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Category: Risky Book Talk

Posts in which we talk about our own books

(Amanda is putting on her Laurel McKee hat—which is probably a black fascinator with a red rose and some feathers—to launch her new book One Naughty Night, book one in the Scandalous St. Claires series! Comment for a chance to win a signed copy…but if you don’t win, it’s available in ebook for the promo price of 2.99 from June 4 to July 2!!)
Under the cover of night…nothing is forbidden…
Lily St. Claire will do anything for the family that saved her from the streets.  With their support, the young widow has become the hostess of The Devil’s Fancy, London’s most exclusive gaming den.  She’s determined to restore the St. Claire family fortune, lost a century before to the despised Huntington clan.  But a ghost from her past may be her ultimate undoing…
The son a a duke, Lord Aidan Huntington is handsome and wealthy, with a taste for adventure and a reputation for wickedness.  A gambler and a rake, Aidan can’t resist a seductive woman with secrets–but one naughty night with Lily leaves him wanting more.  As Lily is drawn into London’s dark underworld by an old enemy, Aidan will risk everything to save the woman who has awakened his deepest desires…
After I finished writing about Georgian Ireland in my “Daughters of Erin” trilogy, I wanted to do something very different for my next project. So I turned to my very earliest historical love—Victorian England!
In this intriguing first St. Claire romance, McKee introduces a delightfully down-to-earth heroine…readers will cheer Lily in her quest for happiness and look forward to the sequels –Publishers Weekly
It all started when I was about ten years old and I came across a battered copy of Jane Eyre on my parents’ bookshelf. I think they used it for a college class or something, but after reading the first page I was totally hooked into Jane’s world. (Though I was deeply shocked—spoiler alert!–Bertha in the attic. I had to go back and read the whole book again just to be sure). After reading it three times, I ran out and and found a pile of other Victorian novels, like Dickens and Gaskell (though I admit I was too young at the time for Wuthering Heights. I hated it then, but I have a deep appreciation for its uniqueness now), I also read non-fiction about Queen Victoria and her world. But then I moved on to other historical loves, like the Regency and Tudor England, and never tried a Victorian-set novel of my own.
Until a couple of years ago, when I watched the movie Young Victoria and fell in love with the costumes. I confess—it was clothes, and the fact that I’ve always loved a “family feud” story, that led me to this story, and to Lily and Aidan and their families, the ducal Huntingtons and the underworld St. Claires.
I am completely in love with the St. Claire and Huntington families. Not only did this first book in a new series by Laurel McKee have me thoroughly enjoying the story between Lily and Aidan, I was just as drawn into both their families and the supporting characters who were involved just enough to add interest to their own stories that will be coming up in the series. But, this was Lily and Aidan’s story and I enjoyed everything about it, from the suspense coming from a man from Lily’s past to her and Aidan’s naughtiness in the bedroom.  –Happily Ever After Reviews
When I was younger I had a fantasy vision of what Victorian life was like, but for this book I wanted to delve deeper and give a more realistic picture (especially of Lily’s Dickensian childhood before she was adopted by the St. Claires). The sixty years of Victoria’s reign marked an enormous shift in society and the way the world worked. The way people traveled, shopped, dealt with illness, childbirth, and death, even the way they dressed and read, were very different from what came before. There was gaslight and then electricity, railroads, factories, the world of the arts (the theater was booming, as were the visual and decorative arts, and novels by authors like the Brontes and Dickens were sensations), the rise of the middle classes, and the expansion of the British Empire into every corner of the globe. All led by a woman who was the very image of domestic responsibility, unlike her uncles.
But it was also a time of vast social differences, a new emphasis on the appearance of respectability, and a whole hidden underworld of dark activities like drug use, prostitution, and pornography. The contrast between what really was and what things appeared to be was wider than ever before. I loved incorporating all these aspects of Victorian life into Lily and Aidan’s story!
For and excerpt and more info, visit my website! And if you would like to read more about the period yourself, here are just a few sources I found helpful…
Donald Thomas, The Victorian Underworld(1998)
Jennifer Hall-Witt, Fashionable Acts: Opera and Elite Culture in London, 1780-1880 (2007) (It was Elena who recommended this book, which is fascinating!)
Michael Mason, The Making of Victorian Sexuality(1994)
Suzanne Fagence Cooper, The Victorian Woman(2001)
JJ Tobias, Crime and Police in England, 1700-1900(1979)
Sally Mitchell, Daily Life in Victorian England(2009)
FML Thompson, The Rise of Respectable Society, 1800-1900(1988)
What do you love about Victorian England?? Comment for a chance to win a copy!

