The cover for the paperback version of Fly with a Rogue is fixed now. It took a little longer than I’d hoped, but that’s what I get for finding problems over a holiday weekend! Anyway, the paperback is available at Createspace right now and will be up on Amazon soon. Which means I can do a giveaway. 🙂
I never did talk about what is risky about this book. Basically, the whole premise seemed risky to me, based on the lukewarm response I got from the few industry professionals to whom I pitched the idea, years ago.
One told me I needed a sexier idea than a balloonist hero and suggested I try writing a courtesan story. The problem was that I’d read some good courtesan stories and couldn’t think of a fresh take on the concept.
Another seemed puzzled by the combination of my hero Gil’s military backstory and ballooning. The mix of dark and light elements didn’t make sense to her. I probably didn’t pitch it well, because at the time I didn’t have a clear idea of where the story was going. Most of my stories emerge in the writing.
But this story was the one I really wanted to work on. Once my husband had recovered enough from his stroke that I had a few hours here and there to write, I resolved to make those hours as fun and fulfilling as possible. I decided not to worry about the market, because who knew if or when I would ever finish. I’m still not sure Fly with a Rogue fits with market trends—not a duke or duchess in sight, though I’ve been seeing “rogue” in a lot of titles lately. I’m just glad I finally managed to give Gil and Emma their happy ending.
So, for the chance to win one of five paperback copies, let me know what trends you enjoy in Regency era romance. Anything you’d like to see more of? I’ll pick winners next Thursday and announce on Friday.
P.S. I still haven’t heard from the following winners of the e-book version: bn100 and Annette. Please email me at elena @ (no spaces) and let me know if you prefer Kindle, Nook or a Smashwords coupon.