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Category: Risky Book Talk

Posts in which we talk about our own books

Anyone who’s read Elena Greene’s Signet Super Regency Lady Dearing’s Masquerade (and therefore knows how good it is) won’t be surprised to hear that it just won the Golden Quill Award for BEST HISTORICAL ROMANCE OF 2005!!! Way to go, Elena!!!!

And in even bigger news, Lady Dearing’s Masquerade won the Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award for BEST REGENCY OF 2005!!!!!!

Congratulations, Elena!!! The Riskies have triumphed again!!!

If you happen to be in the Los Angeles area this Sunday, June 11, you might want to stop by the Encino Barnes and Noble sometime between 12:30 and 2 pm, when ten different authors will be signing their books — including me, Cara! The signing also features Christie Ridgway, Elda Minger, Charlotte Maclay, and a lot of other authors, who will be signing books that range from Regency (me) to chick-lit to mystery to category romance, and more!

There will be lots of fun, free chocolate, great books, and maybe even me in Regency costume. 🙂

More info is at: The store is on the corner of Ventura Blvd and Hayvenhurst, in the Valley, for sure! (I can make that joke, by the way, because I’m a native Valley Girl. So it’s okay. Honest.)

Cara King — author of MY LADY GAMESTERwhich is really good, honest, read it, you’ll like it

I’m composing this by the sea (but posting later), a beautiful sea view out my hotel window at Daytona Beach, Florida where I am attending the Romantic Times Booklover’s Convention. It is a beautiful sunny day with blue skies reflecting in the water, gentle waves breaking into foamy white. The sand is hard packed, perfect for walking or sun-bathing. I love the ocean. I love the smell of it, the rhythmic sound of the waves, the soothing sight of the water, the warmth of sun on my skin.
In my imagination I’ve spent a great deal of time at another beach resort – Brighton in Sussex. The book I’m working on now, untitled as yet, takes place at Brighton, the seaside town the Prince of Wales, aka “Prinny” made fashionable and where he built his exotic Pavilion. In my book I am in Brighton of 1816 and it is cold.

1816 was “the year without a summer” with June snowstorms in the Colonies and rain and chill in the British Isles and Europe. It is thought that the year without a summer was caused by the April 1815 volcanic eruptions of Mount Tambora half a world away on the island of Sumbawa in Indonesia. Mary Shelly wrote Frankenstein that “wet, ungenial summer” of 1816, because she, Percy Byssh Shelly and Lord Byron were housebound and bored in Lake Geneva.

In 1816 the exotic renovations to the Prince Regent’s Marine Pavilion had not yet been completed, and the Prince Regent was not in attendance (that I could discover), but just as so many of us do today, the fashionable people came to the sea side for summer entertainment. Without sea bathing, my characters have had to pass the time at the Circulating Library, which was less like what we would think of as a library, and more like a Barnes & Noble or Borders, where one could purchase refreshment and gather for conversation. One could also gaze at the newest caricatures that arrived from London or try out the newest sheets of music on the pianoforte. The fashionable people also attended balls, assemblies and card parties at the Old Ship Hotel or the Castle Inn, and a dreadfully boring-sounding Sunday afternoon Promenade.

Unlike the view of people out my window here at Daytona Beach, there is no sea bathing in my book, which tells Blake’s story. Theobald Blackwell, Viscount Blakewell, is one of the Ternion introduced in The Marriage Bargain, the three men who have been friends since childhood. Blake reunites with the daughter of a con artist and sparks fly–passionate ones!

In the real world, I have been meeting with friends–fellow authors, booksellers, and readers–at the Romantic Times Convention. The Marriage Bargain, nominated for the Reviewer’s Choice Award for Best Regency-set Historical, alas, did not win, but I was interviewed about it for Dungeon Majesty, a website doing a documentary on Romance. I looked it up and it seems to also be a very clever Dungeons and Dragons site. Imagine me on a Dungeons and Dragons website!

Many congratulations to our own Elena Greene! Her Signet Super Regency, Lady Dearing’s Masquerade, has been nominated for the Golden Quill Award, for Best Historical Romance of 2005!!!

As someone who read and LOVED that book, I am delighted that the wonderful Lady Dearing (and the even more wonderful Elena Greene) are getting the recognition they deserve!!!

Well done, Elena!!! The Riskies have triumphed again!!!


Elena’s and Ammanda’s rakes in yesterday’s Blog may be staring at…er…necks, but at what is my Reputable Rake staring? Whatever it is, he gives me an aerobic workout each time I look at him.

For the last week I have been searching for the name of the cover model for A Reputable Rake, the man with the devilish look of amusement on his face, standing so smugly. Do you know who told me the name? Richard Cerqueira’s (cover model for The Wagering Widow) publicist, who emailed the cover artist, Alan Ayers, who told him the name. Wasn’t that nice of both of them?

The Reputable Rake is Ben Whitaker, but I’ve found absolutely nothing about him on the internet. I predict we will be seeing more of him–more book covers, that is. I wish I could thank both Ben and Alan Ayers, because I think this cover is going to sell lots of books!

Do you know how Mills & Boon, the UK branch of Harlequin Enterprises, create their bookcovers? They go through their decades worth of old covers and re-use ones for today’s stories. They have done this wonderfully well for my Regencies, which originate with Mills & Boon.
Take a look at this cover:

These two look exactly like my hero and heroine! Miss M even wears a dress like this one. Jewelry like her, as well.

One more bookcover….

Okay, just kidding. I made that one up.


P.S. A Reputable Rake is in bookstores this month. Get your very own Rake and bring him home today!