Since I’m too lazy to come up with an original topic, I thought I’d follow on from the excellent discussion at Smart Bitches, Guilty Pleasures and Confessions, in which Sarah revealed her secret passion for J. R. Ward’s Brotherhood of the Black Dagger series.
Uh, me too. I don’t know why, but her books are right up there with the Chronicles of Narnia (except for The Last Battle) when I need a comfort read.
So I thought I’d ask everyone what your guilty secrets are. Here are some of mine:
Thomas Hampson (He’s handsome! Straight! Smart! Sings!)
Eating while taking a bath
Just about anything with a big topping of whipped cream
Most Haunted, a truly awful tv show with English people with bad hair screaming while investigating haunted houses
Eating in bed and then scraping the crumbs off to the other side and denying that any food consumption has taken place
People magazine. Read at checkout in the stores and at my dentist’s (who always has current issues; I must be one of the few people who enjoys going to the dentist)
How about you? Come on, confess… You’ll feel better for it.