did you think this film captured the essence of Austen’s novel? The essence of Emma’s character?
Was this adaptation too clean and pretty for you?
Did you love (or hate) the gowns?
Here are some credits, to aid in the discussion:
Directed by: Douglas McGrath
Screenplay: Douglas McGrath
Gwyneth Paltrow … Emma Woodhouse
Denys Hawthorne … Mr. Woodhouse
Jeremy Northam … Mr. Knightley
Toni Collette … Harriet Smith
James Cosmo … Mr. Weston
Greta Scacchi … Mrs. Weston
Alan Cumming … Mr. Elton
Phyllida Law … Mrs. Bates
Polly Walker … Jane Fairfax
Ewan McGregor … Frank Churchill
Juliet Stevenson… Mrs. Elton
All opinions welcome!
So…let the discussion begin!
(And if you have any suggestions for what our movie next month should be, suggest away!)
Cara King, author of MY LADY GAMESTER,
starring Ultimate Atalanta and her annoying sidekick Tom