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Tag Archives: Edith Layton

I’m going to make an executive decision, half of the commenters suggested Edith Layton. Her name came up the first time, too, so let’s find a Layton
Edith Layton Book List

At least some of her books are also available for Kindle so I presume they are likely to be available in other digital formats as well.

Edith Layton at Amazon

Edith Layton at B and N

So, what looks good? Any suggestions, favorites or what have you?

Opine in the comments.

Short post today because I have spotty internet access!

I started To Wed a Stranger by Edith Layton in order to prepare for Carolyn’s Risky Read-Along. I intended to read a little each day, like I usually do, and I expected to be behind in my reading as I usually am.
But I literally could not put this book down. I can’t wait for the Read-Along to begin!
While I was poking around the internet for information about Edith Layton, I came across this write-up on Wikipedia. Subject: Regency Novel: “Georgette Heyer, Barbara Metzger, Joan Smith, Marion Chesney, Mary Balogh, Jo Beverley, Nancy Butler, Lisa Kleypas, Stephanie Laurens…. Amanda McCabe and Julia Quinn.”
Our Amanda in such exalted company!!!! Now that’s just where she belongs.

What was the last book you read that you could not put down?

Are you prepared for the Risky Read-Along?

Most of you have probably already heard of the unfortunate passing of author Edith Layton. Tributes are up at the Word Wenches, Smart Bitches Trashy Books, and from Edith’s daughter, Susie Felber.

Edith Layton was, and remains, one of my favorite Regency authors. Back in 2001, when I got laid off because of effects of 9/11, I decided I would try to write a book like the ones I read and loved when I was young. I went to the library and hunted down any book that had “Regency” on the spine. Naturally, Edith Layton’s books were prime among them, and thank goodness, because I am not certain I would have persevered if I hadn’t read some superb quality books right away. In short succession, I read The Duke’s Wager, The Disdainful Marquis, Lord of Dishonor and The Abandoned Bride.

Later, I was floored by The Devil’s Bargain. The hero in That Subtle Knot, my book being submitted to publishers now, is named Alisdair in homage to The Devil’s Bargain very dark, very tortured hero.

I got to meet Ms. Layton at RWA New York; it was my first conference, and I had persuaded my husband to join me for the Literacy Signing. We wandered the exhibition area, him feeling like a rare piece of meat, since there were two other men in the entire room: One a Brockmann-imported Navy SEAL, and one an indie-paper guy dressed in an Iggy Pop t-shirt. When we got the “L” row, I made a beeline for Edith Layton. She was totally gracious, and eyeballed Scott, telling him he should model for our covers. I got to tell her how much I loved her books.

I am so grateful she turned her enormous writing talent to romance, and very grateful she was so prolific, and was given the chance to share her talent with us.

Thank you, Ms. Layton. You will be missed.


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