Today Risky Amanda is launching her newest Harlequin Historical title, The Tarnished Rose of the Court….with a little help from her writing friend Kathy Wheeler, aka Kae Elle Wheeler!  Comment for a chance to win a signed copy…

A dangerous mission at Queen Elizabeth’s bidding is Celia Sutton’s chance to erase the taint of her brother’s treason. Her life is at risk if she’s discovered—and so is her heart when she learns her co-conspirator is also her onetime seducer: brooding and mysterious John Brandon!
John can’t believe the change in Celia—what’s happened to the carefree English rose she once was? Leaving Celia was the only thing to do, but now guilt tears at his soul.He has to heal the sadness in her past, and he’s not above using anything—from expert seduction to royal favors—to achieve his goal.


Today I’m guest hosting once more for my good friend Amanda McCabe, in a slightly different format though. She has a new release October 1st, Tarnished Rose of the Court. I had just a few questions for her that she so sweetly indulged.   (KLW)
Q: It’s obvious you love the Elizabethan period. What is it that draws your interest?
A: I do adore this period! I’ve talked about it here before, but I know that part of it is the sheer energy of the time period. It was such a time of change and movement, bawdy and raw but also elegant in its clothes and architecture, and a moment of artistic creativity almost unmatched in history. There were so many brilliant personalities in the arts, politics, exploration, the military, and it made for an exciting era. It was also really a moment for women. Besides Elizabeth and the intelligent and headstrong women of her court (like Bess of Hardwick, for one example), there was Mary of Scotland, and Catherine de Medici in France. There were a multitude of crazy, runaway romances, thanks to Elizabeth’s aversion to letting any of her courtiers marry. It’s a great setting for exciting stories…
Q: If you could live in that time, would you?
A: Definitely not!! As wonderful as it would be to actually see Elizabeth I, or watch a brand new Shakespeare play at the Globe, I don’t think I could handle the smells. Or the lack of medical care. Or dressing in farthingales and ruffs every day. Much as I love to dress up, sometimes a girl just needs her jeans! But if I could go back in time for a few days to do some in-depth research then come back home…
Q: Who would your heroine be?
A: In this time period, I really love Anne Boleyn. She was such a strong, intelligent, outspoken woman of deep convictions and great ambition, who was way ahead of her time. Her ending was certainly tragic (I cried when I visited the Tower, just thinking about it!), but she passed down those traits (along with a quick temper and mercurial charm) to her daughter.

