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Category: Risky Book Talk

Posts in which we talk about our own books

A quick post today, because this is shaping up to be one of the busiest falls of my life–not least because starting next month I have two new releases just six weeks apart. My holiday novella, A Christmas Reunion, releases on November 24, and I just got the cover for my January 5 release, Freedom to Love.

FTL cover

Isn’t it gorgeous? I think it may be my favorite cover of mine to date. That said, my first thought upon seeing it was, as always, “That’s not what they look like!” Because, you see, I can’t download the images in my brain for the art department’s benefit, and the celebrities I name on my cover art information forms as the closest approximations are unlikely to give up their lucrative careers in acting, pro football, and the like to take up romance novel cover modeling. (In this case I listed Tom Hiddleston and Rashida Jones.)

Here’s a question for you all…if you could persuade a favorite celebrity or two to start moonlighting as a cover model, who would you pick? In addition to Hiddles, I’d want my new TV secret boyfriend, Tom Mison, and my favorite non-Seahawk NFL player Cam Newton.

In other news, I’ve started an author newsletter, which you can sign up for here. I promise not to spam you. Other than release day announcements, it’ll be no more than quarterly. And I’m giving out signed books to randomly selected subscribers who join before Nov. 24–some of my books (I have print editions Carina printed for Rita entries) and some I’ll be picking up at the Surrey International Writers Conference later this month.

makingvictorianDo you love the word “slapdash”? I do. It’s been another busy week so here are just a few highlights.

I’ve started research for a new series about the grown-up children from Lady Dearing’s Masquerade.  Amanda recommended this wonderful book, The Making of Victorian Values by Ben Wilson. It’s been a huge help in thinking about the transition from Regency to early Victorian times. Thanks, Amanda!

I’m also working with my fellow Regency Masquerades contributors (Brenda Hiatt, Lynn Kerstan, Allison Lane, Gail Eastwood and Alicia Rasley) to launch this boxed set. This set releases on October 13–look forward to a week-long Regency Masquerades Ball, with fun and giveaways.  You can also preorder now for 99 cents! (Kindle Nook Apple Kobo)


I also took a little time to enjoy the fall foliage and pick apples and late-season raspberries.


How’ve you been spending your time?


sevenwickednights-3d-smallSome of you may know that I’m the elf who maintains the book links in our sidebar and also our Risky Books page.

I was busy for most of an afternoon yesterday updating things, so that’s what I’ll talk about.

A Notorious Ruin by Carolyn JewelFirst off, Carolyn is now a USA Today Bestselling author! She has a story in Seven Wicked Nights, along with fellow authors Courtney Milan, Tessa Dare, Leigh LaValle, Caroline Linden, Erin Knightley and Sherry Thomas. This ebook set is still just 99 cents, so snap it up while you can!

Also from Carolyn this month is the eagerly awaited 2nd book in her Sinclair Sisters series, A Notorious Ruin, Lucy and Thrale’s story.

A bunch of us have new titles coming up, all available for preorder.

In October we have:

Betrayed by His Kiss by Amanda McCabea new Renaissance romance by Amanda, Betrayed by His Kiss.

and Regency Masquerades, an ebook set including stories from Elena and Gail, as well as Brenda Hiatt, Lynn Kerstan, Allison Lane and Alicia Rasley. This one is also 99 cents, so preorder now!


And our November releases include:

A Christmas Reunion by Susanna FraserA Christmas Reunion, by Susanna, for the lovers of Christmas novellas,

The Duke's Guide to Correct Behavior by Megan Frampton





and Megan’s The Duke’s Guide to Correct Behavior, a “Dukes Behaving Badly” novel. Who can resist that?

Now I am going off to have a cup of tea, to rest after doing all these updates.

Riskies rule!


dedication333x500-1Today DEDICATION is free for kindle! In Regency London, a quest to discover the identity of a mysterious gothic novelist leads Fabienne Craigmont into the arms of the rake who seduced and ruined her, now a respectable country gentleman. The worst possible outcome for them both would be to fall in love.

And I have the following on sale for .99 each:

acertainlatitude200x300A CERTAIN LATITUDE.  A scorcher set aboard ship and in the Caribbean, with MMF and lots of it. Includes a bibliography on the British abolitionist movement (which inspired the book. Warning, there is sex. Lashings of it. So to speak. It’s not that I’m dwelling on it or anything, but some readers were surprised). Available for Kindle and Nook.

readerimarriedhim333x500READER, I MARRIED HIM. Are you woman (man, creature, other life form) enough for an erotic tribute to Jane Eyre? What if it was Mr. Rochester imprisoned in the attic … (see above, re lashings of sex. It’s a novella so you can resurface relatively quickly for that restorative cup of tea.) Kindle.

And here are some more pics from Winterthur. I really had trouble taking a bad picture in the gardens, other than the obvious like putting my thumb in front of the lens. Just gorgeous. The gardens were so beautiful and peaceful.

wthur1 wthur3DSCN1759Here are a couple of shots inside the house (they let you take pics of everything. Amazing!) With reference to last week’s post, here is the room with the Chinese wallpaper and some rather nice china:



It’s been an extremely busy summer. I could never have guessed how much effort (and emotion) goes into launching a child into college. I miss her, but she’s doing very well. I don’t hear from her as much as I’d like, but that’s actually good news.

Now the weather’s gotten much cooler, and I’m looking forward to many things this autumn.

RM3DWebI’ve been working on Regency Masquerades, a boxed set of reissued Regencies with a wonderful group of authors: Brenda Hiatt, Lynn Kerstan, Allison Lane, Alicia Rasley and fellow Risky Gail Eastwood. It’s coming out October 13 and is available for preorder now at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes and Kobo Books. The introductory price is just 99 cents. Check it out!

Over the summer, I did some story brainstorming but didn’t have much time to write. Now that my schedule is starting to open up, I am looking forward to fresh writing!

oaktreeI’m also looking forward to other pleasures of the season. The foliage in upstate NY is amazing, even when it’s on this oak tree that drops its leaves about two weeks after the surrounding maples (necessitating another round of raking).


Some people rave about pumpkin coffee. Personally, I’d rather have a pumpkin muffin with regular coffee, but to each her own. My love at this season is apples. Love to pick them, eat them, drink cider, make apple crumble with oatmeal topping. YUM.

What are you looking forward to this autumn?
