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Author Archives: Elena Greene

About Elena Greene

Elena Greene grew up reading anything she could lay her hands on, including her mother's Georgette Heyer novels. She also enjoyed writing but decided to pursue a more practical career in software engineering. Fate intervened when she was sent on a three year international assignment to England, where she was inspired to start writing romances set in the Regency. Her books have won the National Readers' Choice Award, the Desert Rose Golden Quill and the Colorado Romance Writers' Award of Excellence. Her Super Regency, LADY DEARING'S MASQUERADE, won RT Book Club's award for Best Regency Romance of 2005 and made the Kindle Top 100 list in 2011. When not writing, Elena enjoys swimming, cooking, meditation, playing the piano, volunteer work and craft projects. She lives in upstate New York with her two daughters and more yarn, wire and beads than she would like to admit.

Last week while I was on vacation, I read Jennifer Crusie’s ANYONE BUT YOU. It was a hoot, a perfect beach read, and featured a “cookie-snatching, walk-avoiding, marathon-sleeping” dog who came close to upstaging the romance.

I like animals in books. They add color and humor and always tell you something about the main characters. Some authors put animals into every book. I think almost every Mary Jo Putney book I’ve read has a cat in it somewhere. Laura Kinsale’s “mascot animals” range from a pig to a shark.

I don’t try to write animals into every book, but there are a few I think of fondly.

One of my favorites is the hero’s horse in my first book, LORD LANGDON’S KISS. I based him on Jack, a horse I used to ride while I was on international assignment in England (sadly deceased of a fatal case of colic). I loved Jack! He was the perfect gentleman; his owner told me the only time he might turn headstrong was if a hunt came nearby. In that case, she warned me that he would join the hunt and told me to just hang on, trust that he would jump anything in his path and that he would settle down after a few miles. It never happened but what an opportunity for Regency research that would have been!

In SAVING LORD VERWOOD, the h/h rescue a seal pup (incident inspired by a visit to the Seal Sanctuary in Cornwall). I hoped they would put it on the cover, because it would have been something different. I was told a seal would be too cute. So they put ducks on the cover instead.

In LADY DEARING’S MASQUERADE, the heroine had a bunch of foundlings living on her estate, so I gave them a menagerie of pets, including a hedgehog that peed on the hero (based on a real incident at a nearby nature center).

Do you enjoy animal characters in romances? What are your favorites? Do you think seals are cuter than ducks, or the opposite?


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A few weeks ago, we talked about new covers for electronically reissued Regencies. In a private chat with my local writer buddies, one of them suggested I also consider changing titles.

I’ve always thought of LADY DEARING’S MASQUERADE more as a Regency historical than a traditional Regency, both because of its length (90,000 words versus the 75,000 my traditional Regencies usually ran) and because it takes the heat up a notch from my earlier books.

So I’m brainstorming ideas for a new title that sounds a bit less like a traditional Regency. I’d love to hear your suggestions. I can’t guarantee that I’ll use any of them, but I will send a copy of the paperback version of this book to a commenter chosen at random.

Comment all week long, and I’ll pick a winner next Saturday.

To stimulate your creativity, here’s the back cover blurb:

Hearts in Hiding

She became the ton’s most notorious widow after kissing a costumed stranger at a masquerade. Her reputation was destroyed overnight in a swirl of spiteful rumor. Shunned by polite society and unable to forget years of a desperately unhappy marriage, Olivia, Lady Dearing now hides her heart where no man will ever find it. Though she fills her life with children she has taken in from London’s Foundling Hospital, a stranger’s seductive voice haunts her dreams.

He has given up hope of ever finding her, but two years later, the empty place in his heart still aches for the beauty he kissed at the masquerade. Sir Jeremy Fairhill, a widower with painful secrets of his own, devotes himself to the cause of the Foundling Hospital. When he learns that an infamous widow has taken some of the children into her own home, duty alone compels him to investigate. But passion will soon engulf them both, leading to a disastrous scandal—or love.

