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Author Archives: Elena Greene

About Elena Greene

Elena Greene grew up reading anything she could lay her hands on, including her mother's Georgette Heyer novels. She also enjoyed writing but decided to pursue a more practical career in software engineering. Fate intervened when she was sent on a three year international assignment to England, where she was inspired to start writing romances set in the Regency. Her books have won the National Readers' Choice Award, the Desert Rose Golden Quill and the Colorado Romance Writers' Award of Excellence. Her Super Regency, LADY DEARING'S MASQUERADE, won RT Book Club's award for Best Regency Romance of 2005 and made the Kindle Top 100 list in 2011. When not writing, Elena enjoys swimming, cooking, meditation, playing the piano, volunteer work and craft projects. She lives in upstate New York with her two daughters and more yarn, wire and beads than she would like to admit.

From MS Encarta:
“Hydra (mythology), in Greek mythology, nine-headed monster that dwelled in a marsh near Lerna, Greece. A menace to all of Árgos, it had fatally poisonous breath and when one head was severed, grew two in its place; its central head was immortal. Hercules, sent to kill the serpent as the second of his 12 labors, succeeded in slaying it by burning off the eight mortal heads and burying the ninth, immortal head under a huge rock. The term hydra is commonly applied to any complex situation or problem that continually poses compounded difficulties.”

This is a pretty good description of how I’m feeling right now about researching my current mess-in-progress.

First, I actually do quite a bit of research ahead of time. This story has a balloonist hero so I read several books on the history of ballooning before I even started.

However, my plots are never that clear at the beginning so all sorts of questions crop up in the course of the writing. For instance, I hadn’t realized at the start that this hero was also an ex-soldier. Another area of research…sigh…but also a good excuse for viewing more Sharpe movies. 🙂

But I try not to get side-tracked by research (easy to do with Sharpe!) so usually I just put in notes to myself for what to look up later. This week, since my kids are off school and it’s hard to get into scene-writing, I have started to look at all those notes and tackle some of them.

And I’m really starting to feel overwhelmed! In the course of the drafting I’ve learned that this hero is not only an soldier but he’s also an army brat. Now I have to figure out not only where he’s been and what he’s done but also where and how his father might have served. Then there are a host of things about the heroine, her background and her family that keep cropping up. I need to study up on all sorts of diverse subjects from the Clapham sect to the mating habits of British birds. Yikes!

It makes me start wondering why I keep getting myself into these messes. When these ideas come to me, are they the true whisperings of my muse or just some sort of literary death wish???

Some authors blithely write bestsellers without checking basic facts and their readers don’t mind a bit. Oh well, I can’t do that (though I make no claims to perfection in my research). The real reason I do it is because I can’t write with confidence otherwise. When I’ve exhausted the resources of the local university library, when I’ve pulsed the helpful members of The Beau Monde without getting a definitive reply, then and only then do I feel safe in just “making it up.”

So, my fellow writers, have you ever had a manuscript turn into this sort of monster? Have you found any ways to tame it? When do you fling up your hands and just make it up?

Dear readers, do all these historical details really add to your pleasure in a story? Please tell me they do!

Elena 🙂

Siddons by Reynolds

THE WINTER’S TALE is one of the best-acting of our author’s plays. We remember seeing it with great pleasure many years ago. It was on the night that King took leave of the stage, when he and Mrs. Jordan played together in the after-piece of the Wedding-day. Nothing could go off with more eclat, with more spirit, and grandeur of effect. Mrs. Siddons played Hermione, and in the last scene acted the painted statue to the life–with true monumental dignity and noble passion; Mr. Kemble, in Leontes, worked himself up into a very fine classical phrensy; and Bannister, as Autolycus, roared as loud for pity as a sturdy beggar could do who felt none of the pain he counterfeited, and was sound of wind and limb. We shall never see these parts so acted again; or if we did, it would be in vain. Actors grow old, or no longer surprise us by their novelty. But true poetry, like nature, is always young; and we still read the courtship of Florizel and Perdita, as we welcome the return of spring, with the same feelings as ever.

Here are some snippets that I found particularly amusing, from various theatre reviews that Hazlitt wrote during the Regency…

Examiner, May 5, 1816

Why they put Mr. Kemble into the part of Sir Giles Overreach, at Covent Garden Theatre, we cannot conceive: we should suppose he would not put himself there. Malvolio, though cross-gartered, did not set himself in the stocks.

No doubt, it is the managers’ doing, who by rope-dancing, fire-works, play-bill puffs, and by every kind of quackery, seem determined to fill their pockets for the present, and disgust the public in the end, if the public were an animal capable of being disgusted by quackery.

