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RiskyRegenciesRMHeader2Congratulations to all our winners!

Lord Langdon's Kiss by Elena GreeneThe winner of Lord Langdon’s Kiss by Elena Greene is Library Pat.





poeticjusticeThe winner of Poetic Justice by Alicia Rasley is Susan/DC.





rakewallflowerThe winner of The Rake and the Wallflower by Allison Lane is Maribelle.





pjourneynewThe winner of A Perilous Journey by Gail Eastwood is Melody Gonser.




gabriellaThe winner of Gabriella by Brenda Hiatt is Barbara Literski.





rakespinsterThe winner of The Rake and the Spinster by Lynn Kerstan is Edea Baldwin.





Winners, Elena Greene will email you to coordinate giving you your prizes.

Thanks to everyone for visiting the Regency Masquerades Ball! We’ve all had a lovely time. 🙂

For anyone who hasn’t yet purchased the Regency Masquerades set and would like to, get it now while it’s still at the introductory price of 99 cents!

Regency Masquerades is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes and Kobo Books. Buy now for just 99 cents!


LLK_Page_ProofCongratulations to Theresa. You’ve won the paperback copy of Lord Langdon’s Kiss. If you do not hear from me, feel free to email at elena @ (no spaces).

And because I’m still struggling to get that To Do List I posted last week under control, all I have to offer today is an excerpt. I hope you enjoy it.

He addressed her again, in a lowered voice. “Miss Ashley. I must apologize for my behavior to you on our last meeting. It was a most ill-considered action on my part.”

Her unease gave way to indignation. There was no remorse in his face, only his usual guarded look. How dare he refer to what he had done as an “ill-considered action”?

Then she understood. He feared that she would accuse him of having compromised her. Did he think she would expect reparation, or cause a scandal by disclosing what he’d done? When she thought of all she’d done to avoid causing trouble between him and his brother, she wanted to scream.

Lord Langdon was clearly in need of a lesson.

“I beg to differ, my lord,” she answered sweetly, having brought her temper under control one more time. “In my opinion, trying to ravish one lady the day before proposing marriage to another merits a rather stronger description.”

He looked horrified. She’d guessed correctly; he was appalled by the thought of the trouble she could cause.

“You do not mean—”

“Do not be anxious, Lord Langdon,” she interrupted. “I shall do my utmost to forget the incident ever occurred.”

Lord Langdon’s Kiss is available in ebook form for Kindle, Nook, Apple, and Kobo. It’s also available in paperback at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.


TDLI am hoping the image to the left will serve as my excuse for not having a more substantive post today! It is my To Do List for this week. And it has now gone over into three columns. I would like to get it back to two columns. And as you see not enough is crossed off at this point. Here’s hoping I can catch up a little this weekend. We have no plans and that actually makes me very happy!

One task I’ve finally completed is formatting the paperback version of Lord Langdon’s Kiss. It’s now available at Amazon and Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, Kobo and Smashwords.

“Lord Langdon’s Kiss is a fine Regency romp that will satisfy lovers of the genre like ice-cold lemonade on a hot afternoon. This is what Regency romance is all about.” (Four hearts) — The Romance Reader

Lord Langdon's Kiss by Elena GreeneNow I am back to trying to cross off some more tasks, so I can get back to writing again!

In the meantime, for the chance to win an autographed paperback of Lord Langdon’s Kiss, let me know one or more items from your To Do List–the most pleasant, the most onerous, or the funniest.

Enter between now through Thursday, May 29th. I’ll announce the winner next Friday, May 30th. You must be over 18 to enter.


First of all, Gail would like to thank everyone who participated in the fantastic discussion of epilogues last week. She also asked me to announce the winners of her giveaway. Congratulations to Beth Elliott and Linda, who have won Kindle or Nook versions of The Captain’s Dilemma, the Regency romance which Gail has recently reissued with a lovely new epilogue.

This week I’m celebrating the reissue of my Regency, Lord Langdon’s Kiss, which unlike The Captain’s Dilemma, needed a lot more work than the addition of an epilogue. Lord Langdon’s Kiss was my first book, and although I’m proud that it sold, I’ve learned a lot in the fifteen years that have passed since I wrote it. In this version, I tackled an issue I’d shied away from the first time around and found that it helped me torture the hero a little more. That’s always a good thing. I also pruned out a lot of redundant introspection, cutting about 17,000 words. Maybe I can make a novella out of the chopped bits.

llkAnyway, I feel very happy about the revisions and I’m pretty sure I kept everything that people enjoyed about it the first time around. I’m hoping my favorite review is still true.

Lord Langdon’s Kiss is a fine Regency romp that will satisfy lovers of the genre like ice-cold lemonade on a hot afternoon. This is what Regency romance is all about.” (Four hearts) — The Romance Reader

I think the digital revolution has been a wonderful boon to the traditional Regency genre. It’s helped make many previously published Regencies available to new readers, and also opened up a market for new traditional Regencies, filling the void left when the major publishers ended their Regency lines.

Have you discovered or rediscovered any good traditional Regencies lately? Please share, for the chance to win a copy of Lord Langdon’s Kiss on Nook or Kindle.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

snowdrops in sparkly snow

So we’re dealing with yet another cold snap in upstate NY. I’m ready for spring, even though I haven’t gotten out onto the ski slopes yet, due to my daughter’s college search and a three week long sinus/flu/something-or-other. I can still enjoy spring skiing. That means having to adapt to snow that goes from ice in the morning to slush in the afternoon, but it also means shorter lift lines and warmer weather. So come on spring!

I do get a sense of thaw in the surge of creativity I’m feeling and seeing all around me.

I’m close to finishing some rather major improvements to Lord Langdon’s Kiss, my first book which I plan to reissue in April. I’m also brainstorming a bunch of new story ideas. When I ran the free promo for my sexy novella, Lady Em’s Indiscretion, a reader asked if I planned to put it out in paperback. I replied that it seemed too short; I’d have to write a couple more and make it into an anthology. She and others really liked the idea, and that same evening ideas for a prequel and sequel poured into my mind. I’m also starting to think about new full-length stories, possibly a series.

I’m not the only one. I was so happy to hear that Amanda is coming back from a rough patch. I’m also delighted that Gail has been able to spend more time on her writing—you’ll hear more about that from her later. Another friend has a new book out, and yet another is getting ready to launch a steampunk series.

This all makes me very happy.

How about you? What is everyone up to? Any signs of spring in your life?