Comment away! Funny as well as serious ideas welcome.


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I usually write my posts earlier in the week, but it’s been a busy week so here I am trying to blog off the cuff. I don’t do it as well as other Riskies, but I’ll try!

I’ve been continuing to work hard on my balloonist story. Since I started again on it this spring, I’ve heavily edited the first half that I’d written earlier. Recently, I got to the chapter I was on when my husband suffered his stroke. Chapter 13 that is. And I struggled with it just as I struggled with Chapter 13 in my last full length romance. I’m not superstitious. Actually, I think my longer stories tend to hit a major turning point around that spot and so it takes more rewrites to make it work. I’m happy with it now and forging on, getting close to the really fun balloon stuff.

Since it’s hard to read the dialogue in this Regency cartoon online, I will tell you that the lady is saying “How it rises!” and the gentleman agrees “It ascends exquisitely!” Yup, about right. 🙂

At the same time, I’ve been busy continuing to look into art for reissuing my backlist and musing more on the issue of how and why covers should convey the level of sensuality of the story. I’m an eclectic reader and have enjoyed anything from the sweet traditional Regency to erotic romance. I’m fine as long as the characterization is good. But many readers seem to be like me when I go to our local pub that has the best Buffalo Wings in the area. I order only the medium wings, because anything less is kind of boring and anything more has me in tears. Maybe that’s what it is for some readers? Anyway, I’m continuing to look for different treatments for my reissues, because they range from my first book, which was on the sweet side, to my last, which was a Super Regency and had sex scenes that horrified the traditional Regency purist.

I’m looking forward to summer. Although I’m not going to RWA this year, I’m eager to start a new writing schedule. Since I won’t be so busy in the morning getting my kids ready for school, solving fashion emergencies and locating lost footwear, I can take that hour (while it’s quiet and cool) to write. Since I’m a morning person, I’m really happy about that.

So how about you? What have you been busy with? Anyone superstitious about the Number 13? Do you like your chicken wings or your romances at just one level of heat? And are you looking forward to summer?


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I want to talk about covers. Specifically, covers for reissued traditional Regencies. I’m looking into the idea of republishing my backlist and interested to see what others have done.

Some authors have gotten new cover art much in the style of the Zebra and Signet Regency covers. Shannon Donnelly has some very nice ones; here’s an example. The concern I have with these is the possible perception among readers that these books contain no more sexual activity than kissing. I’ve had some irate reader mail about my Regencies that had sex scenes and some Amazon comments to the effect that sex does not belong in traditional Regencies (or even that sex did not occur during the Regency!) Janet and I once had a chat about how readers might not expect a bondage scene in a book with this type of cover. 🙂

There are some lovely covers using period fashion plates. Here’s one through Belgrave House and another by Candice Hern. I think they’re great but they do seem best suited to the sweet traditional Regency.

Here are some other styles of covers I have found on Smashwords when searching for “Regency romance”. As far as I know, these are not reissues but they show a range of possibilities.

I like the use of period artwork, especially portraits. I pick books more by whether the characters seem intriguing than by the level of sexuality, so an attractive and interesting portrait will catch my eye.

I loved the first cover for Pam Rosenthal’s RITA-winning THE SLIGHTEST PROVOCATION, which featured a portrait by Sir Thomas Lawrence. IMHO this cover is sexy; it also promises quality writing and a period feel. Yet the book was reissued with this much less subtle cover. The Smart Bitches and their guests discussed the merits of each; opinions were mixed but I think pretty evenly divided between the classier vs the cheesier cover. I only hope the two covers helped the book reach a wider readership!

So what do you think? Which sorts of covers do you like and why?

How important is it that a book cover reflects the level of sensuality of the book, versus other elements?

What sort of covers do you think work best for books that fall somewhere between the sweet traditional and the sexy historical?
