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Category: Winners announced

Cover of Sandra Schwab's Bewitched
Louisa Cornell – congrats! You are the winner of a signed copy of my novel BEWITCHED.

Look for an e-mail from me asking for your snail mail addy.

A big thank you to everybody who commented on my giveaway post. You all picked excellent scandalous scenes! And thank you, too, for the congrats for the box set. 🙂

(I guess this is also an excellent opportunity to show off the shiny new cover for BEWITCHED, which I finished just in time for the release of the box set. I’m so, so happy with it. Whee! 🙂 )

Well, I want to say that everyone who offered suggestions for my “real Regency heroines” list are winners simply by being generous people who participated and expanded everyone’s knowledge of the period by doing so. But I did promise specifically to give away a free ebook or two, and since the response was so wonderful, I gave away four!!

The winners were chosen at random and they are: Sharon Farrell, Queen PoohBear, Harriet Robinson, and author Kim Lambert (who posted on FB). I included several people who posted on FB because I know not everyone finds it easy to post comments on the blog. Congratulations to all four winners! And thanks again to everyone for helping to create a most interesting roster of admirable women!

Using, Caroline Warfield has selected the winner of her giveaway from her visit with us on Sept 30. A-n-d the winner is: JUDY!! Caroline tells me Judy has already received her choice of either Dangerous Works or Dangerous Secrets, from Caroline’s “Dangerous”series. Congratulations, Judy!! Thanks for visiting us at Risky Regencies!