Q: Your story is set when Mary Queen of Scots is two and twenty, which is much older than I initially believed. I suppose my question is in how you perceived Mary vs. Elizabeth. Did you consider Mary as naïve? And what of Elizabeth?
A: Mary Queen of Scots is one of the most fascinating characters in history (who still has a hold on the popular imagination!), but in truth she was something of a ding-dong when it came to being a queen. She messed up everything in her life in major, major ways, often because she simply didn’t seem to stop and think (or show any self-control!), unlike Elizabeth, who rarely took a step wrong. I wonder if it’s because of the difference in their upbringings. Mary became queen when she was a few hours old, and from the age of 4 onwards grew up at the supremely elegant and sophisticated French court, betrothed to the dauphin, queen to two countries. She was beautiful, spoiled, and always sure of her place in the world, though not very intellectual. Whereas Elizabeth’s mother was executed as a traitor when she was 3, she grew up a bastard, and was often physically in danger and always unsure of her place. It was a miracle she became queen. But she was very well-educated and extremely shrewd. She knew how to get herself out of trouble, and how to stay popular and in control at all times. She was willing to make sacrifices to keep her place on the throne (including not marrying her true love Robert Dudley), where Mary never sacrificed anything at all and had a rare talent for making very bad choices. I loved getting to show something of the contrast between them in this story!
For more info, I highly recommend Jane Dunn’s book Elizabeth and Mary: Cousins, Rivals, Queens
Q: It is a fascinating time period. Can you tell us a little about your degree in English Literature?
A: I’m afraid I loved going to school so much I ended up changing majors three times! Until my parents told me to pick one and finish the degree asap or they wouldn’t pay for tuition anymore, LOL. It ended up I had taken so many English lit classes that I had almost enough credits to finish it up, so English it was, then I went on to get an MA in Elizabethan poetry. It was great to combine my love of books and history, and even though my dad was sure it made me totally unfit for any “real world” job, it’s been great for being a historical writer!!
Q: What are some of the challenges you face as a published writer?
A: Deadlines. I always seem to be struggling with them. (But if I didn’t have them I doubt I would get anything done—I am a master procrastinator!). And finding time to get online promo and networking done every day can be a challenge (especially when there are so many fashion blogs to visit!). But the people I’ve met, other readers and writers, have been such a huge reward.
Q: Can you tell us a little bit about Tarnished Rose of the Court?
A: It all started with the character of Celia! She appeared in my book The Winter Queen, and I wondered what made her so unhappy. At the end of that book, Queen Elizabeth sends Celia on some mysterious errand to visit Scotland (where Queen Mary has just returned after years in France), and I wondered what happened to her there, too. Once I sat down and started thinking about Celia, I realized it was a lost love, and a family tragedy, that made her what she was. But inside she was still vulnerable, especially when her lost love, John, returns.
It didn’t hurt that John happened to look like Henry Cavill in The Tudorstoo! I loved finding out what happened to them in Scotland. It’s always fun writing about court intrigue and mystery, and I wanted Celia and John to be together so, so much.


Q: When you’re working on a manuscript, what motivates you? What frustrates you?
A: Deadlines!! As well as being a challenge they’re a motivator. But I love it when I’m eager to spend time with characters every day and see what they want to do next. I get frustrated when what they want to do doesn’t correspond at all to what I planned for them…
Q: What do you like to read?
A: Everything!! Really, I will read anything I find at the bookstore or library that looks interesting, or that friends recommend. I love romance, mystery, a little fantasy sometimes, literary fiction, anything. Lately I’ve been reading a lot of non-fiction, research-y type stuff (am in the middle of book one of my new Elizabethan mystery series!), but I’ve also finished two novels I am raving about to anyone who will listen—Maria Semple’s Where’d You Go, Bernadette(I never wanted this one to end, I loved it so much) and Meljean Brooks’s Riveted. I am obsessed with steampunk. If anyone here has any more recs, let me know!

Q: One last question that has nothing to do with your book—tell me about this dedication…quite flattered we were! In tears (happy tears!). I wish you much success with Tarnished Rose of the Court.
A: LOL! I guess everyone here should know about the Martini Club. Every Friday (and sometimes other nights) I meet Kathy and our friends Alicia Dean and Christy Gronlund at the Martini Lounge. It’s saved my sanity more than once…and so I just wanted to say a little “thank you” for the friendship (and the great lemontinis)…This is us (without Christy!) at the Martini Lounge…

And at the Museum Rooftop…


Now for a teeny short review of Tarnished Rose of the Court.

Celia Sutton is caught between the proverbial rock and the hard place. She is a tragic figure who has lived through her one true love’s desertion, her brother’s execution for treason, and an abusive husband. And now, in order to secure a future for herself, she has to perform one last service for Queen Elizabeth—travel to Scotland and report Mary Queen of Scots marriage inclinations. If she is fortunate, the husband Elizabeth will bestow upon Celia will not be cruel.
In the meantime, John Brandon’s desertion of Celia years prior was inevitable; he was an agent of the Court. The problem was he hadn’t planned on falling in love with her. And now he is to accompany the party, Celia included, to Edinburgh. And he finds his passion has only deepened, despite the shadows that haunt her eyes. Now he just has to find a way to keep her from Lord Knowlton’s grimy paws.
This is a touching story of rekindled passion that is swept up in a tide of love, with danger lurking around every corner. A heart wrenching story to warm your heart. – Kathy L Wheeler

Between all the holiday madness/eating/parade watching/deadlines/revisions/last-minute wedding plans, I realized I have a book out now!!!  It was available November 20, and, if I do say so myself, it would make a great holiday present for any romance reader. 🙂

