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Tag Archives: Book covers

A few days ago, I got a packet of cover flats for my next book, A TANGLED WEB. I like it all right–the purple color is very pretty and rich, the couple not quite as cute-sy as some (though that scene never really happened in the story, and the heroine would NEVER wear purple polyester!). But it made me start thinking about a subject near to every author’s heart–covers. The good, the bad, the ugly.

For better or worse, a cover (something we have zilch control over) can have a huge influence on sales. A vivid, beautiful, interesting cover can grab a reader’s eye and make them pick the book up off the shelf. A bad, ugly, or just plain bland cover can mean that the book, our “baby”, is overlooked, turned away from, even (gasp!) made fun of. (See the hilarious Worst Cover category in AAR’s annual cover contest).

These days there is a vast array of styles out there. There are still old-style clinches. You know the ones–anatomically improbable people falling out of their clothes, bent into poses that would mean a trip to the ER in real life and months in traction. Or my personal cliche favorite, one which seems to pop up often at Avon, the bacon-brained hero who forgot to put his shirt on before running out into the snow after the negligee-clad heroine. But he DID remember his cheesy Wal Mart vampire cape.

There are cartoon covers, some of which are cute and suit the story, some just–weird. There are flowers, castles, pearls, and other inanimate objects. There is hero alone (usually displaying his manly chest), heroine alone, headless people (I actually like these very much), classic paintings. A few I’ve noticed lately:

Liz Carlyle’s ONE LITTLE SIN–headless people, great, bright colors, very eye-catching and sexy without being ludicrous. She’s had several great covers. I’m jealous.

Gaelen Foley’s ONE NIGHT OF SIN–personifcation of headless couple-dom. Red background, very sexy.

Barbara Metzger’s ACE OF HEARTS–her previous historicals had that nice headless couple design, misty colors, very pretty, but this one–WTF? Looks like some weird Halloween Western.

Laura Kinsale’s SHADOWHEART–amazing book, boring cover. This story screams out for a gorgeous Italian Renaissance painting. Maybe a detail of a Botticelli?

And speaking of paintings, there are Susan Carroll’s THE DARK QUEEN and THE COURTESAN. Again, amazingly terrific books. They look good, too, trade size, 1/4 bright foil, 3/4 a detail of a beautiful painting. BUT–the stories take place in the 16th century. DARK QUEEN features a fluffy Boucher painting; COURTESAN a portrait of Empress Josephine. Very distracting.

Meredith Bond’s LOVE OF MY LIFE–one of those gorgeous Zebra covers that didn’t get a chance. Headless heroine in a vivid turquoise gown, Taj Mahal in the background. Great.

So, what covers do you like/dislike? What would make you pick up a book–or run away screaming in horror? What are some all-time favorites?

I meant to post this earlier. Anyway, here ’tis!

The heroine looks exactly right; the hero not quite. When you look close (fortunately the image is small) he looks a bit geeky, not at all like Colin Firth whom I used in my mental film of the story. But I do like the open shirt; it is actually right for that scene as I have Sir Jeremy doing some gardening on a hot day. Of course, going without cravat, coat and waistcoat is half-naked for a Regency gentleman. 🙂

And I like the red background. My editor asked me if I’d like pink or red and I chose the latter as more eye-catching and suggestive.

The scene itself was my second choice. My first was the initial masquerade scene, in which he’s in black and she’s in white. I think that would have made for a more bold, graphic effect against the red and also tied in with the title. This one is nice, though a bit pastel-y against the red.

Overall, though, I’m happy with this cover. And a bit stunned to see my name in such large letters!


Here’s my cover (I figured it out! Thanks, Elena!). Like Cara, I was asked to submit three possible scenes from my book. This scene? Doesn’t happen. The only thing I was adamant about, however, was that the heroine NOT have any curls and have black hair. I also said the hero looked a bit like Hugh Jackman, with extra-broad shoulders. The artist got all those details right, and they look like my characters. I really like this cover, actually, even though there’s no strolling about with flowers scene in the book. To me, it looks like the morning after (ahem). The night before scene is the last one in the book. YES! There’s sex! Oh, how Utterly Risky of me! Anyway, now that I know how to upload pictures, I’m going to be a terror. Ha, ha, the monster has been unleashed! Okay. I think I should cut back on the coffee. More later.

Since we’re talking about covers (though everyone will probably be sorry the topic was brought up, as I can talk about it pretty much forever!), and also cleavage (this woman has her share), I’ll go ahead and post my latest cover. Since it’s the newest, it’s also therefore my favorite, but I love it for the colors and the “headless character” image. I’m a sucker for those.