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GraphicPursueFinally! Woot! The Duke’s Guide to Correct Behavior, the first book in the Dukes Behaving Badly book is out Tuesday, and I am so excited.

Here’s the synopsis:

 All of London knows the Duke of Rutherford has position and wealth. They also whisper that he’s dissolute, devilish, and determinedly unwed. So why, everyone is asking, has he hired a governess?

When Miss Lily Russell crosses the threshold of the Duke of Rutherford’s stylish townhouse, she knows she has come face to face with sensual danger. For this is no doting papa. Rather, his behavior is scandalous, and his reputation rightly earned. And his pursuit of her is nearly irresistible—but resist she must for the sake of her pupil.

As for the duke himself, it was bad enough when his unknown child landed on his doorstep. Now Lily, with her unassuming beauty, has aroused his most wicked fantasies—and, shockingly, his desire to change his wanton ways. He’s determined to become worthy of her, and so he asks for her help in correcting his behavior.

But Lily has a secret, one that, if it becomes known, could change everything…

I got some great early reviews already:

“Frampton superbly balances passion with humor, avoiding cliché through rich characterization. The result is warm, kindhearted, and utterly delightful.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review)

“Frampton’s romance has charm to spare, and readers will find it impossible to resist her flawless characterization, fanciful plotting, and deliciously fizzy wit.” —Booklist

“Frampton’s enchanting tale of a lively governess and desolate duke is just what historical readers cherish-a humorous, touching, fast-paced and sensual love story. Frampton has what it takes to become a fan favorite.” —Romantic Times (4 Stars)

I love the notion that I have a “deliciously fizzy wit.”

And I’m off writing more in the Dukes Behaving Badly series, this time with a very proper duke, one who knows precisely how to behave–until he meets the heroine.

Hope everyone has a great short week ahead, with plenty of reading to go along with that turkey!


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Balogh-Only-EnchantingThis past week, I read Mary Balogh’s upcoming (10/28) release Only Enchanting. You know those books that make your heart squeeze tighter with each page? How you love the characters and are hoping they make it through? Yup. I got the worst book hangover from that one, I haven’t even wanted to read a romance since*.

Balogh has written some of my absolute favorite books ever, and she’s also written a few that I’ve DNFed. But even the ones I Didn’t Finish were written beautifully, I just didn’t connect with the characters or the plot in some way.

But Only Enchanting–it is just stunning, and it’s not like it’s got any kind of huge dramatic action. If the two characters didn’t end up Happily Ever After, it’s not as though the world would have shifted; they just both would have remained unfulfilled in their lives. Which would have been sad for them, of course, but not been a crisis.

Refreshingly, when there is a misunderstanding, the hero and heroine TALK to each other. And things aren’t always perfect after, but at least they’ve communicated.

So, beyond highly recommending this book–it got me to thinking about why writers write; we want to capture that heart-squeezing moment on the page and hopefully cause that reaction in our readers.

In me writing news, my editor accepted the revision for my February 2015 novella, When Good Earls Go Bad; this week, I’m revising Put Up Your Duke, which is due to my editor on Halloween (spooky!). And then, no deadlines for a while, good timing with the holidays approaching.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend reading and writing!


*I’m reading William Gibson’s Neuromancer, which is mind-blowingly awesome.

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The Duke's Guide to Correct Behavior by Megan FramptonTen days ago, I turned the manuscript in for Put Up Your Duke, the second book in the Dukes Behaving Badly series. My editor has already read it (!), and there are minimal edits (!!), so I will be turning edits in for that plus my novella, When Good Earls Go Bad, on November 1. If my head doesn’t explode.

I have a newsletter sign-up as well at my website, The sign-up thingy is just to the right on the home page, and I promise not to deluge my subscribers with too many newsletters, mostly because that would be work I don’t want to do.

Meanwhile, I’ve been working on another proposal, further adventures in the Dukes Behaving Badly series, and this duke is entirely staid and doesn’t behave badly at all until he meets the heroine. He’s a fun character to get to know. Here’s a smidge of it thus far:


So easy to say, Lasham thought. And lord knew he heard it enough. Did dukes ever hear the word ‘no?’

The answer to that, of course, would be “no.”

He stared out at the crowd on the dance floor, a milling whirl of men and women, the best people of his Society, all of who had likely said “yes” to him at some point or another. Or at least wanted to, if asked.

Lasham took too big a swallow of his wine, knowing his headache would only be exacerbated by the alcohol, but unwilling to forego the pleasure of being able to suspend his constantly analyzing brain for a few minutes of blessed numbness.

He knew he had nothing to complain about (“Is there anything about which you’d like to complain, Your Grace?” “No.”), but he wished he weren’t constantly on display, constantly reminded of his Dukeliness with every “yes.”

And I’ve been reading, too! Of course. Because I always read. I joined the Old School Romance Book Club started by Sarah MacLean, and am currently reading Julie Garwood’s The Bride, which is great fun (I also got to read Sarah’s upcoming release, Never Judge a Lady by Her Cover, which was incredible).

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!


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Clive-Owen-The-KnickI’ve been absent, lo these many weeks, while on deadline for the second book in my Dukes Behaving Badly series. And now I’ve got it (sort of) finished, and I also have a title–Put Up Your Duke.

Yes, the dukely hero also boxes, as dukes do (!). He is in a marriage of convenience, and because he and his new duchess have not yet, um, done things, he heads out to the boxing saloon each morning to punch away his frustration.

Eventually, his wife asks him for boxing lessons, and that is fun, too. And then she punches someone she dislikes immensely, and takes great satisfaction in that.

Other than that, I’ve been caught up in the delicious drama of Outlander, anticipating Sleepy Hollow’s return, LOVING The Knick (starring my fave, Clive Owen), and doing a lot of reading (yay for a long subway commute!).

How is everyone doing?

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This is my hero.

While I can’t claim to have thought of the idea first–Seinfeld was famous for being “a show about nothing,”–I can say that I am proudly writing a book about nothing.

It doesn’t work out so well, it seems, when I try to put too much plot in there. So I am writing a book about a gentleman who succeeds somewhat unexpectedly to a dukedom, and finds that the dukedom comes with a duchess–a woman whose parents have entered into agreements to wed her to the man affiliated with the title, no matter who the man is.

It’s a Marriage of Convenience story, and there’s no big villain, or big misunderstanding, or traumatic life or death issues at stake; merely the happiness of two people who are already relatively comfortable in life, at least in terms of their circumstances.

It’s hard to keep the focus purely on the relationship, but I’m a quarter of the way in, and so far, it seems to be okay. I like stories about nothing but the relationship, although I definitely envy authors who can add plot and not make it seem incredibly lame.

Plot will find its way in somehow, it usually does, but meanwhile, I have two characters who have to come to know one another, trust one another and, eventually, love one another.

What other ‘books about nothing’ have you loved?


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