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Tag Archives: Laurie Bishop

As a child growing up on a dairy farm, Laurie Bishop spent countless hours reading anything she could find—from Greek, Roman, and Norse myths to Robert Frost’s poetry. Then she picked up her grandmother’s copy of Jane Austen’s PRIDE AND PREJUDICE, which began her love affair with the Regency period. Laurie won the Romance Writers of America’s Golden Heart competition for THE BEST LAID PLANS. Today Laurie lives in her native upstate New York. She has a master’s degree in human services and counseling and is employed in social work, but her favorite job is collaborating at night with her marvelous cat and writing partner, Tojo. Learn more at


“Bishop builds the story nicely as Alex’s heart of ice begins to melt and Cora learns what the pangs of love mean. With an unruly cast, tension throughout and some surprising twists, this novel is a perfect fit for Regency lovers.” — Romantic Times Bookclub 4 Stars

“For a sweet and charming regency that combines all the elements of your favorite fairy-tale and your favorite Jane Austen, look no further than Lord Ryburn’s Apprentice.” — Valarie Pelissero, for Rakehell Reviews Read the review

“Laurie Bishop continues to please with her lighthearted romances, engaging characters, and puzzles to untangle…” —Jane Bowers, for Romance Reviews Today Read the review

The Interview

Q. How did you think of writing this particular book? Did it start with a character, a setting, or some other element?

It started with a character. The character was an elderly gentlewoman, childless, who felt unfulfilled and bored–until she hit upon the idea of taking in a ward. The rest of the story came from this.

Q. How long did it take? Was this an easy or difficult book to write?

The book was a challenge to write as I had a limited window of time for completion. Fortunately, once I had developed the characters, the story came with little difficulty. Well, there was a little brain cudgeling! And the research, of course.

Q. Tell me more about your characters. What or who inspired them?

The elderly woman was Lady Estcott. I suppose I was thinking of Miss Havisham in Great Expectations, only lady Estcott was not, at least initially, motivated by revenge–and her enemy was not the entire male sex! I will leave it for the reader to discover the rest.

The heroine, Miss Marland, was more difficult as I chose to make her an innocent young woman with a modest disposition. The challenge was in making her an interesting individual in her own right. She became a person of high intelligence, with an aptitude for music and a strong sense of honor and duty, who evolves from wanting only to better her own position to being motivated to protect those she loves. Lord Ryburn, experienced, dutiful and yet proud, is into a gentleman who, although having a reputation with the ladies, is motivated to protect his eccentric family. Both hero and heroine developed pretty much equally from story demands and the evolution of their characters.

Q. Did you run across anything new and unusual while researching this book?

In this story I paid a lot of attention to London life, and it is important to me to have the details I use be correct. I researched the map of London of the period, period drawings of famous locations as Hyde Park, Park Street and Almack’s (both outside and in). I read a portion of a Victorian diary narrating the details of the writer’s come-out at Almacks. Overall, I searched for the ways in which the middle classes and the upper classes contrasted. I found it interesting how the different London parks were used–the different characteristics, who frequented them, which ones were exclusive, and when.

Q. What do you think is the greatest creative risk you’ve taken in this book?
How do you feel about it?

That would be the characters. As I mentioned before, Miss Marland was a challenge to me. I do think she came out quite well! And I also needed to make Lord Ryburn sympathetic, given his motivation to protect his Great Aunt and the rest of his family from the possible repercussions of Miss Marland’s introduction to the family.

Q. What are you working on now?

At the moment I am deviating from the Regency genre and writing a romantic suspense! No, I do not plan to stay away from the Regency period in the future, but this is a story I have been wanting to tell for a long time.

I have ideas for future Regencies that I want to write, so I will be looking forward to them, and the opportunity to bring them to Regency fans. We shall see what the future holds! Thank you so much to everyone who is a fan of the Regency genre and helps to keep this short time in history alive. I am quite sure that we always shall.

As a child growing up on a dairy farm, Laurie Bishop spent countless hours reading anything she could find—from Greek, Roman, and Norse myths to Robert Frost’s poetry. Then she picked up her grandmother’s copy of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, which began her love affair with the Regency period. Laurie won the Romance Writers of America’s Golden Heart competition for The Best Laid Plans. Today Laurie lives in her native upstate New York. She has a master’s degree in human services and counseling and is employed in social work, but her favorite job is collaborating at night with her four cats and writing partners–Kato, Pooka, Slipper and Kramer. Learn more at


“Bishop builds the story nicely as Alex’s heart of ice begins to melt and Cora learns what the pangs of love mean. With an unruly cast, tension throughout and some surprising twists, this novel is a perfect fit for Regency lovers.” — Romantic Times Bookclub 4 Stars

The Interview

Q. How did you think of writing this particular book? Did it start with a character, a setting, or some other element?

This book originated with a scene that popped into my head pretty much of whole cloth–the heroine disembarking from a public coach in a strange place, clearly alone and poor, and encountering the hero very abruptly–by falling on him!Her attention is quickly drawn from this embarrassment to the realization that the coach is leaving with all that she possesses in the world on board. The heroine is on her way to her new position, caring for an aged cousin. The gentleman is the cousin’s son, who is not in favor of her intrusion.