The Scandalous St. Claires series is one to follow. In a genre best known for it’s fairly rigid underpinnings it is refreshing to find an author who so skillfully colors outside the lines.
Fresh Fiction review

Two Sinful Secrets is the second in my “Scandalous St. Claires” series by my slightly naughtier other half Laurel McKee.  I’ve loved working on this series–it gives me the chance to delve into the Victorian period, both the glitzy side of wealth and fashion and the seamier side of theaters, brothels, and gambling clubs, thanks to the feud between the ducal Huntingtons and the theater owning St. Claires.  In the first book, One Naughty Night, I used the quietest member of the St. Claire family, Lily, as my heroine–now I use the most outgoing, flamboyant, charming sibling, Dominic (who has a much darker side).  I loved seeing him gobsmacked by love with the beautiful, independent Sophia Huntington!  She really took me by surprise in so many ways….

Laurel McKee is a truly talented author, bringing to life her characters in this awesome tale.
Under the Covers review

Ms McKee writes a very Shakespeareanesq novel.. it is hard to describe how her characters face life in ways that only Shakespeare could really understand. She has dark and sinister villains, complex heroes, feuding families and yes great romance. I liked how she intertwined these themes with the fact that her characters were a family of actors..

This was a wonderful story and many times I had tears in my eyes.. I wanted so much for Sophia, I wanted her to have it all.. and it was wonderful to watch her work for it.
–Bodice Rippers, Femme Fatales, and Fantasy 

I have to say, I think this cover is one of my most favorite ever.  And I got to set the first half of the book in Paris!!  What could be more romantic than Victorian Paris? 🙂

So I’m giving away a signed copy today to one lucky commenter!  Do you like family feud romances?  Heroes from the wrong side of the (Victorian) tracks?  Independent heroines??   What do you look for in a holiday read?

My site

Quick post today–I am finishing up the WIP to get it turned in by (hopefully) the end of the week!  This is something a little different for me, the first in a mystery series.  It’s set in the early Elizabethan period (book one is 1558, right before Elizabeth becomes queen; book two will take place around the coronation in January 1559).  It has a heroine–Kate Haywood, the daughter of the queen’s chief musician (and a musician herself, who discovers a new talent for solving murders).  It has a title–Murder at Hatfield House.  It has a release date–October 2013.  And I have a new pseudonym–Amanda Carmack.  Now it must get finished.

Here are a couple pics of the setting:

And some pretty dresses (my heroine gets to dress up a lot more in book two, tentatively titled Murder at Westminster Abbey), which I am very excited about, of course!!

I’m also worrying about East Coast friends (thankfully many of them post Facebook updates), thinking about last minute wedding stuff (7 weeks away!), and trying to get back onto a regular exercise routine, which I have been slacking on for too long.  I hope everyone has a good, safe week….

CountessCoverThis week I am doing a fun new project related to one of my favorite holidays–St. Patrick’s Day!  (and no, I don’t love it because it’s an excuse to drink too much, sing “I’ll Tell Me Ma,” and wear a green plastic tiara that says “Irish Princess” and lights up–that’s just a perk…)  My local RWA chapter, OKRWA, is doing a series of free short-short stories called “The Luck of the Irish” centered around a pub called the Rose and Shamrock, and a leprechaun’s search for his lost gold.

My own story, “The Start of the Rainbow,” is historical (though most of them will be contemporary) and is related to my Laurel McKee “Daughters of Erin” series.  (My story went up yesterday, and there will be a new one each day until Sunday–you can find the site here…)

I’ve done short stories before, novellas for Christmas anthologies and The Diamonds of Welbourne Manor along with Risky Diane, and some stories for the Harlequin Historical Undone line, but those were all anywhere from 15,000-25,000ish words.  This time I was trying something very different–a REALLY short story, less than 2500 words.  I wasn’t sure about it at first.  I had to not only come up with an actual story, I had to set up the series and somehow connect it to my Laurel books (I found a girl who was a friend to Lady Caroline, heroine of Lady of Seduction, Lady Allison Bennett, to be the heroine).  At first I wasn’t sure it was even possible.   But in the end it was a lot of fun!  It made me wish there was a Rose and Shamrock in my town too…

Do you enjoy short stories?  What are you doing for St. Patrick’s Day??