(The gentleman pictured above is John Philip Kemble, the powerful actor/manager. His whole family acted, included his sister, Mrs. Siddons, and his brothers, Charles and Stephen Kemble.)

Examiner, October 13, 1816

The town has been entertained this week by seeing Mr. Stephen Kemble in the part of Sir John Falstaff, as they were formerly with seeing Mr. Lambert in his own person.

We see no more reason why Mr. Stephen Kemble should play Falstaff, than why Louis XVIII is qualified to fill a throne, because he is fat and belongs to a particular family. Every fat man cannot represent a great man.

(The gentleman pictured here is Stephen Kemble, and he was indeed the least admired of the Kembles!)

Champion, January 8, 1815

In going to see Mr. Kean in any new character, we do not go in the expectation of seeing either a perfect actor or perfect acting; because this is what we have not yet seen, either in him or in anyone else. But we go to see (what he never disappoints us in) great spirit, ingenuity, and originality given to the text in general, and an energy and depth of passion given to certain scenes and passages, which we should in vain look for from any other actor on the stage…

His Romeo had nothing of the lover in it. We never saw anything less ardent or less voluptuous. In the balcony scene in particular, he was cold, tame and unimpressive… He stood like a statue of lead.

(The third picture, of course, is of Edmund Kean!)

Of the reviews Hazlitt did of Kean, this was the least flattering one that I’ve come across. He did seem to admire him very much, and be rather more impatient with the Kembles!

So — if you were magically transported back to the Regency, and could see anything (or anyone) at the theatre that you wished, what (or who) would it be? Or would you spend more time looking at the theatre or the audience?

Cara King, author of MY LADY GAMESTER — which contains several scenes at Covent Garden Theatre, complete with elephant

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Welcome to the Risky Regencies Contest Rules! Prepare to be delighted by me, Bertram St. James, Exquisite, as I explain the rules to you with the wit and humour for which I am universally beloved!

1. Each entrant may enter under only one screen name. Anyone breaking this rule will be disqualified (and also never invited to Almack’s — after all, no one likes a cheater.) If you think you can pull the wool (or silk) over our eyes, do think again! The combination of my perspicacity, the Riskies’ native intelligence, and the doggedness of my pet hedgehog (not to mention the hedgehoggedness of my pet dog) will detect all light-fingered, computer-using Captain Sharps.

2. To enter a contest, simply leave a comment on the correct post. And please, make it a thoughtful comment! It need not be clever or funny (though either would be much appreciated) but you do need to say something. (For example, if the question were “What do you admire most about Bertie?” acceptable answers would include “He is the most elegant gentleman who ever existed!” and “His hair is a miracle of both nature and art!”)

The only exception to this: we may, from time to time, have contests in which we give the prize to the comment we judge the most worthy (e.g. the most amusing, the most thoughtful, &c.) When we do this, we will clearly state this in the post.

3. Isn’t my neckcloth too beautiful for words?

4. Risky Regencies bloggers and their families (including hedgehogs) are not eligible for prizes, although of course they are allowed to comment and chatter as much as they want. (They will anyway.)

5. We reserve the right to limit any contest to a specific geographic area (i.e. we may say “this contest is restricted to residents of these-or-those countries”) due to difficulties or costs of shipping certain prizes.

6. All prize winners will be announced in a later post — so do check back to see if you have won!


Exquisitely Yours,

Bertie the Beau

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I celebrated a birthday this weekend (no, I’m not saying which one!) and have to squee over some of my presents.

My husband knows books are my favorite gift and as usual didn’t disappoint.

Among the haul is CLANDESTINE, by Julia Ross, which I have been dying to read but couldn’t because I’m not allowed to buy books on my wish list between October and my birthday.

Another treasure is LIFE IN WELLINGTON’S ARMY, by Antony Brett-James. Just looking at the table of contents is tantalizing. Chapters with titles like “Bivouac Life”, “Come Dancing” and “Army Wives” promise to answer so many questions I have about what my soldier and ex-soldier heroes would have experienced.

Lastly, I also got HOW TO AVOID MAKING ART (Or Anything Else You Enjoy) by Julia Cameron. It’s a collection of cartoons of “creative wannabes doing everything except actually getting down to work.” Some of the cartoons cut so close to the truth it is painful. Here’s an example of a hangup I used to struggle with on a regular basis, though I’m more sensible about it now.

A nice dinner, chocolate cake with raspberry sauce and afterwards, a date to see AMAZING GRACE (we had to drive 45 minutes to see it, but it was well worth the trip!) and my day was pretty near perfect.

What sorts of books are on your wish lists? What is your fantasy birthday?