The short answer is that I began with both a character and a scene.

Q. How long did it take? Was this an easy or difficult book to write?

I believe it took me approximately six months to finish. I wish I’d had more time, actually–I do need to create a good deal of the story as I write, even though I start from an outline, and I did have a struggle in the middle of the book to break through a block. That’s a lesson–you never know exactly how much time you need. I’m happy with the end result, however!

Q. Tell me more about your characters. What or who inspired them?

Cora was inspired, in retrospect, by Jane Eyre–a post-Regency character, but I could apply her situation to Cora easily enough. Cora is not as outwardly meek as Jane and is more proactive, but Jane Eyre was the seed.

As for Alexander–I didn’t create him after anyone that I can think of, but he has some of the moodiness of Heathcliff in WUTHERING HEIGHTS, although he is much better behaved! He suffers from paternal rejection and from living in the shadow of a favored (and deceased) brother, so that would produce some of Heathcliff’s angst. Anyway, I do have to keep some secrets about Alex for now…

Q. Did you run across anything new and unusual while researching this book?

I enjoyed researching the history of the area, the southeast coast of England–specifically, the vicinity of Beachy Head, Birling Gap, and East Dean. All of these places are real, and there is a very interesting history of smuggling associated with East Dean and Birling Gap. I took an author’s license to create Lord Wintercroft’s “castle” and the specific caves mentioned in the story, but the setting is authentic. I’d love to see East Dean someday–I understand that it is relatively unchanged, and still has its pub, the Tiger.

Q. What do you think is the greatest creative risk you’ve taken in this book? How do you feel about it?

My reverend is a flawed character. I can’t elaborate without revealing too much of the plot, I’m afraid. I’m very satisfied with how this worked–both in terms of realistic character development and in the turn of the story.

Q. How do you feel this book compares with your previous Regencies?

WHEN HORSES FLY is more like DECEIVING MISS DEARBORN than THE BEST LAID PLANS. It is more of a drama and isn’t meant as a comedy–although there are a few laughs in it (I hope!).

I’d love to write a comedy again, but that is something that starts with the characters and the premise. Some stories aren’t meant to be comedies. But I retain whatever makes up my voice–dialog, style, and etcetera–in my opinion, anyway! As much as possible I always strive for a period style–a rhythm and a structure that reflects the 19th century style–within certain limits. And…I have a lot of fun doing it.

Q. What are you working on now?

I am in a resting and well-filling phase at the moment, doing research, considering ideas. My next book will either be a historical or possibly a contemporary romantic suspense–so you can see I have a lot to mull over. As for writing, I am journaling and doing short sketches to solidify my ideas.

Whatever I decide upon, it will be a book of my heart. And I’ll be sure to let you know when I do!

Thanks so much for the interview! It’s been fun.


What is a Risky Regency? Who writes Risky Regencies? What are the challenges, pitfalls, and benefits of writing Risky Regencies?

And so began the Risky Regencies in August, 2005. At that point the lineup was Amanda, Elena, Megan, and me, plus Cara King (now writing YA–or what? Tell us, Cara), Laurie Bishop (now writing contemporaries–calling Laurie, where are you now?).

Megan and I talked about starting a blog when we were at the RWA National conference in Reno, NV in 2005 since we both had books coming out around the same time, and the others came on board too.

I met Elena at the airport waiting for a cab (a very frustrating experience since we could see the hotel but not get to it–Reno is not a place designed for walking. It is a place designed for gambling, period). We had a long discussion about sex and Regencies.

That was a pretty interesting conference for me, my first book about to come out, after a couple of years trying to sell a Golden Heart final ms. that no one wanted, and having my first meeting with my agent. Also I felt stoned the entire time at Reno and it was because extra oxygen was pumped into the hotel (to encourage reckless behavior?) which is why I told my agent-to-be this joke and she still signed me on:

What is the difference between an alligator?
An alligator swims in the water and walks on the land. Now, what is the difference between a shark?
A shark doesn’t have a difference. It only swims. What is the difference between a shark and an alligator?
An alligator has a difference and a shark doesn’t.

Yeah, I know. If you want to see some authentic Regency jokes, go to the joke section at Prints George (a great place to buy reproduction prints) and don’t blame me if you think they’re disgusting.

Four years is a long time for a blog to survive and we couldn’t have done it without you. It’s been wonderful seeing our traffic increase and making new friends.

So, the PRIZE. A $25 Amazon gift certificate, and to be entered for it, tell us your favorite joke; or tell us how long you’ve followed us and how you found us, which sort of posts you enjoy, and what you’d like to see more of. The winner will be announced at the end of the month.