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Author Archives: Elena Greene

About Elena Greene

Elena Greene grew up reading anything she could lay her hands on, including her mother's Georgette Heyer novels. She also enjoyed writing but decided to pursue a more practical career in software engineering. Fate intervened when she was sent on a three year international assignment to England, where she was inspired to start writing romances set in the Regency. Her books have won the National Readers' Choice Award, the Desert Rose Golden Quill and the Colorado Romance Writers' Award of Excellence. Her Super Regency, LADY DEARING'S MASQUERADE, won RT Book Club's award for Best Regency Romance of 2005 and made the Kindle Top 100 list in 2011. When not writing, Elena enjoys swimming, cooking, meditation, playing the piano, volunteer work and craft projects. She lives in upstate New York with her two daughters and more yarn, wire and beads than she would like to admit.

When you combine:

  • a small group of mommy writers
  • a lake house rental
  • chocolate
  • laptops
  • coffee and tea
  • DVDs featuring gorgeous men in period garb
  • chocolate
  • notebooks
  • wine
  • and (in case I forgot) chocolate?

The makings of a fabulous writers’ retreat and what I’m doing this weekend. After my recent writing time drought, it is wonderful to be writing again.

My local writer buddies and I try to have a retreat like this each spring and sometimes in the fall as well, when the weather is often pleasant and we don’t have to pay peak season rates.

Non-writers somehow get the idea that we’re just there to party but they couldn’t be more wrong. We socialize and share our progress over meals and in the evenings (when the DVDs with gorgeous men come out). But in between, we immerse ourselves in our stories, only coming out for the occasional thinking walk or paddle (sometimes we get a canoe or kayaks).

Sometimes I come out with a new or expanded outline and sometimes with oodles of new pages. I always come out with renewed energy to finish the mess-in-progress.

Have you ever gone on a retreat, for writing or some other purpose? What are your favorite ingredients for a successful retreat? Anyone else doing something fun this weekend?


P.S. This picture is of a sunrise from the deck of the house we rented last spring. Sometimes the muse doesn’t sleep!

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I recently picked up two books from my research TBR pile, Ian Kelly’s BEAU BRUMMELL: The Ultimate Man of Style (2006) and HARRIETTE WILSON’S MEMOIRS: The Greatest Courtesan of her Age (1957), edited and with an introduction by Lesley Blanch. I’m not done with the latter yet, but one thing caught my attention in both Kelly’s and Blanch’s introductions: their views on the subject of personality and celebrity.

Blanch’s introduction begins: “The nineteenth century was an age of great personalities, a last splendid flowering before twentieth-century anonymity and mass living engulfed them in its drab tide.” I was rather surprised. Even though this was written in 1957, surely they had celebrities then as we do now.

Contrast this with Ian Kelly’s prologue, in which he writes of Brummell that: “His fame eclipsed even that of his royal master, and his personal cult was described as so bizarre and alarming by his contemporaries it is reasonable to posit him not only as a key personality in the first anonymous metropolis, but as the first truly modern celebrity.”

Further, Blanch writes with what seems rather like nostalgia that the courtesan “does not flourish in an industrial age. She may be said to have vanished with the nineteenth century, the first half of which, specifically, was the heyday of all those women whose personality and style, more than beauty alone, were such that they could command, besides large sums of money, independence and respect.”

I would agree that we no longer have exactly this sort of courtesan, but I think this type of celebrity still exists, though in somewhat different form and not constrained by gender.

Here are some more snippets from BEAU BRUMMELL that seem apropos:

“He came to symbolize a new attitude in response to the novel urban landscape. He was indifferent to politics, above the vagaries of fashion, sought only to be envied and make people laugh and accrued around his person a cult based on his perceived personality. He was a celebrity in the first age when such a term was used.”

“Like a modern celebrity, his image—of an insouciant, audacious, stylish brat—had a power of its own that overcame truth.”

This makes me think about modern celebrities. Some are famous for their activity in the areas of politics, social action, music, film or other arts. I find them interesting and like to know what they’re working on, though I don’t care who they’re sleeping with. Then there are celebrities like Paris Hilton and the Kardashians. I find them a snooze but maybe that’s just me. Perhaps they are something in the tradition of Beau Brummell and Harriette Wilson.

Still, I find the Regency personalities more entertaining and more witty. Beau Brummell has also left an enduring legacy in his influence on men’s clothing. I think the style he promoted really is flattering to most men. When ordinary guys look good in business suits or in their tuxes at a wedding party, we have Brummell to thank for it. Harriette, on the other hand, hasn’t left much beyond her memoirs. They do provide a fascinating glimpse into a side of Regency society we don’t often read about elsewhere.

What do you think about the cult of personality and celebrity? Do you have any favorites, historical or current, and what do you think makes them interesting?


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I’m writing this a week in advance, because on the Saturday it will post I will be returning from a week in Florida, where we are visiting family during my children’s spring break.

Frankly, I must say that Florida is not my favorite vacation spot. There are fun things to do, of course, and it’s good to see relatives. But the Orlando area is Too Crowded and Too Hot. I am hardened by our upstate NY winters, I guess!

I did enjoy my visit to the Florida Keys, because I went scuba diving and saw a shark, just the right kind: about four feet long and swimming the other way! Tropical vacations for me have to include some sort of snorkeling or diving.

