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Tag Archives: Lists

I am the absolute worst at memes which strike me as

  1. No different from chain mail
  2. Fun

So, at the same time I think wow, that would be fun to list [Insert Meme here] I also think all six of my friends will HATE me for dumping this time suck on them. So I end up never doing them because of the requirement of forcing innocents to participate and also never having the required number of vict… er…. friends.

But I got to thinking that lists are kind of fun. So, herewith, my highly personalized list of Historical Novels I Liked A Lot. You’ll probably notice that some of my choices were not historical when they were written. It’s my list so I can do that. Also, because it’s my list, I get to include books that maybe aren’t considered literature.

  • Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen
  • Villette, Charlotte Bronte
  • Age of Innocence, Edith Wharton
  • Castle of Otranto, Horace Walpole
  • Gone With the Wind, Margaret Mitchell
  • The Makioka Sisters, Junichero Tanizaki
  • Connigsby, Benjamin Disraeli
  • The King Must Die, Mary Renault
  • Fire From Heaven, Mary Renault
  • The Last Days of Pompeii, Edward Bulwer-Lytton
  • The Silver Chalice, Thomas Costain
  • The Marble Faun, Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • The Black Tulip, Alexandre Dumas
  • Beowolf (but not until long after I was done reading it.)
  • Captain Blood, Rafael Sabatini
  • Robin Hood

I know there’s more, but that’s my beginning list.

And since I said you can play too, what are yours? Do your own blog post or opine in the comments or both.

2010 is coming to a close, but not without some lists. Keep in mind that last week is ancient history . . . I have to really get the brain going to think back much farther than yesterday.

Standout Books of 2010

These are the books that stand out in my mind without even having to think about it. 2010 was the Year of Georgette Heyer for me. We had our first Risky Read-Along and I went on a Heyer tear after that.

1. The Iron Duke by Meljean Book
2. Venetia, by Georgette Heyer
3. Frederica, by Georgette Heyer
4. A Civil Contract, by Georgette Heyer (with some small reservations)
5. The Talisman Ring, by Georgette Heyer

Favorite Gadgets

1. iPad
2. iPhone 4
3. Virgin Mobile MyFi

Things I overdid

1. Eating cookies
2. Procrastinating

Things I did not Overdo

1. Spending more time in real life with friends, near and far, including fellow Risky Megan, and two people I met online and via twitter, @sonomalass and @redrobinreader who turned out, respectively, live within 15 miles of me.
2. Spending more time with writing friends who, as it happened, moved to my town.

Things I did not Do Enough

1. Sleep

Favorite Songs or Bands I Discovered This Year

  1. Our December, Thriving Ivory
  2. Hallelujah, by Leonard Cohen, these versions:
    1. Jeff Buckley
    2. Rufus Wainright
    3. John Cale
    4. Leonard Cohen
    5. kd lang
    6. Susan Boyle
  3. Bad Romance by Lady Gaga, hell, the entire Monster album
  4. Orion, (James Hatfield of Metallica) by Rodrigo y Gabriela
  5. Take Five (Paul Desmond) by Rodrigo y Gabriela
  6. Goodbye, Sweet Youth, The Greycoats

Things that Amazed Me

1. The SF Giants winning the World Series!!!
2. Hearing my son speak politely to other people’s parents
3. Just how badly the 49ers played

My 2011 Wish List

I am leaving out the obvious Peace on Earth stuff, OK? Assume all that as a given.
1. Agency Pricing goes away
2. I turn in my books on time
3. Someone gives me a free 13″MacBook Air
4. I get more sleep

So, what are a few things on your lists?
