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Tag Archives: Dedication

dedication333x500-1Today DEDICATION is free for kindle! In Regency London, a quest to discover the identity of a mysterious gothic novelist leads Fabienne Craigmont into the arms of the rake who seduced and ruined her, now a respectable country gentleman. The worst possible outcome for them both would be to fall in love.

And I have the following on sale for .99 each:

acertainlatitude200x300A CERTAIN LATITUDE.  A scorcher set aboard ship and in the Caribbean, with MMF and lots of it. Includes a bibliography on the British abolitionist movement (which inspired the book. Warning, there is sex. Lashings of it. So to speak. It’s not that I’m dwelling on it or anything, but some readers were surprised). Available for Kindle and Nook.

readerimarriedhim333x500READER, I MARRIED HIM. Are you woman (man, creature, other life form) enough for an erotic tribute to Jane Eyre? What if it was Mr. Rochester imprisoned in the attic … (see above, re lashings of sex. It’s a novella so you can resurface relatively quickly for that restorative cup of tea.) Kindle.

And here are some more pics from Winterthur. I really had trouble taking a bad picture in the gardens, other than the obvious like putting my thumb in front of the lens. Just gorgeous. The gardens were so beautiful and peaceful.

wthur1 wthur3DSCN1759Here are a couple of shots inside the house (they let you take pics of everything. Amazing!) With reference to last week’s post, here is the room with the Chinese wallpaper and some rather nice china:



Hello, Everyone! I’m back from the RWA conference in Atlanta where I had a wonderful time! It was truly a golden conference for me–or rather for Diane Gaston. My A Reputable Rake by Diane Gaston won the RITA award for Best Regency Romance. You’d think that would be enough good fortune for any one person, but The Mysterious Miss M won a National Readers Choice Award for Best Regency. Janet’s Dedication was also a finalist in the NRCA and it could very easily (and just as happily) been her book to win Best Regency.

It was a great conference for Riskies. Cara’s My Lady Gamester won the Booksellers Best Award for Best Regency and Amanda’s Lady Midnight won the Booksellers Best Award for Best Long Historical.

There were so many highlights of the conference I don’t know where to begin or what to include. The very best part is seeing all my Romance writing friends, some whom I only see at the national conference. It was fun seeing Megan and I had time to share Wet Noodle Posse fun with Janet and Amanda and I snuck in a short half hour for a “comfortable coze.”

The Mills & Boon editors were so cute. Well, Sheila Hodgson was elegant but Joanne Carr and Jenny Hutton were lovely, young, gorgeous and enthusiastic– and tall! All the Mills & Boon folks and the Harlequin folks were lovely to me, even before I won!

The whole atmosphere of the conference was exciting, supportive, and joyful. I loved every minute.

Blogger would not let me post photos but I will put them on a blog as soon as Blogger decides to behave.


here’s my cover! It’s really, really pretty, but… they’re too young, too scrubbed-looking, and almost certainly too well-behaved. I asked for Harrison Ford with a bigger nose and Juliet Binoche. Personally I think it’s a mistake having people on covers, period, particularly on romances and particularly particularly on historicals where they get the costumes all wrong. (A red neckcloth???!)

If I could have the same art, but without the people, and with a stocking and a book lying on the sofa, that would have been fab. The worrisome thing about this cover is that it doesn’t deliver. It looks like a really sweet regency and it isn’t.


More great news for the Riskies!

THE MYSTERIOUS MISS M, by Diane Gaston (who also impersonates Diane Perkins on occasion) and DEDICATION, by Janet Mullany, are both finalists for Best Regency in the National Readers’ Choice Award, a contest judged by readers in every state.

View the complete list of finalists at

Go Riskies!

Over at the Smart Bitches, Trashy Books blog WARNING THIS BLOG CONTAINS MATERIAL WRITTEN BY DIRTY-MINDED AND FUNNY GIRLS someone came up with the bright idea of having their own Rita. The nominations for the first BWAHA Awards are in…and they include (drumroll):

DEDICATION in the historical series.

Yeehah. Get over there and vote. And vote for some of the other categories too.
Click here to cast your vote!