Otherwise, I prefer temperate climates, lakes and mountains. I love Maine, especially Acadia National Park, and I’ve had many wonderful vacations in Canada. I think I’d enjoy going out to the Rockies sometime.

During the Regency, the trend for seeking out the picturesque was satirized in William Combe’s poem “The Tour of Dr. Syntax in Search of the Picturesque,” illustrated by Thomas Rowlandson. I wouldn’t have cared; I would have gone anyway.

Here are some of my favorites among the picturesque spots I visited while on international assignment in the UK. My own pictures are buried; these are all from

First, the Lake District. There’s a famous incident where a visitor, after boring Beau Brummell with stories of a tour in Scotland, asked him which were his favorite lakes. To depress the bore’s pretensions, Brummell consulted with his valet before replying “Windermere, will that do for you?”

My own real favorite in the Lake District is Ullswater, of Wordsworth’s “Daffodils” fame. My husband and I rented a canoe there one breezy afternoon. We paddled against the wind both ways (it turned just as we did) and enjoyed the movement of the clouds and the play of light over the hillsides until a light drain drove us toward shore and a nice pub in Glenridding.

Tintagel: crags, ruins and Arthurian legend. Who could ask for anything more?

The Isle of Skye: more fantastic scenery and sheep with an attitude. At one point in our travels, a ram planted his feet in the middle of the road in front of us and glared at us. I had to get out to shoo him out of the way and frankly, I was a little unnerved!

The Cotswolds: pastoral countryside, churches, cottages all built of a lovely golden stone. When my husband accidentally damaged our old brick fireplace in a fit of home improvement, we decided to rebuild it with stone that reminded us of the Cotswolds.

Do you enjoy the picturesque? What are some of your favorite destinations, in Britain or elsewhere?


As I am writing this, it is snowing again! Although I’m done with tax paperwork, I’m still processing an annoying insurance issue. The garage door broke and I can’t get my car out. Maybe it’s a blessing, because now I can’t see the Check Engine Light. I still am not finding time to write. When I’m this grumpy, I don’t want sunshiny saccharine consolation. I do like “get real” advice.

Pema Chodron writes that “…abandoning hope is an affirmation, the beginning of the beginning. You could even put ‘Abandon hope’ on your refrigerator door instead of more conventional aspirations like ‘Every day in every way I’m getting better and better.’ She also writes that “Giving up hope is encouragement to stick with yourself, to make friends with yourself, to not run away from yourself, to return to the bare bones, no matter what is going on.”

In other words, you deal with the reality of yourself and your situation. It’s the only way to get from here to there. Thich Nhat Hanh writes that “Thanks to impermanence, everything is possible.” Maybe I’ll find some time to write soon. I’ll stay alive to opportunities and in the meantime, enjoy bits of “get real” wit and wisdom like these from Jane Austen:

“Nothing ever fatigues me, but doing what I do not like.”

“And pictures of perfection, as you know, make me sick and wicked.”

“Do not give way to useless alarm; though it is right to be prepared for the worst, there is no occasion to look on it as certain.”

“Every moment has its pleasures and its hope.”

“I will not say that your mulberry trees are dead; but I am afraid they are not alive.”

When you’re grumpy, what helps? Do you have a favorite quote, from Jane or anyone else?

Posted in Jane Austen | Tagged | 10 Replies

At the end of February, I started back on my balloonist story and curtailed my reading of romance. Even though I see non romance books as “secondary food” as Megan described in an earlier post, I can’t read and write romance at the same time. I like to get emotionally involved (identify with the heroine, fall in love with the hero) and I can’t do that with two couples at once. So I save reading romance for vacations, breaks between drafts, etc…

Anyway, in February I stocked up on non-romance reading including self help books with a Buddhist persuasion (since I’ve been taking meditation classes) and popular books recommended by friends.

Then March hit, with the seemingly endless snows and the Dumb Stuff I Have to Do that I blogged about last weekend. I wasn’t managing more than an hour or two of writing a week, which meant I kept reopening the same scene until I got sick of it. I decided to hold off until I’m through the logjam.

But it was only recently that I figured out I could have been been reading romance. Doh!

So here’s what I have been reading.

In the self help line, I’ve enjoyed books by Thich Nhat Hanh and Pema Chodron and a gem I’d like to share: Full Catastrophe Living by Jon Kabat-Zinn. The latter is the guide to a stress reduction program including yoga and meditation that was developed at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. I’m just starting to blend elements of this program with things I’m already doing, but so far I am finding it is stress management GOLD.

In the fiction line, I read Bangkok 8 by John Burdett, which features a Buddhist cop in Bangkok. It’s witty and funny and it was kind of surreal to be reading this at the same time as the above serious books on Buddhist topics.

I also read The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown, being probably one of the last literate people on the planet to do so. It’s definitely a page turner. There are critics who complain that Brown’s prose is uninspired. Personally, I don’t care about plain writing when the focus is on the action. It’s only a problem when he tries to do something more emotional, i.e. “She looked beautiful in the moonlight” from one of the final scenes. That sort of writing doesn’t fly in romance, but for this sort of book, no big deal.

Unfortunately, the time crunch seems likely to continue through spring break. So I will console myself by reading romance and trying to catch up on books by the Riskies. 🙂

So what do you read when you’re not reading romance? If you read any of the above books, what did you think of them?
